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posting drunk

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bigkahuna627 posted on 11/21/2004

hi i am new.

last night after returning from the bar i almost logged on and started posting. there is another message board that i am on, and it is fun to post on there after a night of drinking. then you get to wake up in the morning and see what you and the other drunks posted last night.

i was wondering, is frowned upon here?

docwoods posted on 11/21/2004

If it is,there are plenty of people who are guilty of it,myself included! It can be very entertaining to read drunken ramblings,sometimes resulting in the fur flying.Jump on in,and welcome!

Hula Hitch posted on 11/21/2004

I haven't done that yet...:roll:

Cheers! :drink:
Almost time to start it up for a day of football!

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/22/2004

I just touched on this subject in my reply to Tiki_Bong's post "A question of edit" in the Beyond Tiki forum. I've certainly been guilty of this and I try to do damage control by either carefully "proof reading" my posts / replies (HA) before submitting or going back later to "edit" out the stupid stuff. I remember a while back someone saying "I think I need to install a breathilizer on my computer to keep me from logging on when I'm too drunk". Let's hope it never comes down to that. Most of us would have to go back to smoke signals & carrier pigeons to send messages!

Satan's Sin posted on 11/22/2004

I think the question is ... is it correct to post when one's sober?

laney posted on 11/22/2004

Ever since I read this article in The Onion, "Man With Complete Mama's Family Video Library Never Going On eBay Drunk Again" I try to avoid going on-line drunk.

I do get a kick out of reading some drunk rants. We've had fun with "Chum" and "Zazz" but can I suggest "Bile" for drunk posts only. Could be fun but also could get nasty?

"Bile" as you know is stomach juices. But for us (my son and I) it has special meaning. My Mom (a former English and Art teacher) hates it when my son say's "...that really pisses me off" so she handed him a thesaurus to look for an alternative. We chose "...that really raises my bile" Which we actually find more disturbing than "pissed off"
Most drunk posts are from people who wish to vent about their jobs, lives, etc. so I think this would be perfect...Hanford????

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/22/2004

how about "bilge," it contains "bile" plus all sorts of swell nautical implications...

MachTiki posted on 11/22/2004

I drink... think. It's perrferrkety fyne to pssost affer a feew mai ties.

dogbytes posted on 11/22/2004

some of my favorite posts are from Pablus ~ posted whilst drinking..

i'd encourage you to beat the mai tai record..

cheers! :drink:

[edited by hanford to fix the url]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2004-11-22 16:04 ]

docwoods posted on 11/22/2004

Laney,there's a cautionary tale if I've ever heard one-Mama's Family,indeed!

tiki mick 1 posted on 11/22/2004

Check out all the posts from either Tiki Bong or Lucas Vigor...a couple of real, proffesional drunkies!!

bigkahuna627 posted on 11/22/2004

turning on the bilge pump = throwing up?

AlmostHuman posted on 11/23/2004

Howzabout seeing what happens when your perceptions are a lil bit altered due to the intervention of Mother Nature?

bigkahuna627 posted on 11/23/2004

no more for me. started to make me paranoid.

pablus posted on 11/23/2004

I'd like to take credit for that fantastic "Here we go a mai-tai-ing" thread from cybertiki... but I was sober that night.

That's a pretty cool diary of the stress we were swallowing during this vicious hurricane season, as well.

Swallowed stress is best chased with rum.

ikitnrev posted on 11/23/2004

I have no problem with people making posts while drunk - except when they decide to slam or deride some other member of the list.

Being drunk can provide a license to lose ones inhibitions, and to be a bit more carefree and joyous about life - but if it turns you into an angry ranter, then it is perhaps better to wait until you are sober.


bananabobs posted on 11/23/2004

On 2004-11-22 10:54, laney wrote:
hates it when my son say's "...that really pisses me off"

For the Brits, "pissed" means drunk so...

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/23/2004

better to be pissed off than to be pissed on :)

better to be a smart feller than a fart smeller...

MachTiki posted on 11/23/2004

On 2004-11-23 14:05, Johnny Dollar wrote:
better to be pissed off than to be pissed on :)

better to be a smart feller than a fart smeller...

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

cybertiki posted on 11/23/2004

On 2004-11-23 05:07, pablus wrote:

Swallowed stress is best chased with rum.

... or better yet, soaked in it!


suicide_sam posted on 11/24/2004

Drunken posts on Tiki Central, I can't think of anyone that has ever done that.

Well maybe one or two people.

Okay, I do it all the time, but I'm getting better about staying off line when drunk. I find that often I don't even remember what I might have been bitchin about while drunk until I check in the next day and I started some long thread.

Mai Tai posted on 11/24/2004

How about calling the specific forum for posting drunk "The Bilge Room"? Perhaps there could be a more relaxed attitude about the nature of posts that go on in that forum (as in a poster not getting in trouble for what they post in there - someone like Tiki_Bong - unless it's way way over the top) because, well, they're drunk.

Turbogod posted on 11/25/2004

On 2004-11-23 19:00, suicide_sam wrote:
Drunken posts on Tiki Central, I can't think of anyone that has ever done that.

I'm doing it right now!
BTW as an aside to laneys post. I will no longer shop on QVC high. Once was enough.

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar
It just may be that the only purpose to your life is to serve as a warning to others.

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2004-11-25 00:27 ]

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