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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Kohala Charms

Pages: 1 7 replies

Kreaky Tiki posted on 12/25/2004

Imagine your own Mom telling you that she was having dinner with a neighbor that also happens to collect Tiki Mugs. Of course that sounded prtty cool, but when she told me that the neighbor said that they had had one of the largest collections in the United States, I thought yeah sure.... Anyway, a couple of nights ago I was at my parents house and my Mom suggested that we give her neighbor a call, to see if I could check out the collection. I said, "Sure". My Mom called, and ended up leaving a message, that was returned 5 minutes later with an offer to come over and check out the collection.

I got two of my kids ready, "as they love tiki also" and we walked over. Once inside I knew it was going to be good. There were killer South Pacific masks and war clubs on the wall, and we were not even into the "collection rooms". I shook hands with the man and wife of the house and they promtly offered me a glass of fine wine prior to the tour. My kids were offered Mango juice. We set off for the outdoor lounge that had the puffer fish lamps, netting glass floats, and more clubs and fine masks. At that point I ask this kind gentlemen If he had acquired most of his collection on Ebay. He said yeah, most of it. I then asked him what his name on Ebay was, and that is when I learned that I stood before "KohalaCharms". I smiled and then appoligized for purposely running up some of the auctions that we had competed on, that I knew Iwould lose. "I am a sore loser". He seemed to get a kick out of that. We then were talking about the various mugs on Ebay that we had gone after, as we walked to the mug "rooms". Once inside, I had a chance to see just about every high end mug and bowl that exists. I was unbelievable! He was so cool, he even gave me a Mark Tomas mug that I didn't have along with a Shag mug that I did not have. It is unbelievable how cool this guy was, and to think how I had depised the name Kohalachrms during my late night tiki hunting..... I felt remorse.

Anyway, enough rambling. I'm still blown away that this collector king lives next to my parents and he and his wife are super cool.



Alnshely posted on 12/25/2004

Great story!!

Swanky posted on 12/25/2004

He is a nice guy.

Kono posted on 12/25/2004

:lol: That is a great story. Kohala Charms is a member, maybe he can post some pics of his collection.

docwoods posted on 12/26/2004

Wow,Kohalacharms! I've watched him come away with treasure after treasure on Ebay-a true tiki collecting legend!I'd love to see pictures of all his goodies-I'll bet it is a mind blowing collection.I'd LOVE to see all the great tiki menus he has-great to hear he's a nice guy.

Kreaky Tiki posted on 12/28/2004

Pictures are a good idea. My Mom took a couple pics of me and my kids in front of some masks, but I did not have my digital camera with me. Who would have figured.... next time I'll be ready.



dogbytes posted on 12/29/2004

until i see pictures, i'm going to continue to think of KoalaCharms as an Urban Myth. :o

(thanks for the story ~ unraveling the mystery a little bit at a time..)

Exoticat posted on 12/29/2004

I love stories like that--thanks!

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