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Hi-Plains-Tiki posted on 12/01/2004

Hi. I am looking for someone with a Coco-Joes keychain that they are willing to part with, (provided the right compensation) The one I am after is just a face with red "jewel eyes" If anyone can help me out with this item I would .... well I'd be thankful.

Hi-Plains-Tiki posted on 12/02/2004

I found it!!!! Does anybody have good pics of Coco Joe's collections that they have?

KuKuAhu posted on 12/02/2004

On 2004-12-01 16:26, Hi-Plains-Tiki wrote:
I found it!!!!


Ku Ku

Doctor Z posted on 12/02/2004

If it's the one I'm thinking of, I have one with red, one with blue, and one with purple eyes (I use mine as pendants rather than keychains). The come up on eBay every so often - keep a lookout, and I'm sure you'll get one!

Hi-Plains-Tiki posted on 12/02/2004

I use mine as pendants too. I bought three of them in the Airport coming back from Australia in '88 and gave one to my brother and sister. The three of us have worn them in one way or another everyday since. My brother got his tattooed on his 18 birthday, My sister got hers as a gift from her big brothers for Christmas, and I got KU in a sun on my calf about 5" tall on my honeymoon. The htree of us have always thought of them as a "family bond kind of thing, Jeff's thong broke a couple of weeks ago while playing in the ocean on holidays. He has been looking for one all over the place. I think I have found one that I will give him for Christmas. fingers crossed.

Hakalugi posted on 12/02/2004

On 2004-12-02 08:29, Hi-Plains-Tiki wrote:
... Jeff's thong broke a couple of weeks ago while playing in the ocean on holidays. He has been looking for one all over the place. I think I have found one that I will give him for Christmas. fingers crossed.

Uhh, that was a typo, right? You meant to type "Coco Joe Tiki Pendent" but you typed "thong" instead. right? RIGHT???

Hi-Plains-Tiki posted on 12/02/2004

I am sure that it won't help your mental picture if I tell you it was a leather thong? LOL

Yes the "rope" around his neck broke.

Doctor Z posted on 12/10/2004

Just in case you're looking for another one, here's an auction for the red-eyed face, plus a great little blue/green-eyed Tangaroa.

Unfortunately the Tangaroa has been 'altered', but at least I can safely wear mine in my classroom without unneccesary comments from my 5th graders...

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