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Boycott Monster Cable

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I'm gonna goldplate the insulation on my guitar cable... whiiisper queit.



I gold plated the tires on my car.

Now nobody hears me comin'.


On 2004-12-30 16:30, Ku Ku Ahu wrote:
I gold plated the tires on my car.

Now nobody hears me comin'.


Sing that with a Howlin Wolf voice, its awesome!


Did I mention that it's a GM car full of poultry and pharmaceuticals?


[ Edited by: Ku Ku Ahu on 2004-12-30 17:59 'cause that's just the way he rolls up in this piece... ]

[ Edited by: Ku Ku Ahu on 2004-12-30 18:03 ]

I own a Chrysler, does that count? But my wifes uncle owns a dealership, so we pay a little less than the average poultry steroid delivery truck driver.


I gold-plated my tires AND my spinning rims on my ride. It's the pimpin'est Miata ever!

On 2004-12-29 22:56, TikiGardener wrote:

Get Bent

Wow, I'm sorry. I see you're still not whole about the whole Tiki Gardens contribution rip-off scam.

I still love you. Peace-out dawg!

On 2004-12-30 21:43, Tiki_Bong wrote:

On 2004-12-29 22:56, TikiGardener wrote:

Get Bent

Wow, I'm sorry. I see you're still not whole about the whole Tiki Gardens contribution gig.

I still love you. Peace-out dawg!

Wow, I'm sorry. I see you're still not whole about the whole Tiki Gardens contribution rip-off scam.

I still love you. Peace-out dawg!

(Edit of indignant reply)

Bong's apology for this is on public record and accepted by me wholeheartedly.

[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2005-01-06 04:07 ]

[ Edited by: Tikigardener on 2005-01-06 04:08 ]


I'm only saying that Monster Cables are good cables and that many businesses are sue happy, nothing more nothing less.

Why can't someone have an opionion other that the rest?

I honestly mean you no insult. Like I said you're cool in my book.

take care.

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-12-31 10:31 ]

I'm concerned that Monster is being neglegent in their diligence by not suing everyone with the word CABLES in their name or on their website. By god they could lose everything!

WHAT ABOUT THE ".COM" PART? Sister Teressa on a bike they could own the world!"

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2004-12-31 15:38 ]

For when one tilts 'gainst windmills - it may chance . . .

Tilt I 'gainst those who change with every breeze?

. . .That windmill sails may sweep you with their arm
Down - in the mire! . . .

Or upward - to the stars!


I've left this because I love that quote!

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2005-01-05 22:49 ]


Edited 'cause my point was made.

[ Edited by: Ku Ku Ahu on 2005-01-05 19:51 ]

As we all know, Tiki Bong can be a real a-hole quite often. Well, it happened again!

It was a cheap shot on my part to reference TikiGardener with the Tiki Gardens contribution gig, to which he did honestly divest himself.

I'l like to publically apologize to TG for my dumb-ass comment.

Sorry TG

I'm glad that though some private correspondance the Bong and The Gardener have ironed things out.

And as to the Bong vs Gardener thread that was locked very quickly. My money is on Bong... At the drinking table, I'm sure I'd be barfing well before Bong was slurring his s's. And in most areas of banter and debate, he'd probably come out the better.
All he was guilty of ( debate wise that is ) is going for a cheap shot, as opposed to saying what would have furthered his point. If the cheap shot had been factually accurate, I'd have been toast. Even if I argued the point of decorum till the cows came home, if it had been accurate, whether it was cheap really wouldn't have mattered.

And given that I've struggled with the effects of ADD/HD, I've found myself in the same place Bong did. I've destroyed more than a few friendships, and caused many an uncomfortable moment at family gatherings by saying what was on my mind, no matter how inappropriate.

So, I really hope that this post can be viewed as much as my apology as it is an acknowledgement of Bong's.

After all, I did tell him to "Get Bent".

Again folks lets get back to tiki, and drunken posts.

I now click submit post hoping I haven't pissed anyone off.


And given that I've struggled with the effects of ADD/HD, I've found myself in the same place Bong did. I've destroyed more than a few friendships, and caused many an uncomfortable moment at family gatherings by saying what was on my mind, no matter how inappropriate.

Hey TG and Bong-

Can you's score me some of this ADD/HD stuff??

I really need to blame everything that has gone wrong in my life on someone/thing else.

Trust me ben, if ya don't have it, ya don't want it.

Really, trust me. It isn't fun.


Stick to blaming booze. At least that is fun...

[i]On 2005-01-05 22:51, TikiGardener wrote

And given that I've struggled with the effects of ADD/HD,

I am getting my teaching credential in special education, and currently tutor K-6 students with ADD and autism. It is a pretty tough thing to deal with, and is something that they will have to deal with the rest of their lives.

(on the positive side of teaching though - June, July and August - Surf City!)


Hey you guys, I just happened to go see a "shrink" 2 days ago. My wife Lisa, aka 'Weence", thinks that I might have ADD. She's a first grade teacher so she can tell when these kids didn't take thier chill tab and sends them straight to the nurse. So anyway, I went to get checked out actually hoping that I might have something. If I can take a pill every day to help me focus and be more productive, maybe I can double my income! It's tough being self employed and try to suport a family, especialy being a surfer as everyone knows, and have symptoms of ADD.

The Doc also gave me a list of symptoms for "Mania" and "Hypomania" which share some of the same symptoms as ADD. A lot of those "creative artist type" people actually have HYPOMANIA. Sounds cool huh? Some of the symptoms include: (1) elevated, irritable or expansive mood, (2) decreased need for sleep, (3) flight of ideas and racing thoughts, (4) easy distractibility, (5) increase in goal-oriented activities, (6) increase in pleasure-seeking and risk-taking activities like spending sprees, speeding, gambling, get-rich-quick schemes and hypersexual activities.

Sooo....some people might think they have ADD when they really have "Mania" or "Hypomania" which may require different meds than ADD. We'll see what I have if anything......

Give me a call if anyone wants to talk. This is all new to me too. (858) 452-TIKI
Maybe we can have a surf-therapy session.


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2005-01-06 14:22 ]


Do we need an ADD/Hypomania thread?

Is it a sign of our ADD/HDD/Mania/Hypomania that we're no longer quite so mad at Monster Cables & talking about our mental distractability?

All this time I thought ADD ran in my family (4th generation that I know about, and from both sides of the family tree...), now I'm thinking it's more likely to be Hypomania.

On 2005-01-06 15:09, freddiefreelance wrote:
Is it a sign of our ADD/HDD/Mania/Hypomania that we're no longer quite so mad at Monster Cables & talking about our mental distractability?

Less Monster Cable, more Novartis!


I'm actually on steroids and amphetamines as of yesterday. Tuesday I went to an orthopaedic surgeon and had an MRI for my Sciatica. They put me on steriods for a week and that same day the other dude put me on Adderall.... I'm not having any fun yet. I remember that some of you guys have that Sciatica crap too.


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2005-01-06 15:25 ]


Well, I guess I may have me some of that hypermania stuff too. Everything I do, I do the 'nth degree.

Mean Gene, I do a lot of therepy when I'm surfing (especially if it's a small wave day).

This will be the add/hd thread when we forget what we lose interest in...........

davew posted on Fri, Jan 7, 2005 8:12 AM

im seeing this pop up on a lot of home theater boards,lets hope its starting to hit those jackasses in the purse.

On 2004-12-30 21:43, Tiki_Bong wrote:

On 2004-12-29 22:56, TikiGardener wrote:

Get Bent

Wow, I'm sorry. I see you're still not whole about the whole Tiki Gardens contribution rip-off scam.

I still love you. Peace-out dawg!

I know you two settled this thing, but I think the quest to raise a tiki at Tiki Gardens/the Tiki Gardens contribution rip-off scam was Tiki Central at its finest and funniest. What ever happened to the rival Tiki Gardens site anyway? They seem to have gone the way of the original attraction. R.I.P.

Anyway, TC still needs to the do this project regardless of what the local authorities say.

An unauthorized tiki raising protest is the way to do it, with media coverage!

Screw monster cable.

Where do you get those Hawaiian thing-a-ma-jigs? You know, those hula do-dads.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2005-01-07 09:28 ]

Never live your life at the end of a cable.

Trader Woody


The sound system in Hutikihi (my home Tiki Room and Bar) is powered by ... you guessed it ... Monster Cable. They got me once, but never again!

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