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Sad day with no posts

Pages: 1 9 replies

Benzart posted on 12/30/2004

From the time I signed off last night to now the Only new posts were in the "bilge" forum.
That was strange and NOW there are 79 users currently browsing who are All guests but myself and FinkDaddy. Good morning FD...

Jungle Trader posted on 12/30/2004


Johnny Dollar posted on 12/30/2004

too much rum in da eggnogg

finkdaddy posted on 12/30/2004

On 2004-12-30 06:40, Benzart wrote:
From the time I signed off last night to now the Only new posts were in the "bilge" forum.
That was strange and NOW there are 79 users currently browsing who are All guests but myself and FinkDaddy. Good morning FD...

Oh man, I wish I had checked who was on at the time, I would have loved to chat with you. I will make it a point to check who's currently browsing. Hope all is well with you. How did that hand heal, bye the way?

I'm gonna have a couple of busy nights ahead of me since I have to bartend the next 4 nights in a row, and when I have to get up with 4 kids in the morning it makes for a very cranky finkdaddy.

For Christmas I got a new chisel set and 2 new pieces of wood, both about 18 inches tall. Much larger than the dowels I've been working on. One log is some kind of gold-colored birch, and I was told the other is pine, but the wood looks too dark to me. Are there dark-colored pines? Maybe.

I promise to post progress pics and ask a lot of inane questions.

I will talk to you soon Ben.


docwoods posted on 12/30/2004

I've never seen so many people browsing at one time-most I've ever noticed is twentysomething.Wonder why?

Doctor Z posted on 12/30/2004

I've noticed that the "Currently browsing" link is inaccurate at best, with folks that ARE browsing not listed as such being the most common. I've often been logged in without seeing my own name listed, but last night it was quite the opposite: I gave it a check and found that out of 15 people browsing at the time, my name was SEVEN of them! WTF??

woofmutt posted on 12/31/2004

I LOVE the Bilge Forum...And I've never even looked at it! Benzart's comments show that Bilge is working perfectly, keeping the fluff and blither from clogging up Tiki Central. Another great idea for better living from Hanford-Co INC.

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/31/2004

Ah, yeah right. What's on channel 7?

doctiki posted on 12/31/2004

Ben, that is 06:00 east coast time, right? That is for us on the west coast, the middle of the night, but will try to post something new this weekend. I'm trying something differnt with my carving. Doc Tiki

Benzart posted on 12/31/2004

Yes that was 3 am west coast time. Time for most peeps to be in bed. I just had never seen 79 browsers before and it was strange.
I like the bilge forum also so can see why at that time of morning it would be the only action in town.lol
FinkDaddy, I know it is hard to look on the main page down to the bottom for the shout lines. I usually don't get to it until I have browsed the rest of TC. We just Don't look i guess. Can you take some pic's of your wood? Usually pine isn't dark but strange things happen to wood. Show us your chisel set too if you can.
Doctiki, can't wait to see your new works

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