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Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop

Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Spinning Bachelor Pad

Pages: 1 4 replies

Tiki-bot posted on 12/18/2004
Unga Bunga posted on 12/18/2004

I love it!
It would definately freak me out when I wake up from one of my mai tai black outs and look out the window.

JTD posted on 12/18/2004

This could be used to counteract the bedspins though! Just make sure you got the bed pointed into the spin. Otherwise, you could end up zinging out the window.


docwoods posted on 12/18/2004

Reminds of that carousel bar at CircusCircus.Spun too fast,which meant your focus could never settle on a fixed point.Nauseating.

Satan's Sin posted on 12/18/2004

There is but one sort of music that would be appropriate for this fantastic place ....

[ Edited by: Satan's Sin on 2004-12-18 10:01 ]

Pages: 1 4 replies