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more things I love...

Pages: 1 42 replies

emspace posted on 01/20/2003

...that all fit together somehow in my weird brain:

  • James Ellroy novels, particularly the "L.A. Quartet";
  • cool jazz, Afro-Cuban and bossa nova, in the car, in the living room, pretty much anywhere;
  • short-sleeved sport shirts, not necessarily aloha prints but plenty of those too;
  • Warner Brothers cartoons from the 40s to early 60s - got no use for the Roadrunner ones;
  • 50s-60s interior design, not just Tiki but Scandinavian and other sleek and/or groovy looks;
  • my favorite movie: Blade Runner. Nope, I don't know how it fits either...

Just free-associating,

Tiki_Bong posted on 01/20/2003

Other things I love:

  • the smell of peanut butter.
  • chrome after you shine it up real nice like.
  • opening other people's mail.
  • guessing which women at the gym had boob jobs.
  • guessing which men at the gym had boob jobs.
  • assuming highly successful people are unhappy.
  • watching my dog dream as he sleeps.
  • trying to figure out whats happening on the scrambled cable porno channels.
  • seeing if I can re-create whats happening on scrabled cable porno channels.
  • ripping one as I leave an elevator and others get in.
  • calling Baxdogs house at 2:17 am and hangin up.

Man, life is good!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 01/20/2003


I laughed so damn loud that it's lucky I work from home, or else I'd disturb all my fellow co-workers if I worked in the world of Corporate Cubiclists.

BTW-Those are the EXACT same things I love too Bong!

martiki posted on 01/21/2003

On 2003-01-20 14:04, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Other things I love:

  • assuming highly successful people are unhappy.

Amen to schadenfreude! (yeah, I know it's wrong)


Turbogod posted on 01/21/2003

Bong had me laughing! @ work even.

emspace posted on 01/21/2003

On 2003-01-20 14:04, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Other things I love:

  • ripping one as I leave an elevator and others get in.

ROFLMAO - again!


floratina posted on 01/21/2003

Bong, you are always clever and naughty and I thank you for that.

martiki posted on 01/21/2003

I'd also like to add the following to my list:

Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles, warm woollen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings, cream colored ponies, crisp apple strudels, doorbells, sleigh bells, schnitzel with noodles, wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings, girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snow flakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, silver white winters that melt into springs.

Well, that just about does it, really. And it really does piss me off when the dog bites and the bee stings.


dogbytes posted on 01/21/2003

oh yeah, i laughed too at TikiBong ~ and then immediately went to Members Pictures to make sure i know what he looks like ~

odd, his picture isnt posted. suspicious.

now i am scared. im riding escalators from now on.


tikifish posted on 01/22/2003

-Eichler Homes
-Canadian Kitsch (mounties and esky-moes)
-Boston Terriers (want one but lease does not allow)
-My charming & handsome american husband
-Road Trips
-Street Mattress Photography
-Animals wearing stupid outfits
-Cheese of any kind except Swiss
-Those Discovery Channel Shows with the prehistoric Mammals and Future Animals come to life
-Thrift Store Hunting

hanford_lemoore posted on 01/22/2003

Tikifish, there's a huge new book on Eichler I saw at the bookstore the other day. I have not had a chance to flip though it though, but judging it by it's cover I'd say it's great!. Check it out here.


thejab posted on 01/22/2003

Lucky me, I got that Eichler book for Christmas. It's the next best thing to having an Eichler home and much better than the previous Eichler book that came out a couple years back. Get it now!

hanford_lemoore posted on 01/22/2003

things that I love:

  • Themed resturants
  • 50s/60s futurisim
  • Old-school sci-fi
  • robots
  • little tiny containers and jars
  • Disney theme parks and other kinds of fake reality
  • computer programming
  • music: Swing,lounge,vegas,exotica,soundtrack jazz, old electronic, cool&strange
  • Communist industry/war propaganda posters
  • The Banana Splits, and lots of other TeeVee

And the list could just keep going and going....


divychic posted on 01/22/2003

-morning walks on the beach
-sand in my toes
-my man
-old reggae
-swimming with manatees
-thrift shopping
-vintage clothes
-making crafts

bamzeno posted on 01/22/2003

Hey Hanford, you'll appreciate this one...back in the 70s, I saw The Banana Splits perform live in the back of a Ford pickup in the parking lot of the Alpha Beta grocery store in Mountain View.

I love those wacky old shopping carts they had at Alpha Beta. You know, those tall, top-heavy carts which provided a greater fall for young daredevil passengers.

[ Edited by: bamzeno on 2003-01-21 22:03 ]

Mano Tiki Tia posted on 01/22/2003

-animals with hats
-animals with sunglasses
-friendly old people
-grocery shopping
-being goofy
-the smell right before it rains
-Frankie Sinatra
-conjoined twins
-little people
-people watching
-pina coladas
-getting caught in the rain
-making love at midnight
-burritos at 4am
-parties that never end
-and....TWINS!! (conjoined or other)
-popping balloons
-spinning around until you're dizzy
-talking to strangers
-breaking glass
-looking at old photos
-my children
-silly hair
-finding money on the street
-having my hair brushed
-black glass
-finding treasures from childhood
-italian delis
-flying kites
-tricking kids
-the sound of ripping paper
-days I feel like I could do anything
-my wife
-old barber shops
-the smell in a tobacco shop
-clearance shelves
-grape soda

if i think of anymore i'll continue

[ Edited by: Mano Tiki Tia on 2003-01-21 23:49 ]

fartsatune posted on 01/22/2003

Things I love:
Chili burgers
Men in speedos
My first coffee and smoke of the day
The salt around the rim of a glass
Cheap gossip
Drink specials
Fart jokes
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
My 2 dogs
Fresh sheets

hanford_lemoore posted on 01/22/2003

Bamzemo, that's great! Did they scare you? They would have scared me in real life. I think they scared me a little on TV too. I think that's why I love them so much today.

I used to get the Wombles and the Banana Splits confused when I was younger. Wombles scared me. I thought my memories of (what turned out to be) wombles were really just nightmares I had about the Banana splits. It was only recently that I came across an old wombles LP and realized it wasn't a nightmare... it was REAL!!!!

Ugh. They still creep me out. Drooper could kick all their asses with both hands tied behind his back.

Check out the Wombles FAQ: http://www.scuzz.com/wombles/faq.html


buffetiki posted on 01/22/2003

well sense you asked here is my list of BAD A$$ $HIT that i like -







emspace posted on 01/22/2003

fartsatune, you're from Vancouver? You going to be at the Waldorf tonite? Maybe you can take the mic and fart a tune for the astounded throng!

I'm still trying to arrange transport, am pretty sure I'll be there. If so I will almost certainly be wearing my Reyn Spooner "Voodoo Mugs" shirt. BTW, are there any other Vancouverites in the forum?


more favorite things:

  • Quake
  • Quake 2
  • Quake 3 Arena
  • cloudy cool days
  • sunny warm days
  • playing with my stunning collection of audio software
  • Miro, Chagall, Shag, Kenny Scharff, Miles Thompson
  • drumming, esp. congas
  • Bootsy Collins
emspace posted on 01/22/2003

On 2003-01-22 07:01, buffetiki wrote:

Vin was in my 2nd-fave sci-fi movie: Pitch Black. He was so BAD I wished I was him!


buffetiki posted on 01/22/2003

On 2003-01-22 11:59, emspace wrote:

On 2003-01-22 07:01, buffetiki wrote:

Vin was in my 2nd-fave sci-fi movie: Pitch Black. He was so BAD I wished I was him!


he's the BADDEST! absolutely BADDA$$ dude!

what was yoru first favorite scifi movie?
keep on rockin' on

[ Edited by: buffetiki on 2003-01-22 12:31 ]

emspace posted on 01/22/2003

what was yoru first favorite scifi movie?

That would be...slow swelling of haunting synthesizer background...sudden explosion of belching flames and timpani!...BLADE RUNNER!!!

It's not just my favorite sci-fi, it's like my other obsession. I even have fan art up at a fansite: http://www.bladezone.com/contents/fan/art/Mike-Anderson/ . I just shelled out a whack of money to get the Romanian bootleg "complete" soundtrack CD (Vangelis official release lacked all kinds of great music from the movie). I dunno...it's funny, cuz I also love sci-fi with huge special effects (just saw Episdoe II on IMAX and was blown away), but I love BR cuz it's so subtle, and so designed to seem gritty and real. Also cuz it reminds me of a good Raymond Chandler or James Ellroy novel. Dark, brutal, gloomy. And I always cry at the end when poor old Roy Batty gives up the ghost...:cry:...and the music...everything. It just works for me as one great work of art.

I could go on forever but I hope that answers your question!


tikifish posted on 01/22/2003

Hanford - Thanks for the tip on the Eichler book - but my charming American husband (also on my list) already got it for me for Christmas.


Actually he got me BOTH Eichler books, but I saved that one until last week to read, cause I wanted to draw out the experience. Even then I only looked at the pictures. I'm like one of those annoying kids who make their Halloween candy last til January.

hanford_lemoore posted on 01/22/2003


The area I live in (palo alto/Mtn View) is an Eichler mecca. There are parts of Palo Alto you can drive through where every house is an Eicher that is freshly painted, with an immaculate garden, and little kids are riding their bigwheels down the street. It is really amazing. A lot of the people who live in them are Eichler fans and keep them decorated pretty true to their original design/concept. It really feels like you're in another time, except for the SUVs parked out front.

Actually, it seems like every 5th or 6th house has a nice vintage car out front :wink:

Next time you're in the San Fran area we should take a little day trip around Palo Alto. There's some amazing stuff.


thejab posted on 01/22/2003

My favorite Eichler subdivision is the Greenmeadow in Palo Alto with the community center in the middle. Most of the homes haven't been altered too much.

martiki posted on 01/24/2003

Also check out the Eichlers in Terra Linda, near San Rafael in Marin county. Lots of great ones. And yes, my father in law sold his five bedroom Eichler about 8 years ago for next to nothing. I would have inherited an Eichler. I spend every day trying not to think about it.


[ Edited by: martiki6 on 2003-01-24 14:12 ]

tikifish posted on 01/24/2003

Well I have been house hunting in the Toronto area for any sort of 50's type subdivision, but the only one I have found is about a 1 1/2 hour transit commute from my work. It IS on a transit line, but it's the very last stop in the east end... Some nice houses, and still very reasonable price cause of the commute and not-so-swanky area.

Smaller link

This is the cheapest one I found, and still beats the pants offa any house downtown. In downtown Toronto, you have no choice except to live in a badly renovated victorian house about 15 feet wide maximum. Ugh. Oh yeah, and you have to pay $500,000 for it too!

[Edited By hanford to fix the length of the URL]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-01-24 15:03 ]

Tiki Royale posted on 01/25/2003

In no particular order:

  • Thanksgiving leftovers
  • Vintage rattan furniture
  • The smell of rain on hot pavement
  • The crunchy little french fries at the bottom of the pile
  • Surfing in warm water
  • My wife
  • Opening day of baseball season
  • Italian scooters
  • British motorbikes
  • Big american cars
  • Bourbon
  • My sons
  • Disneyland
  • Churros at Disneyland
  • Good BBQ
  • Hawaii
  • Twangy ge-tar



[ Edited by: tiki royale on 2003-01-25 14:15 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/13/2004

Time for a love fest!

tikitortured posted on 12/13/2004

I love:
Loud Music
Loud Liquored-up Chicks

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Hakalugi posted on 12/13/2004

Tikitortured, you like Loud Music??? I can't stand loud music!!! I am offended that you would assault my opinion by stating yours! How dare you!!!

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freddiefreelance posted on 12/13/2004

Sigh Remember when loud liquored up chicks didn't suck or give you gas? (or something like that...)

JD Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1382/624dd9c9b320f.png?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=7ae6b36249e36731481004222aaf1a29
Johnny Dollar posted on 12/13/2004


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purple jade posted on 12/13/2004
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Gigantalope posted on 12/14/2004

Visiting Zoos in Gorilla suits
Wasps on other people's sandwiches.
Bitter Marmalade
Raccons on trash night
Lawn Jockeys
Fuel (NOT GAS) called Sky Chief
Cars that look like tropical fish.
propane hunts
Shows that end with "Be there, Aloha"

D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/991a753fb316bd1248f1d1d17f97e804?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Dimethios posted on 12/14/2004

-The 3 Stooges
-Halo 2
-The Rat Pack
-Old Hot Rods and Hod Rod Hearses
-Retro video games
-The 6 Million Dollar Man
-All you can eat Chinese Buffets
-Old Hi-Fi Stereos w/Tubes
-Jazz Music
-TJMaxx/Marshalls/Burlington Coat Factory (great prices on Hawaiian shirts)
-Fantasy Island
-The Haunted Mansion @ Disney
-Going ghost hunting at Bachlor's Grove Cemetary
-Cooking Food
-Eating Food
-Puttin' people in the trunk for not paying to eat! (No Dine & Dash when i'm the cook!) Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4cc32b3127cce9df2f2b5d9ed00000016108AcuXDZi4Ytj

Aww dont worry this guys fine it was a set up. (Or was it?) :wink:

Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks.

[ Edited by: Dimethios on 2004-12-14 00:59 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7495a836285a7246a7fcdb82f10029d4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tiki-riviera posted on 12/14/2004

Things I enjoy:

Rattan furniture
Heywood Wakefield
Old Spider-man comics
Chocolate milk
peeing in the snow
inventing complex revenge scenario's
looking at female butts
letting my wife pick my zits
hoping to someday find a dead body on a bike ride

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1bb8357216aa6a07990c2024587ce985?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tikiwahine posted on 12/14/2004

Being greeted by my dog when I get home every day
Sleeping next to a purring cat when my husband is away
The pinging sound twinkling Christmas lights make
The smell of a fresh Christmas tree
The forests here on the island/Camping and Fishing
Naughty Christmas songs
Tea on a cold afternoon
Snow in Victoria
Jeffy burgers on the BBQ
The liquor store
Making a day trip to Ikea on the mainland
Having a walk around the garden after a long day at work
Compliments from customers
Watching favorite movies, no matter how many times I've seen them
Being surrounded by people that love tiki as much as I do

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1b5758a6f94ddbf9fda9e3e31f9714d5?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
mattfink posted on 12/15/2004

Damn, I love me some Heywood Wakefield, Ashcraft too!!!


On 2004-12-14 11:15, tiki-riviera wrote:
Things I enjoy:

Rattan furniture
Heywood Wakefield
Old Spider-man comics
Chocolate milk
peeing in the snow
inventing complex revenge scenario's
looking at female butts
letting my wife pick my zits
hoping to someday find a dead body on a bike ride

F Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/01545aef55d78ba805b439dabebc1b02?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
finkdaddy posted on 12/15/2004

-any project I complete that works out as intended
-hearing my kids laugh
-my wife's booty (did I just say that out loud?)
-sleeping late (never happens though)
-standing alone and looking out over Lake Michigan at night
-listening to Jethro Tull really loud in my car
-watching my wife sleep
-hearing my daughter play cello

and the list goes on and on......

N Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/55bae9e3d3b9f5139d850282a8b9eeb2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
naugatiki posted on 12/15/2004

Artist/Band: Hall Tom T
Lyrics for Song: I Love

I love little baby ducks,
old pick-up trucks,
slow movin trains, and rain.

I love little country streams,
sleep without dreams,
Sunday school in May, and hay.

And I love you too.

I love leaves in the wind,
pictures of my friends,
birds of the world, and squirrels.

I love coffee in a cup,
little fuzzy pups,
bourbon in a glass, and grass.

And I love you too.

I love honest open smiles,
kisses from a child,
tomatoes on a vine, and onions.

I love winners when they cry,
losers when they try,
music when its good, and life.

And I love you too.

UB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ce9c6565f9b2653c29c52ba870fd7d7a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Unga Bunga posted on 12/15/2004

Hey Emspace!
How's it goin?
Are you a geek yet?
We look forward to your return.

Pages: 1 42 replies