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Tiki Magazine

Pages: 1 41 replies

nicktiki posted on 12/11/2004

I'm officially announcing a new publication, Tiki Magazine. Some of you may have heard about it. I didn't want to make an official announcement before everything was in order. The magazine is going to be standard size (8 and 1/2" by 11"), full color cover, b/w on the inside with a color center section. I've been working hard on this for awhile. There are many TCers contributing to the magazine. There are so many talented people in the Tiki world and our hope is to spotlight them and give additional exposure. The first issue is coming out in April of 2005. The website is http://www.tikimag.net. The magazine will start out quarterly and if it is well received will come out more frequently. Subscriptions are available. One year (4 issues) for $12. Make check or money order payable to Tiki Magazine and send to 5663 Balboa Ave. Suite 398 San Diego, CA 92111. This magazine is being done with great passion and respect for the Tiki culture and all of you. Thank you to all the TCers who have helped in this project. I hope this makes your holiday season even brighter.

Sam Gambino posted on 12/11/2004

Nice going nicktiki. I wish you the best of luck with it. It's certainly a noble cause to all of us tiki freaks.

Mystiki posted on 12/11/2004

Great job, Nick! What's in store for the first issue, any clues? Inquiring minds want to know.


Benzart posted on 12/11/2004

Sounds exciting. Can't wait for first issue.

MEAN GENE posted on 12/11/2004

Hey guys!
I'd like to say that the ad spaces are very reasonable. I know I'll be putting an ad in every issue. It's a NO-BRAINER. I know this will be a quality magazine and a great place to market our creations, art, music, services, etc.


[ Edited by: mean gene on 2004-12-11 15:02 ]

Trader Woody posted on 12/11/2004

On 2004-12-10 20:55, nicktiki wrote:
There are many TCers contributing to the magazine.

Anyone we know?

Sounds interesting. Is it a fanzine type thing or more of a moneymaking venture? Who's behind it? Who's providing the finance? Where is it going to be sold? The website doesn't give out that much info.

Sorry to sound like a suspicious arse, but it's a little difficult to gauge what angle you're coming from. I'm sure the secrecy is more to do with the fact that you don't want anyone else to steal the idea, but now that the mag is out in the open, perhaps you could fill us in a bit more.

Trader Woody

PolynesianPop posted on 12/11/2004

I talked to Nick last week for some time about this new mag. I don't think its going to be any kind of "flash in the pan to make a buck" kind of operation. Its going to have some cool regular features - with articles by some of our very own here on TC. I won't divulge the details because I don't want to step on anybody's toes but I can say that I think we'll all be pleased!

Humuhumu posted on 12/11/2004

I also had the opportunity to learn more from nicktiki about his new magazine, not because I'm anything special, but only because I happened to be in Tiki-Ti at the right time and struck up conversation with the right stranger. :) When we spoke, his concerns about keeping some of the details quiet had to do with making sure this cake is fully cooked before he serves it. This is a fun project mounted by a true tikiphile, and I look forward to seeing it.

MEAN GENE posted on 12/11/2004

I know that Nick does not expect to make a profit on the first issue and is forking out a lot out of his own pocket to do this. He's doing the magazine for his love of Tiki and to help us all and to spread the word. The magazine will spotlight Tiki bars, artists, carvers, bands and much more, but he needs to sell ads and subscriptions to make it possible. It's going to be great and I will help out any way I can.

Trader Woody posted on 12/11/2004

OK - Great!

I guess that's the deal when you kick off a project - keep it hush hush to avoid anyone stealing the idea and risk suspicion when it kicks off or go the other way and allow less scrupulous types to rip off the grand concept.

If my fellow Tiki Centralites back it, that's good enough for me. I'll help out from here in Europe if you need me.

Trader Woody

TIKI DAVID posted on 12/11/2004

I see no loction for nicktiki in his profile. is this going to be a west coast thing? TD

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Tiki Rider posted on 12/11/2004

San Diego maybe?

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Dimethios posted on 12/11/2004

Hmm.. cheap ads, Would I be able to sell my spice blends or does it have to be 100% Poly related?

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hala bullhiki posted on 12/12/2004

cant wait to see it, as far as tiki publications the more the marrier to me....

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Hakalugi posted on 12/12/2004

What other ones are there? Tiki News is pretty much on indefinite hiatus.

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Atomicchick posted on 12/12/2004

Does anybody know the $ to subscribe? It's not on the web site.

What a tard I am! It was right there! I was so excited about the new mag blah blah blah!

[ Edited by: atomicchick on 2004-12-13 00:45 ]

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Hakalugi posted on 12/12/2004

$12 for 4 issues.

TR Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/570d465f72dfdc2bc42f46deef136020?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Rider posted on 12/12/2004

On 2004-12-10 20:55, nicktiki wrote:
I'm officially announcing a new publication, Tiki Magazine. Some of you may have heard about it. I didn't want to make an official announcement before everything was in order. The magazine is going to be standard size (8 and 1/2" by 11"), full color cover, b/w on the inside with a color center section. I've been working hard on this for awhile. There are many TCers contributing to the magazine. There are so many talented people in the Tiki world and our hope is to spotlight them and give additional exposure. The first issue is coming out in April of 2005. The website is http://www.tikimag.net. The magazine will start out quarterly and if it is well received will come out more frequently. Subscriptions are available. One year (4 issues) for $12. Make check or money order payable to Tiki Magazine and send to 5663 Balboa Ave. Suite 398 San Diego, CA 92111. This magazine is being done with great passion and respect for the Tiki culture and all of you. Thank you to all the TCers who have helped in this project. I hope this makes your holiday season even brighter.

nicktiki posted on 12/13/2004

Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. TCers have been great. Rest assured, I'm not in this to make a quick buck. I'm doing this because I dig tiki. I want to create a cool, fun magazine that we all want to read. I'm from San Diego and have some commitments throughout SoCal to carry the magazine. There have also been some places in other states who would like to carry it as well. If you have a businesses or know of one who would like to carry it please contact me. Last night, I was at M Modern Gallery to cover Miles Thompson's Tell Tale Tiki art show. That will be in the first issue. The first cover was done by Derek Yaniger and there will be a feature on him as well. That's all I can say about content for now. This project is being totally financed by me and we all know that teachers don't make a lot of money. Subscriptions are available. Please check my initial post. I'm updating my website to include this info. Mahalo.

[ Edited by: nicktiki on 2004-12-12 16:16 ]

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Hakalugi posted on 12/13/2004

Hi nicktiki. Will you be accepting PayPal as a form of payment?

nicktiki posted on 12/13/2004

I will be accepting PayPal. I'm trying to get that set up by the end of the week.

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Tangaroa posted on 12/13/2004

Yes Nick - let us know when PayPal is set up - quicker for me than writing a check!

Thanks - looking forward to what you come up with!

nicktiki posted on 12/15/2004

PayPal is now being accepted. Just go to http://www.tikimag.net and go to the Subscribe page. Mahalo.

Trader Woody posted on 12/16/2004

Good luck with the mag. I know there will be a few of us over in Europe and other destinations outside of the US that'll be interested in subscribing too.

I know finding out about postage costs can be very dull, so it might be worth getting in touch with the people at Barracuda mag. I subscribe via them, and the price seems reasonable. They may well distribute the mag too, as they love Tiki, cars, and girls, and have their newstand full of car mags and not much else.

Anyway, get the postage stuff out of the way early and it's like investing in decent insulation. Boring, but you'll feel the benefit each year hence.

Trader Woody

nicktiki posted on 12/16/2004

Trader Woody,

Thanks for the suggestion. I definitely want Tiki Magazine available for our friends in Europe. I'll try to hammer out shipping, etc. before Christmas. Thanks for the heads up.


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thebaxdog posted on 12/16/2004

I think I signed up
I'm to old to remember
How do I get a confirmation.
I am so happy to pay for a mag. I might actually receive

Discount post_______________
When this stops being fun
It's our fault
Have no brakes Cannot stop
Happydog (What can I do?)

[ Edited by: thebaxdog on 2004-12-16 07:20 ]

nicktiki posted on 12/16/2004


I have your address but you have to go the website and use PayPal or mail a check. Thanks for the support.

nicktiki posted on 12/21/2004

You know, Tiki Magazine would make a very cool gift for the little tiki lover of the house. Reasonably priced, interesting articles, cool art and photography, such the deal. Okay, okay, I'm a little biased. Okay, a lot biased. Anyway, Happy Holidays to all from Tiki Magazine.

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Jungle Trader posted on 12/21/2004

Yeah, this might light a fire under Otto's butt. No dis, just factualizin'. After 4 years I'm still looking for 2 more issues.

Nick, that ad might be too small for images.

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kauno posted on 01/06/2005

Happy New Year nicktiki. I'll be subscribing to your magazine very soon. I'm looking forward to getting a copy this spring. Best of luck!

MEAN GENE posted on 01/06/2005

Hey everyone! Here's what the first cover's going to look like! Sorry the image is so huge.

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I think the deadline for ad payment is January 17 so get your payment in to reserve your space as soon as possible.

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Atomicchick posted on 01/06/2005

Just subscribed, can't wait!

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Jeff Central posted on 01/06/2005

Love the cover by Derek!! Looks like this will be a great venture Nick.

MEAN GENE posted on 01/07/2005

On 2005-01-06 16:22, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Will there be a tiki band section with interviews with various tiki bands?

There's going to be a different band featured in each issue. They've already got the first band lined up. I'm sure The Smokin M's will get in there too. Some of the bands are also putting ads in.

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[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2005-01-07 09:58 ]

MEAN GENE posted on 01/07/2005

On 2004-12-10 20:55, nicktiki wrote:

There are so many talented people in the Tiki world and our hope is to spotlight them and give additional exposure.

This magazine is being done with great passion and respect for the Tiki culture and all of you.

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Steve_Legend posted on 01/07/2005

This looks soooo great! I sent an email to the info address about subscription for us 'foreigners'

Will be very pleased to be able to get copies over here in London!

TR Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/570d465f72dfdc2bc42f46deef136020?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Rider posted on 01/07/2005

I think there should be a column called "Ask Tiki Bong"...the joe pine of tiki. :)

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Tangaroa posted on 01/07/2005


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Caber-Net posted on 01/07/2005

Just put my 12 bucks in!!

TIKI DAVID posted on 01/07/2005

ME TOO.I just hope you'll get out into the the rest of the country ,and not just dwell in the SoCal area. TD

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Tikis-R-Go posted on 01/07/2005

Thanks Nicktiki! Just paid for my subscription and can't wait for the first issue!

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Raffertiki posted on 01/08/2005

That cover is sweet. Way to set the tone!

Pages: 1 41 replies