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Desperate for new music...

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Geeky Tiki posted on 01/15/2005

Kinda overplaying Wilco, Son Volt, and Richmond Fontaine lately (any Richmond Fontaine fans?).

Desperately seeking new vistas.

Anyone heard this Franz Ferdinand? Any good?

What's new that y'all are digging?

The new Flogging Molly is good, too.

Tiki-bot posted on 01/15/2005

I saw all the hype about FF a few months ago, gave it a listen, and meh. I don't even recall it now.

Let's play "6 Degrees of Ben Folds"! First, get Ben Folds' "The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner" or any Ben Folds, for that matter. His solo album, "Rockin the Suburbs" is solid gold, too. Who can dispute:

i'm pissed off but i'm too polite
when people break in the mcdonalds line
mom and dad you made me so uptight
i'm gonna cuss on the mic tonight
i don't know how much i can take
girl give me something i can break

i'm rocking the suburbs
just like quiet riot did
i'm rocking the suburbs
except that they were talented
i'm rocking the suburbs
i take the checks and face the facts
that some producer with computers
fixes all my shitty tracks

No one has been disappointed in him yet and you sound like you have the gift of good taste to start with. Then get William Shatner's "Has Been". It's gold I tell, Jerry, GOLD! Seriously, it's touching, ironic, hip and oh so cool. And it's basically a Ben Folds album with guest stars. He wrote and produced and plays most of the songs. Then get Aimee Mann's "Lost in Space". She sings on Shatner's album and is the most underrated singer/songwriting genius out there. Sure, all her songs are melancholy and I can't imagine her being ebulliant, but it works and it's not particularly sad to listen to. I always thought of her as a mellow, more tunefully oriented version of Elvis Costello ca. 1980. Her melodies repeat like nursery rhymes - be warned!

That's all for now. Listen, then write a paper on how great these bands are and I will grade it for you.

donhonyc posted on 01/17/2005

New music, huh? That's a toughie. I was watching a cable access show here last night called New York Noise that showcases new music, and I think I've made my final decision....it's over!! The crop of tuneage we were used to getting over the last 40 years or so is done. The bands I saw on the show last night were either so amped up on their own irony, or they were churning out 80s style pop, that was more pussy sounding than it was 20 years ago. The only difference is these bands try to look Williamsburg-hip, but they're really Tears for Fears wimps. I was watching this stuff, and I just thought 'they actually think people are going to go out and buy this stuff and play it at home?'

There's one band called !!! (pronounced- chik, chik, chik) that get some props here in NYC. For me they hold the crown of the 'our music is so ironic, it's beyond cool' circuit.

But enough bad vibes: at the very least their is this guy Adam Green, that everyone is saying is reminiscent of Leonard Cohen (whatever). He almost makes me wanna puke, but he does have one song called 'Jessica' that's about Jessica Simpson that's worth all the self concious irony. Funny and a great lampoon on Mrs. Lachey.

The other person I have heard, and saw the video, was Chan Marshall aka 'Cat Power'. I thought that was coolest thing I had heard and seen all year, but it's only January so... But the song I'm talking about was called 'Nude As the News'. You can see and hear the song here http://www.matadorrecords.com/cat_power/music.html

Other than that...like I said....it is so over. There will be no more Haight/Ashburys, no more CBGB/New York/London '77s, no more Seattle Grunges, No more LA Punk, No more Stax, or 60s Detroit, no more Gram Parsons, no more early 21st century Garage revival. I have a hard time believing that anything like those things will happen again. No more organic scenes blowing up into the mainstream.
Rock is dead and has been surrendered to dressed-down, bed-headed rich kids who have time to cultivate a life for a mediocre band. It's been surrendered to the likes of 'artists' like Britney, Ashlee, and P. Diddy. It's all style over content from here on in. Rock n roll is like the days of radio before television. Over. Keep looking in those back catalogs, and check out All Music Guide online and read Mojo. If you want to hear anything good look in the rear view mirror, because it's just a dead end up ahead.

(ah...that feels better)

[ Edited by: donhonyc on 2005-01-16 23:33 ]

stuff-o-rama posted on 01/17/2005

If you like traditional country (ala Dwight Yoakam) with a little rockabilly flair, try Jesse Dayton. His web site is http://www.jessedayton.com and he is amazing.

Also if you sign up on http://www.myspace.com you will have access to umpteen zillion bands all who have mp3s available for download. Everyone is on there from Iggy Pop to Big Sandy. Check it out.

Trader Woody posted on 01/17/2005

On 2005-01-16 22:54, donhonyc wrote:
Other than that...like I said....it is so over. There will be no more Haight/Ashburys, no more CBGB/New York/London '77s, no more Seattle Grunges, No more LA Punk, No more Stax, or 60s Detroit, no more Gram Parsons, no more early 21st century Garage revival. I have a hard time believing that anything like those things will happen again. No more organic scenes blowing up into the mainstream.

Check out the 'new folk underground' spearheaded by Devendra Banhart. Now I'm no woolly folkie and normally like my music dissonant and blasting, but some of these people write some damn good songs. Devendra himself looks like he's just crawled from underneath a pile of disgarded organic potato peelings at Glastonbury festival, but writes some incredible songs.


There's links to videos and the like on there.

Trader Woody

seamus posted on 01/17/2005

I second Tikibots suggestion of Aimee Mann, and I'm taking his advice myself and giving Ben Folds a spin. And since you teeter on the country wire with Wilco, you gotta listen to some Hank Williams3. I've seen some of the biggest country music haters crumble with his crooning. There's a new Tom waits album out that's pretty good, and don't forget one of my favorite CD's of 2004- Modest Mouse, Good News for People Who Love Bad News. I do like a few of Franz Ferdidnands songs, and I think they're worthy of a listen, but Modest Mouse, in my opinion is at the top of the heap. Good luck!
oh yeah,, If you're Irish, or just want another excuse to drink- Flogging Molly is the real deal. Any of their albums-better yet see them live!!

atomictonytiki posted on 01/17/2005

Franz Ferdinand are likeable jock-pop, you should ignore them and leap straight to Aberfeldy up and comming local band who held their own this new year playing with Blondie and Scissor Sisters.

Trader Woody posted on 01/17/2005

Those top 50 round-up lists are a good place to get a few tips. Go through a few of them and you'll see a few names keep coming up.

Here's a pretty good site:

Trader Woody

Stratiki posted on 01/18/2005

I hesitate only slightly, not knowing peoples musical orientation can be disconcerting, but you all seem to span the gamut, here ya go.. http://www.rachelderry.com

liabungalo posted on 01/18/2005

I thought this was a fantastic year for rock music. Here are some of my favorite new albums.

Green Day's American Idiot
Franz Ferdinand's s/t
Koffin Kats s/t
The new Phantom Planet
Modest Mouse's Good News For People
The new Faint
Interpol's Antics
The Pavement reissues
You have two new Bright Eyes records coming out next week
Death From Above 1979 is pretty awesome
And I think the Detroit Cobras have something new coming out

these are just suggestions, but I really thought the records rocked

tikitortured posted on 01/21/2005

Just pick up all four SUPERGRASS CD's and bask in the glory.

Hale Tiki posted on 01/21/2005

I have no opinion to contribute here, and I'm really bored. There's no need to react, but I just f#$kin hate indi. especially whiny f#$kin indi. and emo, and fuckin indi kids, i fuckin hate indi kids, and emo kids, christ. everyone needs a f#$kin haircut, and a smack in the face while someone yells at them that not every teenager needs to express themself through poetry, music, or a blog. and sweatbands, jesus, stop wearing f#$kin sweatbands and eat a sandwich. I don't know about where you guys come from, but in the NE US, if you're indi, or emo, or whatever, thin is in. Male anorexia encouraged by a music movement, WHAT THE F$#K? And all of a sudden there's a race of 13-22 year old girls that are these androginistic little piles of "emotion" that have become nothing more than not only poster children for anoriexia, but cutting, and other self destructive habits, glamorized by the subculture.

That being said, there are those that do not act, dress, live, or behave in that manor and still enjoy the music. Please disregaurd, as it does not refer to you.

Also, no offense to anyone on here, as everyone on TC is Ohana in my book.

Did I mention that it has also bred a generation of unoriginal mildly talented musicians? :D

Mai Tai posted on 01/22/2005

On 2005-01-14 23:51, Geeky Tiki wrote:
Kinda overplaying Wilco, Son Volt, and Richmond Fontaine lately (any Richmond Fontaine fans?).

Desperately seeking new vistas.

Anyone heard this Franz Ferdinand? Any good?

What's new that y'all are digging?

The new Flogging Molly is good, too.

From the bands that you've already listed that you're interested in, I have a few suggestions. Have you ever checked out Sparta?

There's also a newer band out of the Los Angeles Hollywood/Silver Lake area called TSAR, and they are great! They put on a great live show as well. More of a brit-pop sound with a little bit of psychedelia thrown in as well, but a lot of critics say that their sound kind of defies categorizing. It has taken them like 3 years or longer to release their second album, which still hasn't come out, but should be released sometime in 2005. http://www.tsar.net/

Also, check out Mogwai, they're an experimental rock/noise band out of Scotland. They put on an amazing performance in a live club setting (I saw them at Bimbo's in S.F. when they opened for Guided By Voices - fantastic show!) but I've heard that their outdoor arena type performances aren't that great.

Also, check out Interpol, you might dig them as well. Their sound kind of reminds me of old Joy Division.

Those bands are the first to come to mind for newer-ish bands. I could probably recommend about a couple hundred older classic alternative bands that might interest you as well, but that's the newer stuff that comes to mind.

Satan's Sin posted on 01/22/2005

Try the group "Pink Martini." Their latest album is "Hang On Little Tomato."

Very loungy but definitely not retro, tunes range from very snappy to Worthy of Inclusion Into the Great American Songbook.

You'll kick yourself for not discovering them earlier.

Trader Woody posted on 01/22/2005

On 2005-01-20 20:58, Hale Tiki wrote:
in the NE US, if you're indi, or emo, or whatever, thin is in.

Up here in NW UK, fat is where it's at. :wink:
I take it you're not overjoyed by the recent Slint reunion?

Some good noisy bands I've been listening to recently are Isis, Pelican, and Lightning Bolt. Anyone like that kind of stuff?

Trader Woody

LavaPants posted on 01/24/2005

Does anyone like Modern Rock with an experimental (Progressive ((compared to whats going on now))edge? OURS,Shudder To Think (pony express record) The Mars Volta. Radiohead , A perfect Circle etc.)

[ Edited by: LavaPants on 2005-01-24 15:28 ]

tikitortured posted on 01/26/2005

Mind Over Four, baby MIND OVER FOUR!!

sinner posted on 01/26/2005

Tiger Army. Never die.

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