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X mas eve (day) for X punks....

Pages: 1 2 replies

RevBambooBen posted on 12/24/2004

Log onto http://www.indie103.1.fm.com at noon. Jack Grisham (TSOL) will be guest hosting. Steve Jones is vacation or on a "Holliday in the Sun" somewhere. Check out this station if you have not yet. It rocks!! (streaming avail.)

RevBambooBen posted on 12/24/2004

or this.....www.http://indie1031.fm/main.html.com

Doh!!!!! Arrr!.

I'm sure it would make great background muzack for the last minute mall shoppers!

[ Edited by: Homer Simpson on 2004-12-23 19:50 ]

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-12-23 19:51 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/24/2004

Ya Ben!

103.1 is today's 106.7. I listened to KROQ since they were on AM back in the early 70's, but now it's white-rap BS.

103.1 is where it's at Jack (G.).

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