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Domainers at Tiki Central?

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Hula Hitch posted on 11/13/2004

Are there any Domain Owner/Sellers here at Tiki Central? This forum is alot more fun than the Domain Name Forums! :drink:

Visit http://www.HulaHitch.com, click on "TIKI CENTRAL MEMBERS" and enter the password "Mach Tiki" (without the quotes) for special Tiki Central Members Pricing.

Spread 'Da Aloha!

[ Edited by: Hula Hitch on 2004-11-13 11:12 ]

Hula Hitch posted on 11/15/2004


I've been collecting Domain Names, here are a few to get this party started:

Anybody got others? Any domain name ideas?

Gigantalope posted on 11/15/2004

I once had a dream of sending my rubber shark around the world. I cleverly bought RubberShark.com to begin building my empire, and world domination.

The next day I forgot about it until now.

So endeth my soliloquy

Hula Hitch posted on 11/15/2004

Sorry to hear that Gigantalope. Still own it?

By the way, RubberShark.net, RubberShark.org, and RubberShark.info are also taken. :tiki:

Visit http://www.HulaHitch.com - An Island State of Mind For Vehicles, click on "TIKI CENTRAL MEMBERS" and enter the password "MachTiki" (without the quotes) for special Tiki Central Members Pricing.

Spread 'Da Aloha!

[ Edited by: Hula Hitch on 2004-11-15 06:18 ]

tikibars posted on 11/17/2004

I've got a handful of them, mostly related to my various projects... LeftOrbitTemple, TikiRoadTrip, and BigStoneHead... most of 'em just point back to my main site at tydirium.net.

Futura Girl posted on 11/17/2004

i have 40+ domains, too... but most all are related to my various projects.

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Johnny Dollar posted on 11/17/2004

does that make you a domainatrix? :)

Hula Hitch posted on 11/17/2004

On 2004-11-17 08:36, Futura Girl wrote:
i have 40+ domains, too... but most all are related to my various projects.

Not Sharing any with us?

Hula Hitch posted on 11/17/2004

On 2004-11-17 08:49, Johnny Dollar wrote:
does that make you a domainatrix? :)


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finkdaddy posted on 11/18/2004

How does one go about securing a domain name?

Hula Hitch posted on 11/18/2004

On 2004-11-18 08:20, finkdaddy wrote:
How does one go about securing a domain name?

You can go to one of hundreds of registrars (competition of enormous these days), and type it into the check availability window and see if it's available. There are a number of different TLD's (the dot extension) now so .COM, .NET, .INFO, .ORG, even a .NAME can be picked!

I would recommend http://www.Registerfly.com or http://www.enom.com as the cost is reasonable and the extras are great. If you need help I'd be happy to assist a fellow Tiki Freak. Just PM or email me - Lance@TropicalDetails.com

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d087b8cfe78a0f05ac5543907daf1cca?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
spy-tiki posted on 11/18/2004


Everything you could want to know about 60's spy music if you actually wanted to know anything at all.

tikibars posted on 11/18/2004

I recommend using

Humuhumu hooked me up with them, and they've been good so far.

As stated above, you just yupe the domain you want into a search box, and if it is available you can get it for one year, two years, five years, etc. You just give 'em your credit card and off you go.

Doteasy also gives you 1 gigabyte of bandwidth and 20 megs (I think) of disk space, so you can have them host your site. This site hosting is free, but they have upgrade options that cost bucks (reasonably priced, if these are services you need).

Hula Hitch posted on 11/20/2004


Just picked up TIKISURF.com from drop/expire! Don't know what to do with it yet, but what a cool domain...

I gotta go get a :drink: for that one!!!!!

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Tangaroa posted on 11/20/2004

Hey Hula Hitch -
there is a domian I've had my eye on - that is set to expire next year. How does one go about being "first in line" to grab it when it becomes available?

Hula Hitch posted on 11/20/2004

There are a number of drop services out there Snapnames, Namewinner, Pool, Enom Club Drop, etc...

Do you know the status?
Active, Registrar Hold, Etc...
Date of expriation?

If you'd like to PM the name I can give you some direction if needed. Or you can check the status at http://www.whois-search.com to get the info.

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Tangaroa posted on 11/22/2004

Well - it has a registrar lock - so that makes me less than hopeful. It was updated on 10/24/04 - but the site is currently without content. It's set to expire 1/25/05.

What would I need to do to try & get it when it becomes available? Or does the fact that the info was updated in October make my chances less than likely?

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1bb8357216aa6a07990c2024587ce985?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tikiwahine posted on 11/23/2004

People that 'collect' multiple domain names drive me crazy! Only for one specific reason though.

My Mum's Business(Satin Moon Quilt Shop - been around since 1978) had http://www.satinmoon.com. The company she had the name registered with failed to let her know when it was due to expire(not really a good excuse) so it was snapped up. Some guy has had it for the past 5 years, and won't even return e-mails to sell it! He hasn't done anything with it, so now we have http://www.satin-moon.com. I wish this guy would give it up!

Hula Hitch posted on 11/23/2004

On 2004-11-22 14:59, Tangaroa wrote:
Well - it has a registrar lock - so that makes me less than hopeful. It was updated on 10/24/04 - but the site is currently without content. It's set to expire 1/25/05.

What would I need to do to try & get it when it becomes available? Or does the fact that the info was updated in October make my chances less than likely?

Without knowing the name, I can't get too much info for you. The Registrar Lock only means that the owner has a lock so that it can't be hijacked. Next, the update date isn't all that relavant. It's the EXPIRE date you need to look at; thus the 1-25-05 date is the important one. It's a little tricky, but this diagram should help. Check into signing up with a drop service like Snapnames, or Pool, or Enom Club Drop...
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=2678&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers.sparedollar.com%2Fwestblock%2Fdropprocess.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=87868aec2e23bb43a1669f97d9b1e1dc

Hula Hitch posted on 11/23/2004

On 2004-11-22 16:07, Tikiwahine wrote:
People that 'collect' multiple domain names drive me crazy! Only for one specific reason though.

My Mum's Business(Satin Moon Quilt Shop - been around since 1978) had http://www.satinmoon.com. The company she had the name registered with failed to let her know when it was due to expire(not really a good excuse) so it was snapped up. Some guy has had it for the past 5 years, and won't even return e-mails to sell it! He hasn't done anything with it, so now we have http://www.satin-moon.com. I wish this guy would give it up!

Good old James Boyce from Everett, WA...
I would be happy to try for you if you want, or you might look into Network Solutions Certified Offer. Sometimes people don't return email etc because they think it's a scam or something.

Most domaniers that pick up names do so for two reasons:

  1. Re-sale value.
  2. Parking; pay per click revenue based on expired traffic.

In the case of SatinMoon.com, it's neither :-? I wouldn't think the name has much re-sale value other than to your mom. The name isn't parked, so no PPC traffic or revenue. ?????????????

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1bb8357216aa6a07990c2024587ce985?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tikiwahine posted on 11/23/2004

On 2004-11-22 17:30, Hula Hitch wrote:

Most domaniers that pick up names do so for two reasons:

  1. Re-sale value.
  2. Parking; pay per click revenue based on expired traffic.

In the case of SatinMoon.com, it's neither :-? I wouldn't think the name has much re-sale value other than to your mom. The name isn't parked, so no PPC traffic or revenue. ?????????????

EXACTLY! I appreciate your offer for help, this guy is quite odd! My Dad checks it every so often, so maybe one day we'll have it again.

Thank you all for not taking my post in the wrong way. Nothing against anyone who has several domains.(except for this one fellow - James Boyce)

Hula Hitch posted on 11/23/2004

On 2004-11-22 17:49, Tikiwahine wrote:
Thank you all for not taking my post in the wrong way. Nothing against anyone who has several domains.(except for this one fellow - James Boyce)

No worries on my end. I do own alot of names, some for personal, some for business opportunities. I'm in the same situation that you are, I NEED a name and the owner in Puerto Rico won't return emails or phone calls. He doesn't have a website up nor is he parking it. Just holding onto it for no reason (that I know of).:x

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Travellin' Tiki posted on 11/23/2004

Poor us! I've been trying to figure out how to get my little paws on ArtDeck.com (rather than THEartdeck.com which I have now) for some time. Owned by a Korean company who (surprise surprise) doesn't return emails and hasn't done anything with the name. Bah!

Hula Hitch posted on 11/30/2004

I PM'ed you a good deal of info on the domain you inquired about. Let me know if I can help with anything else...

Travellin' Tiki,
I'll see if I can did up anything else for you on ArtDeck.com

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Tangaroa posted on 11/30/2004

Thanks for the help!

Futura Girl posted on 11/30/2004

*On 2004-11-22 18:01, Hula Hitch wrote:*I NEED a name and the owner in Puerto Rico won't return emails or phone calls. He doesn't have a website up nor is he parking it. Just holding onto it for no reason (that I know of).:x

doesn't that piss you off?
look at what the loser at http://www.mondolounge.com did... it was just parked for a year after numerous emails of trying to buy it off of him - he finally returns one email and then never again - then he puts up that dumb page.

does anyone use godaddy anymore?

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tiki mick 1 posted on 11/30/2004

I happen to know that Tiki Bong's website is http://www.Keepmaster.com

Hula Hitch posted on 12/01/2004

Don't know what MondoLounge has to do with PolyOrb?????????????????

Throw a $$$ figure at him and see if he budges... or just sit tight for a month or so to see if he renews. It was originally registered for 2yrs, and Expires Feb 05, so he's getting renewal notices now from Register.com. If he does miss the renewal, Register.com sticks it to ya during the Redemption period to the tune of $300-$400 to get it back.

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stuff-o-rama posted on 12/01/2004

I went to a trade show in 1997, one of my new vendors was going nuts over my store name, thought it was the "best name ever" He asked if I was planning on going online as I had a catalog mail order service at the time. I told him I was in the process, he then asked if I'd secured the domain name yet (www.stufforama.com), I told him my friend was working on it but I didn't know. By the next day he had purchased my name and posted this web site:


He then told me that if I wanted the domain he would "negociate" with me. I registered under my literal spelling of the store, http://www.stuff-o-rama.com and told him "no thanks." I stopped ordering from the guy too 'cause the whole thing just creeped me out. I kept checking back to see what was going on with the site, he never did anything to it. One day I checked it and it came back "unknown" so I grabbed it! So now I have both names. I didn't bother with the .biz, .net, etc. domains...

Side note: The "Wayback Machine" is a cool internet time waster for those who haven't stumbled across it yet. It archives all of the web sites ever posted. You can check it out at http://www.archive.org

[ Edited by: stuff-o-rama on 2004-11-30 16:06 ]

Hula Hitch posted on 12/01/2004

On 2004-11-30 14:55, Futura Girl wrote:
does anyone use godaddy anymore?

One of the biggest.

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Tiki-bot posted on 12/01/2004

[i]On 2004-11-30 14:55, Futura Girl wrote:

does anyone use godaddy anymore?

I do, and have been very happy with them. They really need to de-confuse-ify their homepage, though. Terrible layout design.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3dd60287e0f02cccb854e82e762ad66b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
McDougall posted on 12/01/2004

I use godaddy for my small almost unused site http://www.higitiki.com

tikibars posted on 12/01/2004

As a webmaster, I despise archive.org.

It has outdated versions of my pages with old information, pages that were updated with new pics or spelling corrections, or info corrections. It has pages that I have removed for various reasons. In short, they make avilable to the public a lot of stuff that I have chosen to change or remove from my own web site. Who has time to sift through their entire site just to ask them to clean out my own web pages, one by one?

T Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/152/625ae68103834.png?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=224e16a7daf2699d0864801cf343fd8b
Tangaroa posted on 12/02/2004

You can place a robots.txt file in your code that instructs them not to archive your old pages. See more info here:

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tikifreak posted on 12/02/2004

I also use godaddy.com for my website and domain:



[ Edited by: tikifreak on 2004-12-02 12:18 ]

Futura Girl posted on 12/02/2004

*On 2004-12-02 11:50, Tangaroa wrote:*You can place a robots.txt file in your code that instructs them not to archive your old pages. See more info here: http://www.archive.org/about/exclude.php

the only problem with that is once you tell 'em not to crawl, it removes ALL the pages from your website for now and forever. They will not selectively remove page(s).

I found this out the hard way - a couple of years ago they crawled a page on the modcom site that had been erroneously linked that included all sorts of private names and phone numbers . well, i had to get it off there asap - but they had to remove modcom from all future crawls, too... that's no good when you're trying to get as many links and hits as possible to build your webby kingdom.

T Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/152/625ae68103834.png?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=224e16a7daf2699d0864801cf343fd8b
Tangaroa posted on 12/03/2004

On 2004-12-02 15:03, Futura Girl wrote:

*On 2004-12-02 11:50, Tangaroa wrote:*You can place a robots.txt file in your code that instructs them not to archive your old pages. See more info here: http://www.archive.org/about/exclude.php

the only problem with that is once you tell 'em not to crawl, it removes ALL the pages from your website for now and forever. They will not selectively remove page(s).


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Trader Woody posted on 12/03/2004

On 2004-11-22 16:07, Tikiwahine wrote:
People that 'collect' multiple domain names drive me crazy!

Being a non-geek, I don't understand why anyone would want to do this. Are they hoping for some sort of big payout from a corporation who wants the name? Or is it someting that people collect like stamps?

Trader Woody

Hula Hitch posted on 12/03/2004

Being a non-geek, I don't understand why anyone would want to do this. Are they hoping for some sort of big payout from a corporation who wants the name? Or is it someting that people collect like stamps?
Trader Woody

Consider it Electronic Real Estate. It can be an investment; IE the right buyer for the right name, or an income generator by advertisers via Pay-Per-Click.

Trademark issues rule out the company name/product name type thing, but imagine if you had the foresight to register CARS.com or AA.com or BUY.com? SEARCHING.com just sold last month for $27,000.00, ME.com for $460,000 and the high sale of the year is CREDITCARDS.com for $2.75 Million!

Not bad Real Estate transcations I'd say...

Hula Hitch posted on 12/03/2004

This just in:
The largest domain transaction of all time was announced Nov. 23, 2004. Seattle based Marchex, Inc. said they have reached an agreement to buy a portfolio containing tens of thousands of domains from Name Development Inc. in a deal worth just over $164 million. Name Development appears to be a corporate entity holding domains owned by Yun Ye's Ultimate Search, a pioneering company in the pay per click (PPC) field. Marchex said the deal is expected to be finalized in the first quarter of 2005...

Pages: 1 39 replies