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Rainsong (graphite) guitars

Pages: 1 5 replies

surfguitar posted on 11/19/2004

Just bought a WS1000 Rainsong yesterday (originally made in Maui, now in WA). Maybe not for the "purist" (as it isn't made of any wood) but a truly great sounding and playing guitar (expensive though). All weather, all climate, it was developed for playing outside in those Hawaiian rainshowers. Impervious to humidity and temperature changes, super-strong and light and just a really great travel guitar. Even has "shark" inlays and Mother of Pearl soundhole. Thought I'd pass the word...Now I just need to tell my wife somehow that I bought yet another guitar!


polynesian posh boy posted on 11/19/2004

Nice guit box dude! I adore the shark inlay and the alabone rosette is awesome. The graphite texturing on the body is neat too. Man, good luck with telling your wife about your pretty penny purchase. You jingle jangle like Jack Johnson on it? Edge needed that guitar at the opening of Clinton's library the other day.

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/21/2004

Now all you need are some graphite strings to handle the moisture.

ZebraTiki posted on 11/22/2004

With all the fog in SF, you absolutely need an 'all-weather' guitar! You can use that justification in an emergency situation.

surfguitar posted on 11/22/2004

After explaining to my wife the sonic differences between electric, classical and steel string and why I needed a steel-string to go with my other axes for different types of playing, she finally relented not for the many reasons I stated but because she thinks it's really "pretty". Maybe I should p/up a Gretsch Silver Falcon or a Gibson 335 as well (they're both really pretty too)and I could use a jazz box...(lol)

Urban Tiki posted on 11/22/2004

Yeah I've always had a hard time justifying the need for all the different guitars...and amps...and effects...and recording gear...and accompioning instruments...

Although I had an ex-wife who got into it too. Unfortunatley, she got my Steinberg with the graphite neck in the divorce. She also got the house, bit I really miss the Steinberg.

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