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The Blue Shadows (1960s) download

Pages: 1 9 replies

bellybongo posted on 11/26/2004

Electric guitar moody easy/surf/exotica from Japan, at:


Haole Kat posted on 11/26/2004

Thanks a bunch for sharing that BB...I LOOOVE that steel guitar sound!


bellybongo posted on 11/26/2004

Wholly Cats!
I love the photo of your group on your website, I wish you could play near me, I would love to hear you

Glad you liked Blue Shadows


Chongolio posted on 11/27/2004

Bellybongo, thanks for the heads up on the Blue Shadow mp3s.


Kalikiana posted on 11/28/2004

Thanks again for another excellent download, Bellybongo! I surely look forward to these! Love the Blue Shadows! Many cheers, K

KuKuAhu posted on 11/28/2004

Thanks Bongo! Man, great stuff!


[ Edited by: Ku Ku Ahu on 2004-11-28 15:02 ]

tikibars posted on 11/29/2004

I downloaded a different version of this record a little while back.

All of the four songs from side 1 of BellyBongo's version are also on the 'old' version, but in differet order.

But, NONE of the sings on side 2 of BellyBongo's version are on the 'old' version. However, the 'old' version has 6 tunes that BellyBongo's doesn't have at all.

The 'old' version:

01 Tabu.mp3
02 OnATropicalNight.mp3
03 Amapola.mp3
04 WhenItsLampLightinTimeIn.mp3
05 RhumbaTumba.mp3
06 LaCumparsita.mp3
07 LovesGone.mp3
08 StLouisBlues.mp3
09 InTheShadeAppleTree
10 RedSailsInTheSunset.mp3

Something to sort out... any one know the answer to the mystery behind this?

Another note, my MP3 player will not play ANYTHING downloaded from BellyBongos site, but it will plasy EVERYTHING downloaded from ANY other site on the net. I tried changing they file type and creator of the files in a resource editor application, but that did not help. Belly, how are you encoding these? iTunes and QuickTime play them fine, by the way. Very strange!

bellybongo posted on 11/30/2004

I have no idea why you cannot play my MP3's... Noone has complained earlier about the encoding, I'll check with some pro, and see if I can do it differently.

BTW thanks all for your kind feedback! I appreciate it!!

Rum Balls posted on 11/30/2004

Plays fine on my Windows Media Player (version 9)

TikiGardener posted on 06/10/2015

Does ANYBODY have this download?!? I managed to snag it ages ago, but a stolen ipod and a crashed hard drive removed it from my audio collection years ago...

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