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International Tiki Day - 2nd Saturday in August

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Tiki_Bong posted on 11/11/2002

I've come up with an idea that could possibly be the biggest thing we've done for tiki to date - TIKI DAY!

Since our members are from all over hell's half-acre, it makes sense that it should be an international holiday.

The reason there is not currently a special holiday for tiki is because no one's ever started it yet - UNTIL NOW!

We'll have all the trappings of other holidays: songs, rituals, foods, drink (like that's a hard one) customs etc...

We could have 'secret tiki' in order to exchange gifts with ourselves. Decorations could include madatory tiki torches a-flame. The customary tiki day dinner could be ah ... , er ... sweet & sour pork ribs, rumaki, fried rice and rum balls!

We could have some kind of legend like ... 'there was once wahini tiki; she never let kane tiki have any, but somehow she ended up pregnant with ku tiki. Kane tiki was ready to rip her to shreds because he thought she was breaking out the goods for all the other kane tikis but him. Then she said 'Kane Tiki' I became pregnant by the sprit of mana' Well ... this sounds too familiar, maybe we could think of something else (?)

Anyway INTERNATIONAL TIKI DAY is the 2nd Saturday in August. We need to get and keep this ball rolling. I'm going to contact my Congressman and have a declaration of 'TIKI DAY'. This could be bigger than all of us (except Baxdog).

Come up with some more customs, rituals etc and get ready to celebrate!

'A thing of Tiki is a joy forever'

Remember to celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2002-11-13 19:05 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2003-03-06 10:11 ]

Humuhumu posted on 11/12/2002

I like it! Not that you So. Cal. folks need another exuse to get together. Maybe this is a great way to introduce Ordinarys to the Great Tiki Way. Now the Savages shall convert the Missionaries!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 11/12/2002

Tiki_Bong wrote:
Anyway INTERNATIONAL TIKI DAY is February 24

Ok, sounds good, but in the month of February we do have: Lincoln's Birthday, Valentine's Day, President's Day, Washington's Birthday...and if you care to indulge further: Groundhog Day and Ash Wednesday.

Not to burst your bubble Bong, but how about February 29th? The next one is in 2004, (enough time to get your Congressman interested and to get through the red-tape with a petition), and it will also give you enough time to get the word out.

Then there's 2008, 2012, etc., etc... After all, we should make it a special event, rather than it being "just another holiday".

Either way, annual or not, I'm behind you!

My 2 coconuts worth...


Bong--Hope this can help you start:
Scroll to the bottom where it says "Create Petition".

Tiki Rider posted on 11/12/2002

A great idea Mr Bong!
We could also enter an upcoming parade and have a float complete with volcano, tiki bar, palms, tikis, lights...music....like a mobile tiki bash on wheels, escorted with a syncronized marching mai tai sipping team, individuals peddeling trikes or bikes, or a tiki torch drill team in the procession.

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/12/2002


At first I thought your idea about changing the date to Feb 29th would make it more unique.

But I'm afraid that if we don't hammer this gig every year, we won't be able to 'spread the word' as well (this sure is starting to sound like big-time religion).

What do other think about the date?

Traderpup posted on 11/12/2002

I'm an ordained minister.... we can make it a big-time religion.

Imagine, Tiki mass weddings... the annual Blessing of the Tiki Mugs... bad mana Tiki exorcisms....

all taking place on International Tiki Day!


[ Edited by: Traderpup on 2002-11-11 20:10 ]

bamboo ben posted on 11/12/2002


snarkoutgirl posted on 11/12/2002

Well, if we can't have our own day, it sounds like as a fall-back we've got some pretty good ideas for a great Doo-Dah parade entry!


Tiki Diablo posted on 11/12/2002

This sounds good to me. We could follow through on C'Al's idead of a world record for lit tiki torches on the beach. Ofcourse We would have to do some kind of luau on the beach during the day and lit torches at night.Got to do some kind of world record thing every year. Biggest Mai tai.....

thebaxdog posted on 11/12/2002

Being that I am the worlds largest land based mammal, I say enterhersnatchnal TIKI Day must be a summer thing.
I want to be able to share my hairy creamy-white G-string wearin luscious body with everyone (calm down Bong, I still only love you)
Feb. is to crowded, like the beach in Huntington
That's my 4 cents (inflation)

Futura Girl posted on 11/12/2002

Couldn't Tiki Day be more in Summertime? Or if it's International maybe further into Spring or Fall so the weather may be more temperate everywhere? There's not much going on in April?
Here's a site that lists holidays and festivals from all over the world.

bamboo ben posted on 11/12/2002

Like Chicki-C'Al said, Tikis & Torches across America and the World! Like that artist (so they say) Christo! I think since the majority of the voters( tc'rs) are from the U.S., we must overide Tiki Bong and make it Summer time!!

PolynesianPop posted on 11/12/2002

I agree with Ben. Summer, Summer, Summer. Nothing beats getting toasted by the Sun and a Mai Tai all in one sitting!

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/12/2002

All right, all right, it'll be a Summer thing! The weather doesn't really start heating up till August. Instead of a 'date' let's make it the 2nd Saturday in August.

For our inaugural, first TIKI DAY let's go with Crazy Al's massive tiki torch lighting ceremony; of course it will include a luau and massive drinking!

I'm going to bring this up again at the beginning of next August!

cynfulcynner posted on 11/12/2002

Tiki Rider Five-O wrote:

Bay to Breakers, anyone?

tikifish posted on 11/12/2002

I agree, august is better, especially for me. I can't even go outside in february, lest my nose hairs freeze. So it wouldn't be much of a luau, unless I served porksicles.

tikimug posted on 11/12/2002

Yeah I guess if we call it International Tiki Day we'd have to include Canada...

Summer is good for us here in the Northeast US. I like the second Sat in Aug but one question is How do I miss a day of work? Think about trying for a Monday so we could start on drinking Sat and ending either late Sunday night or early Monday morning... just a thought.

TikiMaxton posted on 11/12/2002

Traderpup - an ordained minister? Me too! Universal Life Church? That's mine. I've performed 2 weddings so far, and dream someday of doing a tiki wedding, though my first was on the Big Island, so that's pretty close... Have you perfomed any?

Humuhumu posted on 11/12/2002

My cat Winston is a minister in the Universal Life Church.

Trader Woody posted on 11/12/2002

I'm one too, as well as being a Rev in the Church of the Subgenius. Tax dodge.

And August sounds fine. We wont's have to worry about our fog cutters getting watered down with rain if it's in that one month non-rainy-season-in-the-UK period.

Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2002-11-12 15:21 ]

Formikahini posted on 11/12/2002

Yes, summer it must be, as Tiki is everything warm and floral. Ok, nigh unto hot and humid, but I digress.

But couldn't we find some actual date to which to attach our celebration? Trader Vic's birthday is December, no?, but surely we could find something like "First Trader Vic's Opening" or "Tahitian Independence Day" or SOMEthing. Heck, I'll volunteer "Formikahini's Birthday - July 29". But it seems like it should be SOMEthing!

Any date-obsessed historians out there?

mrtikibar posted on 11/13/2002

How about Sven's birthday?

Traderpup posted on 11/13/2002

Yep, I've been ordained by the Universal Life Church. Seems we have Tiki Central ministers worldwide! Perfect for the International Tiki Day mass wedding ceremony! The Blessing of the Tiki Mugs ceremony! Mai Tai communion! Rum baptisms! Okay... so I get carried away a bit!

I haven't performed a wedding yet, was just ordained about a month ago.


Futura Girl posted on 11/13/2002

On 2002-11-12 16:02, mrtikibar wrote:
How about Sven's birthday?


TikiGoddess posted on 11/13/2002

Wow, I think Tiki Day is a terrific idea no matter what date is chosen! I'm gonna work on some potential song lyrics for the occasion. Someone mentioned an official song to commemorate the day. Also, Im a minister in the Universal Life Church too. I havent performed any weddings yet but I did get married myself at an Elvis Blue Hawaii ceremony in Las Vegas.

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/13/2002

Yeah, celebrating TIKI DAY on Sven's birthday would be fitting. Seeing as how he played a big part in bringing TIKI back to the forefront.

When is it again?

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DawnTiki posted on 11/13/2002

I read somewhere he was a Virgo, which is mid Aug. to mid Sept.

mrtikibar posted on 11/13/2002

If I win your Ebay auction of the Shag mug will you throw in a complementary blessing?

RevBambooBen posted on 11/13/2002

That Universal Life Church will ordain a rock! Type in any word and pow! But, you have to register with the state of Cali. to make it real!! Have any of you gone the distance? Are your marriages real?
(summer for int. tiki day!)
The Rev. Bamboo Ben

RevBambooBen posted on 11/13/2002

Back to the date of Int. Tiki Day. Today and yesterday were just like summer here in So. Cali., so how bout November?? Man! So. Cal is the only place to live! It was like hi-70's, off shore and totally clear today! Feel sorry for the mid and west and upper coster's, inlanders and over sea-r's.

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floratina posted on 11/13/2002

I think Sven's birthday is August 26. It seems better to have it on, say, the second Saturday in August than a specific date. August 26 isn't always on a Saturday.

thebaxdog posted on 11/13/2002

2nd Sat.
Drinking by noon, plenty of time to set up torches and roast a pig (not me)
More people can and will join in on a Sat.

Traderpup posted on 11/13/2002

I prefer 2nd Saturday in August... I don't go for the weekday holiday partying (unless its a paid day off work!)


Oh, and you do NOT have to be registered with the state of California to perform weddings, as long as your ordination is recorded with your church, in good standing. Of course, each couple needs a marriage license in advance, and it needs to be signed, witnessed and filed within 10 days after ceremony to be valid.

[ Edited by: traderpup on 2002-11-13 09:49 ]

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DaneTiki posted on 11/13/2002

[ Edited by: DaneTiki 2009-08-30 19:29 ]

TikiMaxton posted on 11/13/2002

On 2002-11-12 22:08, RevBambooBen wrote:
That Universal Life Church will ordain a rock! Type in any word and pow! But, you have to register with the state of Cali. to make it real!! Have any of you gone the distance? Are your marriages real?
The Rev. Bamboo Ben

Actually, my weddings were in Hawaii and Washington, and I registered with the appropriate governmental bodies in both states - gotta do it EVERY time I perform a ceremony, though I'm not expecting to do any more. I can legally do it anywhere but New York. I can perform last rites, too, just for the record...

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tikibars posted on 11/13/2002

[ Edited by: tikibars on 2003-07-05 21:34 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/14/2002


TIKI DAY will be the second Saturday in August!

It makes sense just in case any drinking is involved.

Even though I am a big fan of Tikibars work, no can do April

Humuhumu posted on 11/14/2002

On 2002-11-13 09:37, TikiMaxton wrote:
Actually, my weddings were in Hawaii and Washington, and I registered with the appropriate governmental bodies in both states - gotta do it EVERY time I perform a ceremony, though I'm not expecting to do any more.

Actually, I was married in Washington by a ULC minister, and I had to do all the research on legality -- in Washington, the marriage is essentially assumed legal until it is challenged. If the credentials of the person who performed the ceremony are challenged, the only proof needed is that that individual is registered with their church, not with the government of Washington State.

Any votes for the third Sat in August? I already have an annual bash that occurs the Second Sat in August that I can't miss.

mrtikibar posted on 11/14/2002

How about an entire week (we go the Kwanza route)and light a tiki torch for each day. There could be a corresponding cocktail for each day with the Mai Tai as the grand finale. Of course the final tiki-carol would be Quiet Village. The week would be the 2nd through 3rd weekend in August. So many possibilities...

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2002-11-13 20:24 ]

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TikiMikey posted on 11/14/2002

On 2002-11-13 20:02, mrtikibar wrote:
Of course the final tiki-carol would be Quiet Village. So many possibilities...

May I submit for your approval "The 12 Days of Tiki"

12 Tiki crawls
11 Bamboo torches
10 Fishing float lights
9 Denny albums
8 Ukeleles
7 Witco carvings
6 Pufferfish lamps
5 Shag Paintings
4 Hawaiian shirts
3 Mai Tais
2 Leeteg velvets
and a Tiki at Tiki Gardens

There are some glaring omissions, the BOT, Trader Vic, tiki statues, etc., but its a start.

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bigbrotiki posted on 11/16/2002

My birthday is August 27th, the day KRAKATOA exploded. The Kahiki closing party was on the 26th and I got a birthday cake at midnight.
I think Tiki Day on the second Saturday in August is great, now what will be the custom or ritual ascribed to it?

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bigbrotiki posted on 11/16/2002

My birthday is August 27th, the day KRAKATOA exploded. The Kahiki closing party was on the 26th and I got a birthday cake at midnight.
I think Tiki Day on the second Saturday in August is great, now what will be the custom or ritual ascribed to it?

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martiki posted on 11/19/2002

What about taking a page from our Jewish friends and lighting some kind of menorah-style torch cluster? One each day for X number of days.

One day would be Don's Day, and you'd have a Zombie.

Then Vic's Day, and a Mai Tai, and if anyone says they shouldn't have a Mai Tai for Vic, then they're a dirty stinker.

Denny Day- a day for music and "quiet" reflection. This would be good on the Sunday hangover day.

That's a pretty good three day weekend right there. But of course, you could add more.

Crane Day- A day to go to garage sales and thrift stores looking for rare and expensive mugs.

Schmaltz Day- A day to do something creative with your hands.

I'd like to see it stay old school, but you could of course add:

Shag Day- A day to for the men to wear turtlenecks and moai necklaces and the women to wear cocktail gowns and long gloves. Perhaps also carry a smoking pistol. Or just a day to go buy something overpriced.

Sven Day- Say "Vitco" three times and have a bratwurst.

Let's hear some more ideas!


Futura Girl posted on 11/19/2002

Sung to the tune of Jingle Bells - and as a round of course!

tiki crawls
tiki crawls
tiki all the way
oh what fun it is to drink in a tiki bar today

Futura Girl posted on 11/19/2002

take it to the bridge....

mai tais they will flow
and we'll wear a tiki lei
to the tiki bar we go
laughing all the way
ukuleles play
making spirits bright
oh what fun it is to drink
in a tiki bar tonight

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2002-11-19 20:21 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/06/2003

Interesting find on "groups@AOL"...

Being a former member of our old Tiki Central Yahoo Group, I thought I'd check on AOL under "groups@AOL" to see if there are any people that I could invite over to TikiCentral.com.

The only titles to "tiki" that I found were "Tiki Barber" and "Dan's Tiki Bar". Only 2 posts were on the "message board" since 5/9/02, one saying only "hi" and the other a worthless comment with no information (to which we never have here! ). The group shows that it was formed 8/18/01 and has only 15 members, and does not show a member list.

So on to the "events" board. To my surprise there were 2 events on the calendar, but with no additional info, which read:

10/22/03 International Tiki Day
11/22/03 Intergalactical Tiki Day

Both were posted by MIKETRAYLOR7@aol.com. Since I am an AOL member, I went to see if he was online to instant message him. He was online, so I instant messaged him twice, introducing myself and asking for more info on his Int'l & Intergalactical Tiki Day Events, but got no response. Since then, I have e-mailed him twice, again asking for info on these events, and, to this day, he has not responded.

Thought you'd want to know Bong. Maybe someone on this board knows him or recognizes his email address.

If you are an AOL subscriber, and you would like to check the board yourself:
~click on "People" at the top of your screen.
~click on "Join an online group".
~type "tiki" in the "search & browse".
~click on "Dan's Tiki Bar".


Tiki_Bong posted on 03/06/2003

What's new? Someone ripping off my idea of INTERNATION TIKI DAY (thank you, thank you).

I bet this wanker is a lurker on our site and wanted to start his own little phiefdom, so he's ripping off our ideas.

What do you want to bet he'll be having an OC Tiki Crawl.

What a loser (but hey, does he wanna join us?)

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Pacific Andy posted on 03/06/2003

Is this still on and whats the itinerary?

Pages: 1 2 66 replies