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cherry capri miss doo dah (update on page 8 * new photos *)

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floratina posted on 11/23/2004

You should have seen Queen Cherry accepting the accolades of her subjects. She would stand to shower them with leis and as she settled back down on her Futura throne she would fling her golden cape back fabulously like Liberace so as to preserve the fluffiness of its feathers. The crowd ate it up. The name Cherry Capri worked wonders When I needed to make arrangements with the Doo Dah people. It's good to be da Queen!

Humuhumu posted on 11/23/2004

That was such a neat thing to be a part of... and I found myself actually quite moved that I got to be there with some of my best friends in the world. What a cool experience!

Huge mahalos to everyone who came out and made it what it was, but especially to Cherry Capri, for having the guts & the talent to become the parade queen, to Floratina for getting us organized and motivated, to Tiki Hai for hauling my ass all up & down the parade route in his beautiful rickshaw (my 2nd favorite eBay purchase ever, after the animatronic rock band at Pixar), and to Tiki Gardener and his lovely wahine for hosting the afterparty at their apartment.

I'm already quite excited for next year... though I hope it'll be a little warmer!

My pictures:

The assembly of Floratina's fabulous Tiki Bob costume:

The Mai Tai Cycles without riders:

The Mai Tai Cycles with riders:

An unfortunate parrot on the back of a Mai Tai Cycle:

Drawn by the beckoning aloha of a tiki on the Parrotheads' float, Queen Cherry attempts to make peace, but simply cannot forgive the shoddy quality of the tiki:

Now, here's a proper tiki! Courtesy of Dave (Wersmo Derinc) & Rebecca of the Purple Orchid:

This rickshaw was a blast (thanks again, Tiki Hai!):

My view of the parade:

Now, some afterpary pics:

Queen Cherry arrives at the afterparty:

An exhausted Queen Cherry can finally relax:

And now that she's among "her people," she can relax properly:

Detail from the Queen's crown (which was truly lovely, and worth a close look):

Tiki Hai scrutinizes the Cat Box Brownies (which were delicious! My compliments to the cat!):

Cherry shows her friend Count Smokula the Cat Box Brownies:

Sven & TikiGardener share a tender moment over some Tiki Gardens slides:

Critiki - Ooga-Mooga - Humu Kon Tiki

[ Edited by: Humuhumu 2005-09-23 15:49 ]

TikiGardener posted on 11/23/2004


Now everyone can see why we call the chair Cherry was sitting in "the comfy chair"!

Great to see the pre parade set up. I was juicing limes and trying to get something in my stomach aside from booze!


cynfulcynner posted on 11/23/2004

Some of my pix.....

the bikes

dead parrot close-up

Humu and Steve

Cherry and the Accordion Guy Whose Name I Can't Remember at TikiGardener's after-party. You've gotta love a guy who can play "Oops I Did It Again" on the accordion. :D

I can't wait to do this again next year!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/23/2004

I was watching the news last night, late
(not sure what channel) and they showed an open shot of you all. According to them, you's are "Parrot Heads!"

TikiGardener posted on 11/23/2004

now ben, look at those people.
them tikicentralites have way to
much class to be lumped in with
them mangey parrot heads.

'ceptin maybe you and me.

Cherry Capri posted on 11/24/2004

Thank you for that thank you list floratina -My gratitude goes out to everyone who marched alongside her royal highness and cheered from the sidelines!

And thank you to you my friend Floratina for being the Queens Royal-ist Lady in Waiting!

I have to admit, that my favorite moment of the day was after Count Smokula arrived at Tiki Gardeners and played a song to which King Kukulele and I got to dance to...

Tiki Gardener mixes a very tastey Mai Tai - and after 1-2 of them, I really was her royal HIGHness!

good times... good friends... thank you all...

All of my pics are here: http://www.cherrycapri.com/photos_doodah.shtml (borrowed a few from h.h. and krustiki to tell the whole story...)

By the way, did anyone get a full length shot of Floratina's TikiBob mug?

[ Edited by: Cherry Capri on 2004-11-24 15:18 ]

mrsmiley posted on 11/24/2004

Great picture of Cynner in her Trader Vics Mai-Tai glass costume!!

TikiGardener posted on 11/25/2004

Hey Cherry, I took some of the photos and ran them through photoshop, and brightened them up considerably.

If you want them, email me.

Also I took in the left over Cat Box Brownies to my works Thanksgiving Potluck.
I went in very indignant asking;"Who left this over by my car?!?". And everyone was very perplexed and a little grossed out. And them I picked a brownie out and took a bite out saying;"Well, its not stale, so it must have been put there recently!"

Jaws dropped...

My friend Mitch figured it out the quickest but there were lots of "eeeeeeewwww"s. It was amazing how many people were hesitant to eat them even after Itold them what they were! The imagery is just to strong for some people.

Oh, someone left to Moai Style sports drink type bottles with crazy straws at our place. If ya want em back, email or pm me.

I'll be getting the film of the parade developed soon, and I will post the aerial views of the Queens Procession.


cynfulcynner posted on 11/28/2004

On 2004-11-24 19:09, TikiGardener wrote:
Also I took in the left over Cat Box Brownies to my works Thanksgiving Potluck.
I went in very indignant asking;"Who left this over by my car?!?". And everyone was very perplexed and a little grossed out. And them I picked a brownie out and took a bite out saying;"Well, its not stale, so it must have been put there recently!"

Jaws dropped...

You can Google "kitty litter cake" for recipes. 8)

mrs. pineapple posted on 12/12/2004

ok, this thread took me 15 minutes to read, I couldn't load half the pictures, but I was crying at the catbox brownie story. BRILLIANT!

that parade sounds amazing, I wish TikiBot would stop hogging the DSL so i could view the pix...

we may have to come down next year!
the pineapples

TikiGardener posted on 01/22/2005

Ok, after an aborted root canal visit ( I need a specialist to do the job apparently )

I finally had the time to scan the aerial photos of the doo dah parade.

So without further ado, heres the shots from the BlimpTiki.

Something Tiki This Way Comes

Driving It Like A Boat!

A Regal Regatta

Vrooooom! VROOOOOM!

A Fond Aloha

So theres the pigeons eye view we had. Sorry the scans are poorish, it was a disposable camera, and I didn't want the loading to take TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long.


TikiGardener posted on 01/22/2005


My wife told me about a little free advertising TC is getting courtesy of Pasadena.

Right by her train stop here in Old Towne, theres a series of windows across from the senior center. She spied a little interesting display.

When you get closer, you see this...

Which reveals...


And this is how the rest of the world sees us... Andits free advertising for Tiki Central...

Frikkin hilarious!

Congrats again to everybody who made it happen!


Oh. I still have those Tiki Central dot Com signs in my apartment. Maybe I'll sell them on the EEEEEbay. LOL

[ Edited by: tikiGardener on 2005-01-21 17:44 ]

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