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turned off by Flash

Pages: 1 5 replies

hanford_lemoore posted on 11/02/2002

Okay, let me get on my little soapbox here:

So, 2 weeks ago, after getting beaten over the head with a bunch of annoying Flash ads on Yahoo, I finally have had enough.

The days of "Whoa, check out this cool Flash site!" are long gone, and it occured to me that probably 90% of my interaction with Flash was for ads, with those "cover-the-web-page, play-some-annoying-sound, and-force-you-to scan-all-over-to-find-the-little-close-button" really, really getting to me. I decided that removing Flash to get rid of those was worth it.

So I removed the Flash player from my PC. I did it by using this link here from Macromedia's own site:


So far it's been great. Using My Yahoo and Yahoo Mail is MUCH better. I don't get any of those annoying video/audio/cover-the-web-page ads, and I've only found a few sites so far that didn't have a non-flash alternative, and those sites I would not classify as "must-read" sites. The biggest problem so far has been when I come across a site that needs it, a window pops up asking trying to install Flash, and I need to click on "No". But this doesn't happen often on the sites I frequent.

I know, I know, I need to remove the Flash animation from Tikiroom.com's front page. I'm working on that.


PolynesianPop posted on 11/02/2002

Hanford I TOTALLY agree with you. Flash animation is SO annoying. Whenever I go to a webpage that requires Flash, it takes FOREVER to load the page. As a matter of fact, whenever I come across a page that requires a Flash plugin I simply close the browser window and don't even look at it.

Swanky posted on 11/04/2002

I suggest Panic Ware's Pop-Up stopper. It may not clobber all those annoying ads, but it will kill the freakin' pop-up windows. It's free and it works.

Tiki-bot posted on 11/04/2002

I second the recommendation for Pop Up Stopper. I've been using it for months and it's great. Now, why can't there be a menu bar button that simply turns Flash on and off like PUS does with ads?


[ Edited by: Tiki-bot on 2002-11-04 11:54 ]

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 11/06/2002

I third the Pop Up Stopper! I love mine.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 11/07/2002

Swanky wrote:
I suggest Panic Ware's Pop-Up stopper...It's free and it works.

Tiki-bot wrote:
I second the recommendation for Pop Up Stopper...I've been using it for months and it's great...

KokomoTikiBar&Grill wrote:
I third the Pop Up Stopper! I love mine.

Now, for those of you going...HUH??


Go to Pop-Up Stopper FREE Edition


Pages: 1 5 replies