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The War on Poverty - Reminiscing

Pages: 1 17 replies

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/11/2004

(so, did we win that one?)

KuKuAhu posted on 12/11/2004

On 2004-12-10 18:04, Tiki_Bong wrote:
(so, did we win that one?)

I dunno.

Hey, you got any spare change?


Tiki-bot posted on 12/11/2004

I looked all over my globe and couldn't find "Poverty". It it one of those countries that has since changed its name?

TikiGardener posted on 12/11/2004

Odd, I've found poverty is easier to find than Anthrax in Babylon.

TikiGardener posted on 12/11/2004

Unless the Anthrax in question happens to be blaring over the p.a. system of an M1A1.

Now that I've edited this post, this thread is deader than Lawrence of Arabia.

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2004-12-10 19:58 ]

McDougall posted on 12/11/2004

There was a war on poverty? If it was anything like the war on drugs we'd all be...dang you bong!

cybertiki posted on 12/11/2004

On 2004-12-10 18:04, Tiki_Bong wrote:
(so, did we win that one?)

I think the basic concept was that if we ignored it long enough we'd win by natural attrition; unfortunately we failed to take into consideration a virtually unlimited number of new recruits on the other side.

Christmas ... a time when need is keenly felt. Thanks for the timely reminder Bong (sincerely). We're truly among the fortunate.

Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men.
Seasons Greetings from Cybertiki and The Lovely Joelle

Al_Malaikah posted on 12/11/2004
FreakBear posted on 12/11/2004

On 2004-12-10 18:04, Tiki_Bong wrote:
(so, did we win that one?)

Depending on what side you were on, perhaps? ;(...
I know a guy who's still waiting on his check.

God, forgive me neither for what I know nor do but for not knowing what I did the night before!


[ Edited by: FreakBear on 2004-12-10 23:34 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 12/11/2004

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/11/2004

"Mission Accomplished"

-George W. Bush

"Drugs will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no drugs"

-the Fabulous Furry Freakbrothers

"No matter where you go, there you are"


Tiki_Bong posted on 12/11/2004

On 2004-12-11 01:45, Shipwreckjoey wrote:

"Drugs will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no drugs"

     -the Fabulous Furry Freakbrothers  


I loved the freak brothers. I was calling my local head shop weekly back in '74 or so to ask if the new issue was in yet...

(unless I forgot for some reason)

Gigantalope posted on 12/12/2004

Until the Frak Bros, it never occured to me that somthing illustrated and published could actually be funny.

Gilbert Sheldon, like Crumb, moved to France about 10 years back where they are celebrities.

McDougall posted on 12/12/2004


cynfulcynner posted on 12/12/2004

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/13/2004

[i]On 2004-12-11 15:36, Tiki_Bong wrote:[/

I loved the freak brothers. I was calling my local head shop weekly back in '74 or so to ask if the new issue was in yet...

(unless I forgot for some reason)

My favorite Freak Brothers comic was the one where they piled into Phineas' VW bus for a road trip to Mexico. When they showed up at the Tijuana border the Mexican cops looked them over and pointed to Franklin and Freddie and told them they were good to go, then they turned to Phineas with his black, curly hair and full beard and said "not you Fidel, you come with us." The next thing you see is Freewheelin' Franklin & Fat Freddie hangin' out suckin' down beers and eatin' tacos while poor Phineas is in La Mesa prison bustin' rocks and eating chicken foot soup.

tiki mick 1 posted on 12/13/2004

I too, love the freak brothers, and actually still own the mexico one!!

freddiefreelance posted on 12/13/2004

On 2004-12-12 19:57, Shipwreckjoey wrote:

[i]On 2004-12-11 15:36, Tiki_Bong wrote:[/

I loved the freak brothers. I was calling my local head shop weekly back in '74 or so to ask if the new issue was in yet...

(unless I forgot for some reason)

My favorite Freak Brothers comic was the one where they piled into Phineas' VW bus for a road trip to Mexico. When they showed up at the Tijuana border the Mexican cops looked them over and pointed to Franklin and Freddie and told them they were good to go, then they turned to Phineas with his black, curly hair and full beard and said "not you Fidel, you come with us." The next thing you see is Freewheelin' Franklin & Fat Freddie hangin' out suckin' down beers and eatin' tacos while poor Phineas is in La Mesa prison bustin' rocks and eating chicken foot soup.

I just re-read that one over Thanksgiving!

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