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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Pele's Revenge ... maybe?

Pages: 1 4 replies

cybertiki posted on 12/01/2004

"Lava lamp left on hot stovetop explodes, killing man"


OK kiddies ... don't try this one at home. It definately falls into the "Unusual ways of shuffling off the mortal coil" column, but I'm still undecided as to whether or not it meets the criteria for "Natural Selection at Work".

About a 2 for good thinking but a 10 for originality. I'll bet it looked REALLY cool just before it exploded, huh?


Monkeyman posted on 12/01/2004

But Ma, the tinee lawt bulb taeks soh long to heat them thar wax. Im gonna just help it along with some extree heet.

What a sad way to die. And in such an unexpected way.

christiki295 posted on 12/01/2004

Many are called, but not all are chosen?

martiki posted on 12/01/2004
freddiefreelance posted on 12/01/2004

I was expecting this to be about "volcanic" diarrhea from drinking the water downstream from the wild pigs...

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