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2005 Hawaiian Inn party, Daytona Beach, January 22

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Kailuageoff posted on 10/18/2004

This thread is for information on the third annual Florida Ohana Luau at the Hawaiian Inn in Daytona Beach.

This is a very informal event and is intended as a chance for the Florida tiki-obsessed to meet, relax and party at one of the best Polynesian Pop culture sites in the state. Other TCers are welcome.

The date is Saturday, January 22.

As in previous years everyone is responsible for their own reservations.

For hotel information and reservations, go here: http://www.hawaiianinn.com/

For dinner and show reservations, go here:

The following TC members have already indicated they and their significant others plan to attend:

JTD - Jacksonville
Tweedtone - Tampa
JonPez- Orlando
Pablus - Tampa
KailuaGeoff - Orlando

If you intend to join us, please post below and indicate whether you have an interest in vending, and if you would be wiiling to help out with food and beverages for a private party before and after the luau and show.

I'll post more details as the date gets nearer. If you have questions better asked off-line, e-mail me at geoffsun@earthlink.net and write "Hawaiian Inn" in the subject line.
Mahalo & aloha,

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2004-10-18 09:42 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 10/20/2004

Of course me and the wahine will be there.

Pablus, I will definitely hang on the beach with you this year. I kinda learned not to make the mistake I did last year before this event. Nudge nudge wink wink .

Swimming in January? Sure why not.

Kailuageoff posted on 10/25/2004

Based on posts to the Florida Tiki Calendar thread we need to add:

Cybertiki and Joelle
The Ragin' Rarotongan
Neptune Tiki and Lezley

RevBambooBen posted on 10/26/2004

How far is Daytona from Lauderdale? (too wacked to look at a map!)

Humuhumu posted on 10/26/2004

Count me in, of course! Can't miss this gathering with my Florida 'ohana.


Daytona is probably about 5-6 hour drive from Ft Lauderdale, Ben.

Kailuageoff posted on 10/26/2004

According to AAA the estimated drive time from Ft. Lauderdale to Daytona Beach is 3 hours and 29 minutes. Distance is 238.8 miles.

Humuhumu two years in a row.... how sweet!

Note: My TC address says Hawaiian Inn, although I don't live there. It just feels like I do. I live about an hour away in Lake Mary, Florida.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2004-10-26 12:55 ]

Swanky posted on 10/27/2004

Hmmm. 9+ hour drive from here. I am working on it. Maybe stop at Hale TIki for the night on the way and cut the drive in half? Wait, I drink free there for life. That might mean a rough morning... Yeah! That's the spirit!

Cosmo Tiki posted on 11/08/2004

Will try to round up some of the south Florida Ohana... Been trying to get up there for a while. :)

Tiki Bree posted on 11/10/2004

Wowie Zowie!!!! Cant wait for this one and it's not during hurricane season.
Do include Tiki Bree and Trader Trick as definite attendees.
What goodies do you want me to contribute to the party???

Benzart posted on 11/10/2004

Well perhaps Sherry and I can come up after all.Iwould love to make it so will try hard to get it sh=cheduled.

Tiki Diva posted on 11/17/2004

Hi there -

Very interested in the event...can you provide more specifics about what time everything starts? Any events on Sunday? I tried to e-mail you but it was bounced back. Thanks

I dream of tiki posted on 11/17/2004

Yes,please do pass along some form of schedule. I'm going to try to get the time off. Helps to know how many days to ask for.

Looking forward to meeting more of the hardcore Fl ohana

Kailuageoff posted on 11/17/2004

Where have you been sweetheart!
Heck, I don't know what you should bring...
Bring Tristan.

Pablus and I will come up with a booze and food wishlist which we will post at the first of the year. Everyone can contribute something, I'm sure.

No one has asked me about vending anything, so I guess its okay to just be lazy and not bring work to this party.

The schedule is:

  1. Drive or hitch a ride to the Hawaiian Inn on Friday Jan. 21 or Saturday Jan. 22.

1a) I'm thnking seriously about going on Friday and maybe having dinner at Julian's if anybody wants to do that.

  1. We'll start partying at the Hawaiian Inn's poolside tiki bar when it opens at 11 on Saturday. Everyone except Cyber-Tiki that is. This year he must wait until it is closer to Happy Hour.

  2. Move it into a room or rooms where we'll play our own music, mix drinks and talk story.

  3. Sober up in the shower before the luau and show.

5)Do the luau show (Frank's bar opens at 5:30, dinner at 7, show at 8 ).

6)Hang out after the show.

7)Go swimming around midnight in the freezing Atlantic Ocean with Pablus, Flounder, KailuaGeoff and whoever else got suckered into this crazy commitment.

8 ) Force Pablus to tune his uke with frost-bitten fingers.

  1. Have breakfast

10)Go home.

Sound like fun?

No, I don't work here. I'm just a customer.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2004-11-17 15:20 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 11/18/2004

Is it worthwile to come and fotograph ze Vitco zere?

ikitnrev posted on 11/18/2004

I am going to consider this .... it may be a good time of year to escape to the warmer weather.

I've made hotel reservations just in case .... (and a few days later, I made plane reservations too. Count me in!)


[ Edited by: ikitnrev on 2004-11-28 15:53 ]

I dream of tiki posted on 11/18/2004

Pandering to TCers in the South Florida area contemplating the 4 hour drive (it is from Miami), I offer a car pooling possibility. Any interested parties please PM me.

[ Edited by: I dream of tiki on 2004-11-18 00:22 ]

Kailuageoff posted on 11/18/2004

On 2004-11-17 18:30, bigbrotiki wrote:
Is it worthwile to come and fotograph ze Vitco zere?

Of course! The only other place that has this much WITCO is Hala Kahiki. Please do come visit us BigBro. I know you would enjoy talking to Wayne and Teauila who run the show at the Hawaiian Inn and have been performing in tiki restaurants since the 60s. I sent you a private message.

Tiki Bree posted on 11/18/2004

On 2004-11-17 18:30, bigbrotiki wrote:
Is it worthwile to come and fotograph ze Vitco zere?

You betcha!!!!!!! Photographing Witco is mandatory and definitely worth the trip.
Although one doesn't get the concentration of Witco found at Hala Kahiki, Hawaiian Inn has pieces you dont find in bars or restaurants, like furniture.....sofas, benches, chairs, former headboards, etc.

Hi ya Geoff!!!
Friday dinner at Julian's sounds lovely; I love listening to their lounge singer.
We're really looking forward to the weekend with the world's best people.

P.S. Guess what, I'm going to be a new Mommie tomorrow.........we're adopting a gorgeous rescue......

Tiki Bree posted on 11/18/2004

On 2004-11-17 18:51, ikitnrev wrote:
I am going to consider this .... it may be a good time of year to escape to the warmer weather.

I've made hotel reservations just in case ....


Oh Vern, you've made my heart go pitter pat!

Kailuageoff posted on 11/21/2004

Marian and I went to the Hawaiian Inn today and talked with Wayne about our tiki gathering. He very generously offered us the use of his large meeting room for vending and party purposes, although we'll have to do our drink mixing and serving out of one of the guest rooms. For that reason, Marian and I are reserving a room directly across the hall from the meeting room that can serve as our pantry and bar.
This means Flounder, Benzart, Mai-Tiki, Cybertiki or anyone else that wants to vend at the Hawaiian Inn can do so with no charge for the space. My only request is we keep the number of vendors somewhat limited because the space isn't huge. I don't know what the right number is, but if you want to vend get hold of me sooner rather than later so I can make sure you will have a table.
(If your e-mail hits my spam filter, don't worry about it. Just put Hawaiian Inn in the subject line and I will see it and reply.)

crataegus posted on 11/21/2004

I just reserved my room. Let's hope I don't have to go somewhere and move servers that weekend! Look forward to meeting all of y'all there.

pablus posted on 12/02/2004

Let's definitely do Julian's on Friday Night.
I missed it last year and want to check it out.

Poolside Bar at 11am on Saturday sounds good. I'd be willing to bet it will be in the low to upper 70s and very swimable that day.

FLOUNDERart posted on 12/02/2004

The room Angela and I had last year was fun and all but better yet would be 2 suites joined together. Is there such a beast at the Inn?

The room we stayed in last year was fairly large with a seperate bedroom, full kitchen, sitting area, and another open bedroom. The balcony was kinda right over the pool bar. It would definitely do the trick.

Kailuageoff posted on 12/02/2004

Julian's sounds like a definite thing for Friday night which is cool.

I posted awhile ago that we have free use of the Hawaiian Inn's meeting room for vending or whatever other purpose (except the serving of alcohol).

I was thinking some of you might want to set out some of your wares for possible sale, but so far I have had absolutely no takers on the space. This is totally okay with me since I'm not fortunate enough to have the gift of painting, carving, sewing or whatever.

I also understand that this party is about relaxing and not working - so that is a good a reason not to vend if you don't want to, at least not in a formal way.

The thing is, if I don't hear from at least a few people on this soon, I'm going to tell Wayne thanks but the room isn't necessary.

It might be better to just wander from guest room to guest room anyway since that's the way we've played it in the past and it has worked out fine. Also, this thing looks like it wil be bigger this year so it might be easiest. I'm interested in other opinions on this though.

Also, a local surf band has generously offered to play for us at no cost that weekend. Are we into that? If so, I have to get with Wayne and see if they could set up in the tiki hut or something. Pablus and his crew will still be able to strum for us regardless.

I think everyone that knows me understands I'm not high on planning lots of extras when the party is happening in the middle of an authentic Polynesian Pop experience; especialy with Bre-elle, Pablus, Humuhumu and the like injecting their energy into the place.

On the other hand, if anyone feels strongly we need to evolve this thing a little more this year, now is the time to speak up. My aim is to please and sometimes that means just letting things happen as they will, or maybe giving them a nudge. Let me know.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2004-12-02 14:05 ]

tweedtone posted on 12/03/2004

Everything sounds great! Dinner Friday at Julian's - who all can make it?

Any interest in a Saturday field trip down to Wayne Coombs studio? Mapquest claims a 90-minute drive each way - is that accurate?

If not that, are there any other Saturday local trips to be recommended? I've got a minivan that seats seven (more if'n ya wanna get snuggly) so I can play tour bus driver ...

Humuhumu posted on 12/04/2004

I'll probably be flying the redeye out Friday night again like last year, so no Julian's for me. It's a great stop, though, I encourage anyone who hasn't been there to take the opportunity to check it out if you can.

I like the thought of keeping it low-key... I'm flying across the country to see my Florida 'ohana. Bands & music & vendors can be great fun, and I certainly enjoy them if they were there, but that's not why I'll be there.

Kailuageoff posted on 12/07/2004

On 2004-12-03 17:20, Humuhumu wrote:
I like the thought of keeping it low-key... I'm flying across the country to see my Florida 'ohana. Bands & music & vendors can be great fun, and I certainly enjoy them if they were there, but that's not why I'll be there.

I hear you Humu, and it seems like everyone else has the same idea.

crataegus posted on 12/08/2004

Unfortunately, I've had to cancel my reservation. I'm going to hit the Lowcountry Oyster Fest with my hubby and my lovely lesbian wife on the thirtieth instead.

I dream of tiki posted on 12/11/2004

Argghh! Due to unforseen financial drainage (car accident and all that follows),
I too am going to have to cancel my plans and reservations.

Have a GREAT time everyone. Really wish things could have worked out better for some serious quality time with y'all. Many Mai Tais for each of you in my absense.

Tiki Bree posted on 12/17/2004

What would be a good time for the Julian's dinner Friday night?

Kailuageoff posted on 12/19/2004

I was thinking 7 so people had time to get there, if they were coming after work. Does that sound okay?
Sorry we missed you today, but we did get to meet Martini. Call me this week.

Tiki Bree posted on 12/21/2004

7pm sounds great.......I wonder if we need to make reservations for our group.

Their bartender make a great Mai Tai!!!

Who else plans on dinner at Julian's Friday night?????

Kailuageoff posted on 12/22/2004

Here's a few updates on the Florida Ohana Luau(aka the Hawaiian Inn party on Jan. 21 and 22).

We have permission to set up and play music under the poolside tiki hut with the ocean as a backdrop. That means the NovaRays, Pablus and the Haole Kats can seranade us in style -- assuming the weather cooperates and they want to do it. A big indoor setup is more difficult, so pray for a nice day.

BTW: The NovaRays are an Orlando surf band that plays Shadows, Ventures, etc. Lewis sent a CD of their stuff. They rock! Of course, the Vodkanauts also wanted to play but not all the band members can make it this time. Hopefully, most of them will come anyway.

Regarding Friday night, Jan. 21st:

Julians has several private banquet rooms. I'm told there are some Witco pieces in these rooms, so it might be cool to reserve one of those, although I have not checked them out myself. I'll be over to the restaurant the week after Christmas and it would be helpful to know who plans to join us Friday night for dinner. That way I'll know what to reserve, if that is necessary.
Mahalo and Mele Kalikimaka,

Kava King posted on 12/23/2004

Kailuageoff, my wife and I plan to be there in time for dinner. Please include the 2 of us in reservations if you are making them. Thanks, and see you soon!

tweedtone posted on 12/23/2004

I hope to be able to cut out of work early on that Friday to make it over to the east coast around 7 for dinner at Julian's.

Joe V. posted on 12/24/2004

Hey now.....

Not sure what's up that weekend right now, but if we're around we'll try to get a crew together to go up there.

cybertiki posted on 12/25/2004

shit. where'd my post gho?

ok, I'l b33dee there and will try not to mix opitates with alcohol this tim around.

yes, it's xmas eve,a nd I'm totall pissed wna sick of the damned situation. I have 5 apps in for NZ for the coming year, and more likely that in q2 iiiii'l;l be relocating to Aucklang. d.

So, I'm rweady. Hope someond shows up at the bar before noons, or I'llll most likely be too far gone to make it to the show again!


pablus posted on 12/26/2004

We'll be there on Friday for the dinner at Julians and an after dinner drinks and ukeplay. I'm going to bring a bottle or two of Dr. Z's secret weapon - AGWA, the miracle all-nighter booze.

I want to be ground floor and close to the entrance to the beach because I feel some surf uke'n and hallucinogenic body surfin (which is really for me more like wave-bashing) in my future.

My wrist is just now recovering from me getting pounded by Jeanne-waves AFTER spending $230.00 on drinks at the Mai Kai.

I thought Ben and Al were going to die of convulsive laughter. The no-flab jerks.

ikitnrev posted on 12/28/2004

I am still hoping to make it to both Friday night's dinner at Julian's, and the Saturday Hawaiian Inn event.


Kailuageoff posted on 12/28/2004

Cybertiki: True to form, you seem to have already started partying.

Joe: Please do come. We won't steal your barstool.

Vern and other out-of-towners: Glad you can make it and don't worry if you arrive too late for Julian's. We'll reassemble at the Hawaiian Inn after dinner.

All: I'm going to the Hawaiian Inn tonight for the X-mas show and will also check with Julian's about reservations for about 25 people. The problem is Julian's normally doesn't take reservations. The good thing is the restaurant seats something like 500 people, so we should be fine either way.

Here is a link to Julian's Web site:


Please note one of their specialties is stuffed Flounder.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2004-12-28 14:28 ]

Swanky posted on 12/29/2004

Wow, I had no idea Julian's was such an awesome structure. Never saw the outside before.

I am hoping I can manage to get work to let me come down. I may tell them I am best man in a wedding. Pablus, you must remarry while I am down there! Seems like a great antidote to the holiday madness and just madness in general.

Kailuageoff posted on 12/30/2004

Here's the latest from Daytona Beach...

Friday, Jan. 21:
Julian's will set aside an area they call the south balcony for us. You don't need a reservation. They expect us at 7 pm. I told them to plan for about 20 people. Those of us checking into the Hawaiian Inn on Friday afternoon and needing help finding the restaurant should meet in the hotel lobby no later than 6:30 to begin the drive to Ormond beach.

Saturday, Jan. 22nd:
The Hawaiian Inn is expecting as many as 50 of us for dinner and the show. If you have not made dinner show reservations you need to do so as soon as possible. They have been selling out the show even on weeknights.

I suggest making hotel reservations now as well, if you have not done so. If space gets tight, I suggest the nearby Aku Tiki Inn.

tweedtone posted on 12/30/2004

According to mapquest, here's how to get from the Hawaiian Inn to Julian's ... as I recall from last time, the 17 minutes is about right, adjusted for snowbird-induced traffic congestion.


2: End at 88 S Atlantic Ave, Ormond Beach, FL 32176

Total Est. Time: 17 minutes
Total Est. Distance: 7.30 miles


[ Edited by: tweedtone on 2004-12-30 13:48 ]

[ Edited by: tweedtone on 2004-12-30 13:56 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 12/31/2004

hahaha aha hahah ahahahah, oh

Swanky posted on 01/04/2005

Yeah! I just confirmed my trip. I'll be arriving at Pablus' lovely lounge on Thursday for a night of story and song and, well, booze. Friday we'll head over for the Daytona weekend together.

I made my reservation for the show. I have no room right now, so I am up for a couch or anything you might share. Glad to pitch in on the cost of the room. I'll bring ear plugs in case I crash with Senor Pablus.

This will be my first time to be at a tiki bar that I'm not having to work in about 3 years!

Kailuageoff posted on 01/05/2005

Glad you can make it. Given all your work on the Hukilaus, this should be more enjoyable for you than anyone. Tell Pablus to check his private messages. We need to discuss drinking. More of it, not less.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2005-01-05 10:44 ]

pablus posted on 01/05/2005

Pre-party at the Lagoon.
Thursday - Jan 20th. 6pm-1am.
The Kats will be joining us for Ukejam IV! (And we'll need an iv after the weekend - badaboomp).

Hawaiian style Prime Rib.
Sweet Potatoes.
Stewed bananas in coconut milk.
Seared citrus compote.
3 pepper, pistachio & pineapple rice.
Poke salad.

All TCers are welcome.
Friday, we're off to Daytona.

Pages: 1 2 3 110 replies