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When they make THAT movie

Pages: 1 24 replies

Gigantalope posted on 12/03/2004

Who do you want to play YOU?
(You on a bender that is)

TikiGardener posted on 12/03/2004

Peter O'Toole.

cybertiki posted on 12/03/2004

Ron Jeremy, or maybe Yanni.


cybertiki posted on 12/03/2004

On 2004-12-02 20:30, TikiGardener wrote:
Peter O'Toole.

huh huh huh ... he said 'tool'.

Feelin Zombified posted on 12/03/2004

Steve McQueen! but since he's dead and looks nothing like me, it would sadly have to be Keanu Reeves. Not by my choice, mind you.


Slacks Ferret posted on 12/03/2004

Phillip Seymour Hoffman [sp?]...for my money, nobody plays "Creep" better!

docwoods posted on 12/03/2004

No contest-Angelina Jolie

Johnny Dollar posted on 12/03/2004

alton brown

or maybe bob odenkirk if alton's busy

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-12-03 10:01 ]

Gigantalope posted on 12/03/2004

I want the smug-ness of Alan Rickman and the Mean temper of Berle Ives as Big Daddy.

I don't think I'm like either, but I wish I were.

I know my entire story would be ruined (like Road to Wellville) by the casting of David Spade or some such non-gigantalope-like figure...Thus I will remain off the big screen.

virani posted on 12/03/2004

Spongebob. He looks just like me.

Geeky Tiki posted on 12/04/2004

Paul Reubens

BarkerBird posted on 12/04/2004

Jim Carrey.

Hakalugi posted on 12/04/2004

Marty Feldman!

Unga Bunga posted on 12/04/2004

On 2004-12-03 06:56, Johnny Dollar wrote:
alton brown

I hope he's not down there lookin for a drink!

Johnny Dollar posted on 12/04/2004

loookin goood unga bunga!

Satan's Sin posted on 12/04/2004

Crispin Glover ...

... because of his great inner beauty.

stuff-o-rama posted on 12/05/2004

Tura Satana!

mattfink posted on 12/06/2004

Johnny Depp....

Chongolio posted on 12/07/2004

Sean Penn


Matthew Lillard

I dont think Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp could handle the emotional depth of my goofiness.


Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 12/07/2004

Paul Giamatti...

[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2004-12-06 20:11 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 12/08/2004

paul giamatti...good call sabu!

well, i thought about bill murray (too old) & harvey keitel (but i'm just not that cool).

but, honestly, i think i'd prefer to be portrayed by one of the greatest performers of all time:

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2004-12-07 19:19 ]

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dogbytes posted on 12/08/2004

there arent enough asian actresses (well, outside o china~ that i'd recognize)
but i suppose there's enough similarity between me n Margaret Cho (we both swear like sailors!)
twins separated at birth?

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Johnny Dollar posted on 02/15/2005

On 2004-12-06 18:34, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
Paul Giamatti...
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[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2004-12-06 20:11 ]

saw sideways on sunday.. kept on thinkin'... "sabuuuu...." :)

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cheekytiki posted on 02/15/2005

John C. Mcginley, William H. Macy (strange they both use there initial) or Jay and Silent Bob

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CruzinTiki posted on 02/17/2005

I'd have to go with Maureen O'Hara.

We're both redheads, with all the personality traits that customarily follow.

Image Missing: https://hoover.archives.gov/exhibits/HollywoodCowboys/leading_ladies/MAUREEN%20O'HARA.jpg

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