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Tiki in the Empire

Pages: 1 2 replies

Col. Brent posted on 11/08/2002


I'm very excited to have found this board, as you guys all sound quite cool and fairly well adjusted. I'm basically a boozehound, and so my entry into the tiki world is basically through that portal. At present, though, I am just trying to find a place in the Inland Empire (of bloody SoCal) where the bartenders know what the hell they're doing. Vic's in Beverly is a nice place, but it's also a nice drive from here, and not something I can pull-off in the middle of the week.

Any suggestions on where to find a decent Mai Tai around here?

Thanks much.

PiPhiRho posted on 11/08/2002

Depends on where in the inland empire you are. Bahooka in Rosemead, on Rosemead Blvd at Lower Azusa Rd. is almost in the inland empire and certainly closer than Trader Vic's. The drinks are decent but not as good as Vic's or Tiki-Ti. I recommend the Zombie.

Col. Brent posted on 11/09/2002

Wow! I did a quick web search, and the place looks excellent, and is sure a damn sight closer than Beverly Hills (I'm in San Berdoo)! Thanks for the heads-up, buddy. I'll drop another line here when I've had a chance to check it out. Anywhere else I should know about?

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