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New Episode of "Atomic Cocktail Plays Dead People"

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vintagegirl posted on 12/07/2004

Yes, that's right folks. Atomic Cocktail will be in a new episode of "Wild West Tech" Tuesday December 7th at 8pm on the History Channel. The episode name is "Massacres". This time watch for his riveting perfomances in not just one, but TWO segments! One as a negotiating miner on strike. The other as the leader of a wagon train. Atomic is also accompanied by his trusty friend Jake the Movie Cowboy who plays the miner that gets killed. Will Atomic survive the massacre or will he get scalped? Tune in and find out!

[ Edited by: vintagegirl on 2004-12-07 17:47 ]

vintagegirl posted on 12/08/2004

Also found out that they are repeating the episode at Midnight ET/PT Tuesday night. Meanwhile, here's some preview pics from tonight's episode of Wild West Tech on the History Channel. (Atomic also designed the clothes they wore.):

Atomic as the wagon train leader. (Too bad they cut his footage on horseback.)

Atomic & trusty friend "Cowboy Jake" as striking miners.

[ Edited by: vintagegirl on 2004-12-07 19:27 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 12/08/2004

I saw him. Loved the hat.

Beatnikine posted on 12/08/2004

.... wow, I never learned about THAT in highschool. I guess that'll learn them striking miners a thing or two.

Looking good on the screen Atomic Cocktail! A mighty fine job.

Alnshely posted on 12/08/2004

Clearly, The Citizen Kane of striking miner re-enactments. Good work on the clothes, did miners wear Aloha print?

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Doctor Z posted on 12/08/2004

A damn good man with a damn good hat!

(And the way he protected those children from that bad man who burst into their tent - such a hero!)

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TikiGardener posted on 12/08/2004

hey! i want to be a cowboy!

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floratina posted on 12/08/2004

Dang, I missed it!

AC Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1a5734dcf1fc5b67d03cf0076b36d2c8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Atomic Cocktail posted on 12/09/2004

Nothing like getting paid to stand in the hot sun in a field with several years accumulation of horse manure.

If I wanted a regular job that would be tops on the list!

I'm glad someone saw the show. The TV I was viewing was on it's last legs. Everything was solarized, I could barely make out the picture. Hope they didn't keep the shot of me "squirting" behind the wagon!

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"Classic Clothing for a Modern World"

[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail on 2004-12-08 19:32 ]

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TikiGardener posted on 12/09/2004

I dunno, iffin ya find some people sayin we needs a tall lanky long hair goateed kind a guy who looks good in all black with a broad brim cowboy hat, drop me a line!

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Traderpup posted on 12/09/2004

Caught it on Tivo! cool!

AC Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1a5734dcf1fc5b67d03cf0076b36d2c8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Atomic Cocktail posted on 01/13/2008

I am on TV once again; Saturday January 2008 9:00pm PST on the Hallmark Channel's "Jane Doe, Eye of the Beholder." Look for me in the 1940's flashback scenes. I'm the guy in the black coat riding the bike.

According to the HMC website it airs again Thursday January 17th, 2008 at 9:00pm. Check you local listings.

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[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail 2008-01-12 20:13 ]

Beatnikini posted on 01/18/2008

On 2008-01-12 19:24, Atomic Cocktail wrote:
I am on TV once again..... Thursday January 17th, 2008 at 9:00pm. Check you local listings.

Hey That's tonight!!! I'll suffer through a Hallmark channel movie to see the Atomic Cocktail do what he does best ... (plus I'm keeping my eyes open for that smoking baby)

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Atomic Cocktail posted on 12/01/2008

Yet another installment...

This time watch me in the reality series "Terminator, The Sarah Connor Chronicles" this Monday December 1st, 2008 at 8pm on the Fox Network (check your local listing).

See me battle a T-888 Terminator in the 1920's flashback scenes. In the Speakeasy scene I'm the "Sugar Daddy" in the dark suit, black homburg and MUSTACHE! In the Movie Premier scene you will probably see my back in the grey tweed jacket and cap.

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