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Cocktails in the Lagoon Room Dec 26th 7:00 PM

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Alnshely posted on 12/14/2004

Come to Oceanside for some day after X-mas cocktails. Jungle Trader and Unga Bunga have family in north county and will be a-wasailing at my place, please, feel free to drop by.

Time: Dec 26th around 7:00 PM

Place: The Lagoon Room

Drive to Oceanside on the 5.

Turn East on mission.

Turn right on Mesa.

I live on the left hand side Can't miss it.

2814 Mesa
Oceanside Ca
[email protected]
760 754 8195

Shout out, who's coming.

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/14/2004

Cool! I'm gonna try my best to make it to Al's Fabulous Lagoon Room!

It is without a doubt, a tiki adventure.

(who from OC can give me a ride?)

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/14/2004

How could I pass up a chance to check out the "New & Improved" Fabulous Lagoon Room. Mahalo. We'll be there.

Unga Bunga posted on 12/14/2004

Unga Is In!

nicktiki posted on 12/14/2004

I'm going to try and make it. I live in Clairemont so its not too far. I'd like to meet you guys. I have a 6 month old son, is it cool if I bring him?

Monkeyman posted on 12/15/2004


OnaTiki posted on 12/15/2004

Thanks for the invite. We wouldn't miss it.
See you soon.

Futura Girl posted on 12/15/2004

wow, i was thinking about throwing my traditional boxing day celeb at my house - but how can i possibly compete with the lagoon room? might just have to head south instead.

Humuhumu posted on 12/16/2004

How lovely! I'll try very hard to be there, but I may have a friend in town, I'm not sure yet.

Futura Girl posted on 12/17/2004


PiPhiRho posted on 12/18/2004

I have yet to make it down to the Lagoon Room. I have driven thru Oceanside on many an occasion, but never had the time to stop. I even missed ITD. There should be nothing to prevent me from getting to Oceanside on the evening of the 26th. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there.

kick_the_reverb posted on 12/18/2004

We wouldn't have missed it for the world, oh wait, we'll be on a little 3 day cruise, so unfortunately, we'll have to patiently wait for another oportunity to drop by to see the marvel of the new Lagoon Room.
Have fun,

Jungle Trader posted on 12/18/2004

Mrs. Jungle will be hanging from my left arm.
Also, (for adults only), there will be a surprise unveiling.

Unga Bunga posted on 12/18/2004

On 2004-12-18 08:58, Jungle Trader wrote:
Also, (for adults only), there will be a surprise unveiling.

Like the last surprise you unveiled?

Jungle Trader posted on 12/19/2004

Yeah, BIG surprise but better.

the drunken hat posted on 12/19/2004

jt~ are you talkin bout what i think your talkin bout?

Jungle Trader posted on 12/19/2004


hiltiki posted on 12/19/2004

Cutiki and I will be there, please let me know if you need anything, we'll be glad to bring it.

ModMana posted on 12/21/2004

If our family holiday plans will allow, we'll definitely be there. Looking forward to seeing the new and improved Lagoon Room.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 12/24/2004

It looks like I will be there! Lucky me!

hiltiki posted on 12/24/2004

Sabu you are definitely lucky to be there.......

PolynesianPop posted on 12/25/2004

WATAH! I'll be here too!

Wersmo Derinc posted on 12/25/2004

The clouds parted, the angels sang, rays of blinding light shone upon me, God smiled down, and Rebecca told me that we can take a break from X-mas at her parents' house to attend Boxing Day at the Lagoon Room!

Yeah, baby, my bells are jingling!

PiPhiRho posted on 12/27/2004

Well, I was very much looking forward to making it down for this, but some nasty little virus (and a 103 degree fever) not only seriously wrecked my holiday plans, but is going to keep me away from the lagoon room yet again. I hope everyone has a great time. I'll be intoxicated on something less fun than rum.

OnaTiki posted on 12/27/2004

We had a great time seeing everybody and meeting a few new people. Al & Shelly as always were great hosts. Wonderfully garnished & extra tasty cocktails!

Can't wait to do it again in Palm Springs this coming weekend.


hiltiki posted on 12/27/2004

Al and Shelly you are the greatest hosts, thanks for making us feel so comfortable at your place. And nice meeting all the new people. Unga, hope to see you on Thursday at Tiki Ti, it was nice meeting you.

Alnshely posted on 12/28/2004

There was a navy blue LL Bean jacket left at the Lagoon Room. Rick is this yours? We will bring the jacket to Palm Springs if its owner will be there.
Al and Shelley

OnaTiki posted on 12/28/2004

The jacket is not ours. Mig was wearing a jacket. Maybe it was his.

Jungle Trader posted on 12/29/2004

Mahalo Al and Shell of the Pacific. We loved the new Retro Space Age room.

Finally met some veterans (Sabuuuuu), and some newbies, and a few of the San Diego County ohana. Very cool people.

Looking forward to seeing you all again at Tiki Oasis 5.

Unga Bunga posted on 12/29/2004

I had a terrific time!
The Lagoon Room is a special place.
Thank you Shelley and Al!
Humu, please put me on the list for three phallitiki calendars when they come out. :)

Humuhumu posted on 12/31/2004

Thanks for yet another fabulous time at the Lagoon Room! Yay for the Gargantuan Tiki Wiener! Who needs subtlety?

Pics are up:


Critiki - Ooga-Mooga - Humu Kon Tiki

[ Edited by: Humuhumu 2005-09-23 15:39 ]

martiki posted on 12/31/2004

Please explain the TikiSchlong!

the drunken hat posted on 12/31/2004

wow i didn't think that the lagoon room could be improved upon. it is looking quite fab you two! cleen and i would love to see it in person one of these days.

hat & cleen

Jungle Trader posted on 12/31/2004

I carved "Schultzy" after seeing one in Chinatown S.F. a few years back. It was 2 or 3 times that size and it was perfect, curved too. Then after hearing Sven say that Tiki really is basically a Phallic symbol, I thought why not, let's cut to the "bone" here folks. Let's not "beat" around the "bush" any "longer". For those who couldn't be there that night I'll post the image below. I will edit the image out tomorrow so as to be appropriately respectful of TC and Al's thread.

Alnshely posted on 12/31/2004

No, no, you must leave the image. It is a terrific carving.

Jungle Trader posted on 12/31/2004

If you say so Al, I'll leave it.

Happy New Year everybody!!

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