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Tokyo Mugs

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TikiTrevor posted on 12/09/2004

Here is a pic of the mugs and a few other items I picked up from the Tiki-Tiki in Tokyo

Here is the menu

Here is a prop flyer

[ Edited by: TikiTrevor on 2004-12-09 13:53 ]

tikifish posted on 12/09/2004

ahh, so I see you swiped an ashtray too! : )

Hale Tiki posted on 12/10/2004

isn't that the skull mug that just went for like, $100 or so on ebay? i could be wrong.

TikiTrevor posted on 12/10/2004

Yes that is the same mug that went for almost 100 on ebay. These mugs are only available in Japan. Yes an ashtray did "accidentally" make it into one of my friends bags on the way out. They had another mug that was shaped like the Disney World mugs, but this one was black with gold trim. The manager told me it was an old mug that they don't make anymore. He wouldn't sell me one :(

Tiki Matt posted on 12/10/2004

TikiTrevor - I have very bad news for you. If you take such items off the island, you bring with you an ancient curse! If you do not send me these immediately, so I can reverse the curse, something terrible might happen! Do not wait! Send these now!

TikiTrevor posted on 12/10/2004

I have heard of such curse. But I have heard that the all mighty eBay God can also rid you of this evil curse.

Atomicchick posted on 12/10/2004

Wow, what a score!

virani posted on 12/10/2004

the mugs on Ebay selling for thousands (skull and wahine tiki) were from our own tikifish...check out her thread on tiki marketplace.

tikifish posted on 12/10/2004

Thousands? I wish! Nope, I have yet to break the 4 digit mark on anything on Ebay... The skull mug was bought by a TC member too, if he wishes to make himself known... (the mug is on it's way, by the way!).

I have the full set of 5 plus an ashtray (hey, how did that get in there?) in my personal collection at home too. I was going to take pics, but they would look exactly like your pic, so it would be a little redundant now!

Did you hear anything about how long the mug promotion would last? I was under the impression that these mugs were a limited time thing - the first time I went they said they were not for sale (and they did not have all these new and exciting ones like the skull, loco girl, hibiscus, and coconut).

BaronV posted on 12/10/2004

When we went on our Tokyo Tiki Farewell Tour in early Novemeber, the Shinjuku Tiki Tiki had flyers at every table pointing out the mugs were for sale.

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