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Playstation 3?

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Atomicchick posted on 11/30/2004

Has anybody heard that they will be coming out with a Playstation 3? Is this just a rumor? Anybody have any inside knowledge on this?

Tiki-bot posted on 12/01/2004

Best guess seems to be fall of 2006, though some optimists think xmas 2005, though that's highly unlikely.

Developers, like the one where I work, are keen to find out the PS3's specs so we can start to tailor our dev pipeline to it. Sony is being mum about this info so as not to give away any info that a competitor could capitalize on. It always happens this way. One releases their specs, the others shoot back with better specs in hopes of steering future customers their way. Add to that the fact that the PS2 is still going gangbusters - so much so that Sony just released a new version of the box.

I don't know of any company that is currently working on a PS3 game, though some specs are out on the Xbox2 and some developers are gearing up for it. It takes about 18 months to make a game (or longer for new platform games), and Sony needs games in the pipeline for the platform's launch, so this leads me to think it will be mid to late 2006 at the earliest. But don't hold me to it.

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