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lounge xmas

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bbowling99 posted on 12/13/2004

was in m y local borders today and i was gonna be dumb and get the 3 vol. christmas cocktail even though i had 1 & 2 already but something cought my eye and i smartly but the ultra lounge box down and saw 3 diffrent disc from a series called wonderland one is unther the mistletoe, 2 is yulesville and 3 is cool december what a better way to sprnd my 30 bucks then to go home with 2 cd's i already had and a 3rd cocktail christmas that everyone says is not that good.so i bought the wonderland disc all at 12.99 a piece not a bad deal since some of the xmas music there is 18.99 and man i was not disapointed wuth them not exoctia but still in that same lounge feel mood to them and unlike the 3rd christmas cocktail cd this 3 were done by brad benedict from the origanal ultra lounge sets so it was a great find for me today.

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