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Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week.

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Geeky Tiki posted on 01/04/2005

In case anybody is going to be attending the C.E.S. this week, a buddy and I will be "exhibiting" and pouring drinks. So, if y'all happen to be strolling by, stop in for a libation. Not sure if we'll have a very good selection of Tiki drinks - haven't seen the bar set-up yet - but we'll try to provide good 'Ohanaship' for any TC'er who wants to tip a few and play tunes.

Check-in is tomorrow. Two days to get the room set up and sounding good before the show opens, but like I said, if you happen by sooner, fine by me.

My friend Big Mike and I will be "exhibitors" in the "The High End" Show at the St. Tropez, room 1601.

Here is the 'company statement' from the exhibitors guide:


NFS stands for "Not For Sale."

If anyone happens by, drinks are on us!

More info at http://www.the-expo.net and http://www.audiogon.com

As an aside, all exhibitors were required to provide a weblink to their website. Since we didn't have a site, we Yahoo searched NFS and came up with this:

The "NFS Website" -


How perfect is that?

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sinner posted on 01/04/2005

But will you be using monster cable? That is the real question :D

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vintagegirl posted on 01/04/2005

Hey Geeky, my friend Beatnikine will be working CES too. If you get a chance, check out her booth (#5432) in the North Hall. (The location is also listed as LVCC NO 1-4/5432,) I designed her company's catalog and display graphics. She'd probably love to run into a fellow TC person there.

Geeky Tiki posted on 01/07/2005

Thursday night report:

Spent Tuesday evening and Wednesday part day getting ready and today the show began.

Played some tunes, met some cool audiophiles, had some tasty vino.


This is a pic of the front of the listening room.

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This is a pic of the back of the listening room. Finally found a use for that infernal Tiki Kleenex holder!

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The right hand side of the listening room. Forgot to update it, but above the Tiki is a Beatles Japan Concert Poster and an Elvis Costello Poster. Why is it that the wires are always more noticeable in pics than in person?

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Alcove on the left-hand side of the listening room. Taken before final tidying.

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Tiki in the back of the room. We used three of these guys for the room's lighting.

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The bedroom has a tub in it, it is the alcohol holding area. Before the beer arrived.

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The entrance to our room. We wanted an open door, but a cozier inside feel, so the curtain kinda does both. Good sound diffuser, too!

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More manana, I've already got a hangover.

Geeky Tiki posted on 01/15/2005

Trying to capture the Tiki ambience...

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It's hard to catch ambient light very well, this next one is the same view, but with a longer exposure:

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Sounded best with a live side wall and back wall. The Tikis broke up standing waves - it's what Tikis do best.

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More Tiki juju at work. Absinthe helps imaging, too. This is an alcove on the left hand side of the room:

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On Sunday, a guy I know brought the absinthe spoon from the movie Dracula that he had picked up somehow, so we poured absinthe through it over a couple sugar cubes and visited the Green Fairie...

As with equipment supports - three supports define a plain for best equipment placement. Same with Tikis, we used three to define some sort of plain.

Met the world's nicest feral cat (more like Will Ferrell, but I digress.) "Diva" (the name of a kind of Apogee speaker which was the brand we were using) now has a nice new home. I don't really like cats, but this creature is unique. It was kismet (the name of our dearly departed other good cat - she made it to 20 and then went to live with the Cat Gods).

Met her on the first day - she was cold and wet and stuck in the rain, so I brought her inside and she started visiting the rooms in our hallway. I figured someone HAD to own such a nice cat, but she was there the next night and it was snowing. She just hung out in the hotel lawn area with some really feral cats. That night, around 2 am, we were closing up the room and I heard a meow from somewhere outside, so I meowed back and she came running to the window to chat. I invited her up onto the sill and she hopped right up.

I had already told my wife about her, and had brought a cat carrier and towels, just in case. Took her home and my wife checked her over - ear mites, but FIV and Fe Leuk negative. She spayed her and (don't get mad, she will live indoors) declawed her. I don't think I've dug an animal this much since I was a kid.

Anyway, karma dictated that we should meet, definitely the highlight of the year!

She is about a year old and weighed only 4 1/2 pounds. She was starving, but actually stopped to get petted and purr between bites of actual food.

She had no clue what the litter box was for, but figured it out mid-pee when my wife picked her up and put her in the box.

Anyway, not to wax rhapsodic...

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Tried to find a fellow TC'er, but either her phone or mine bailed. Ended up being trapped in the room mostly, anyhow.

[ Edited by: Geeky Tiki on 2005-01-14 23:23 ]

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