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Conga....Wisconsin stuff!

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congatiki posted on 10/23/2004

Welcome to Conga's Corner, various finished pieces since May 2006.

[ Edited by: congatiki 2012-03-03 14:32 ]

[ Edited by: congatiki 2013-04-21 09:42 ]

congatiki posted on 10/23/2004

[ Edited by: congatiki on 2004-10-27 08:05 ]

Satan's Sin posted on 10/24/2004

Conga -- looked at the way you posted them and it seemed okay to me -- just re-read that FAQ about posting pix and try it out in the test section til you get it right -- I want to see those pics!

congatiki posted on 10/24/2004

[ Edited by: congatiki on 2005-05-01 06:57 ]

congatiki posted on 10/24/2004

deleted some pics that were mixed up at shutterfly.

[ Edited by: congatiki 2006-08-25 05:05 ]

congatiki posted on 10/24/2004

Benzart posted on 10/24/2004

Darn right, we DO Need another tiki artist and another and another and..... Anyone who can come along and post art as good as this is needed Anytime. More more more

finkdaddy posted on 10/24/2004

I really like the one with the person in red sitting by the tree. It makes me happy.

Nice work. You're very talented!

congatiki posted on 10/24/2004

thanks for the encouragement Benzart...and
Finkdaddy....anything that makes you
happy makes me happy. Now that i think
i have the knack of posting pics i'll
toss a few more in this thread.

foamy posted on 10/25/2004

They all look fine. I really like the one of the fella play'in congas the best. There's an eerie-ness to it and the composition works really well. Keep it up!

Sam Gambino posted on 10/25/2004

Yes, I agree about the conga player. Very cool and unique...it almost has a collage look too. We love looking at art, so keep it up!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/25/2004

Jimmy Cliff??

congatiki posted on 10/25/2004

RevBamboo....looks kinda like jimmy Cliff
but it's suposed to be a cat named
Babatunda Olatunji...recorded a hit lp
in the late 60s called Drums of Passion...
a world music hit before it begame a
genre...thanks again for all the positive
vibes...very gratifying...working on
another carving that I should be posting
in a week or so...it's a surprise!

congatiki posted on 11/12/2004

a few additions from the northwoods...tiki
island...shriners on the town...fez monkey..
and latest carving...tell me what ya think...

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/12/2004

Great stuff, Conga. Love the paintings. Cool, fun, and very impressionistic. That last carving somehow looks like a painting...like it was carved with brushstrokes.

Thanks for posting - very neat stuff!


congatiki posted on 11/28/2004

hi pals...here's a coupla shots of latest
tiki...around 40 inches...almost ready for
stain and poly....

do you prefer your tikis with light or
dark stain?

[ Edited by: congatiki on 2004-11-28 07:14 ]

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/29/2004

That is lookin' way cool, Conga. Is that basswood?

On 2004-11-28 07:11, congatiki wrote:
do you prefer your tikis with light or
dark stain?

How 'bout half & half?


rodeotiki posted on 11/29/2004

Are you going to torch it, I like both stains. No matter what you do , I am sure it will look great. (already is)

congatiki posted on 11/29/2004

thanks A-A and RodeoTiki....I am thinking
of a two tone job on this guy...mahogony
on the little feller on bottom and a
lighter stain on top...have also thought about torching...I've never done it but
how tough can it be right? Not sure
about the wood...leftover from a remodeling
project...probably good ole wisconsin pine.

[ Edited by: congatiki on 2004-11-29 06:34 ]

finkdaddy posted on 11/29/2004

Looks teriffic! I'm partial to lighter stains, but I'm sure it will look great no matter what you choose. Everything you do keeps looking better and better.

I hope we can meet again before to long. Let me know if you and your wife are ever in the area.

Lake Surfer posted on 11/29/2004

That's some really nice work there Conga! Can't wait to see the finished piece!

congatiki posted on 11/29/2004

Appreciate the comments Fink and LakeSurfer..
good to hear from the other members of
the TC Wisconnection! I'm thinking of
stealing an idea from...I believe
Rodeotiki...who put some color into one
of his tiki masks...wil post finished
product soon. We should all get together
at TV in Chicago sometime...could you get
off work for one of the wednesday nites

finkdaddy posted on 11/29/2004

Maybe. It would take some planning on my part with babysitting and all, but it's not impossible. Couldn't do it till after the holidays though.

Lake Surfer posted on 11/29/2004

I'm down there every month... would be good to see you there...

December will be the one not to miss with the King in town...

finkdaddy posted on 12/02/2004

It turns out that I will be able to make it down on the 15th of dec! I hope to see you guys down there.

congatiki posted on 12/22/2004

again...deleting mixed up shutterfly pics.

[ Edited by: congatiki 2006-08-25 05:07 ]

finkdaddy posted on 12/22/2004

I always love it when you pics of your work. Your carvings are so unique. I love the tiki cut up wearing the dark briefs!

Benzart posted on 12/22/2004

Lookin Good Congatiki. Join the anks of first time carvers doing great first tikis. I Swear I don't know how you guys do it since my firsts were so bad they wouldn't even burn. Keep up the good work. Get yourself some good wood to carve too!

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-12-22 07:58 ]

congatiki posted on 01/15/2005

[ Edited by: congatiki 2006-08-25 05:07 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 01/16/2005

Cool Work Conga-
I really like your latest effort. And the Two Tiki's with two different stains are very nice as well. I like your paintings too!!!
Good Stuff!!!! Thanks for posting.

Raffertiki posted on 01/16/2005

Nice work Conga.

finkdaddy posted on 01/16/2005

Very nice. It just gets better and better.

BTW, I love the new CD. You're right, the opening track is amazing! You should post it here for everyone to hear.

Nice job on everything!!

Polynesiac posted on 01/16/2005

I really like your last mask - very cool carving!

the mask background is pretty cool too, whadya use? (looks like veneer squares?)

"Hey, at least I'm housebroken."

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2005-01-15 20:13 ]

congatiki posted on 01/16/2005

thanks Spermy...raffertiki...fink and
Polynesiac...always great to get the
feedback from the tribe...Polynesiac the
background is from the fabric dept at
Walmart...hate to say it...the best choice
we have around here...Glad to hear that
you like the cd Finkdaddy...I would gladly
post some tunes but I am 'puter illiterate
and don't know how...Would you believe the
monkey sounds are my drumming buddy using
a squirrel call....

Benzart posted on 01/16/2005

I agree,the last one is really good. How long did it take to put all those little squares together and build the frame/background? Keeep up the good work and thanks for sharing.

Polynesiac posted on 01/17/2005

Fabric?!?!?!FABRIC!?!?!?! Well...I'll be!

Looks like I need to renew my glasses prescription. Still looks cool! (and I bet it feel nice when you touch it too....mmm...fabric)

Aaron's Akua posted on 01/17/2005

Conga, I like the way that double decker tiki finished up. Nice use of different stains. And that last framed mask - very unique. Like Polynesiac said, you'd never know that was fabric from the photo. I looks like some kind of elaborate wood inlay. Great work.


congatiki posted on 01/17/2005

Many thanks guys...the fabric department
at Walmart...where I am not a regular
customer I might add...does have some
pretty cool tribal patterns...I am going
to make a companion piece with a leopard
background...really appreciate the
comments from all of you...

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Sam Gambino posted on 01/17/2005

That really is a cool piece of tiki work. I like all of the different background tones as well. Keep up the good work.

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congatiki posted on 02/04/2005


[ Edited by: congatiki 2006-08-25 05:08 ]

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Monkeyman posted on 02/04/2005

How can you not dig the Monkey.... man! I like the happy expression on monkeys face. Nicely done. Oooh Oooh Oooh, Aaah Aaah Aaah. Is that Redwood?

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Benzart posted on 02/04/2005

Woah Congatiki, nice Monkey for just monkeying around. Look what happens when you get bored. Now you have to do More Monkeys

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congatiki posted on 02/04/2005

monkeyman and ben...my monkey sincerely
appreciates your positive vibes...

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finkdaddy posted on 02/04/2005

Simply wonderful! And don't you go giving me the whole 'I was just bored so I was tinkering around' story. :wink: You are legit, anyone would say so.

My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth...

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[ Edited by: finkdaddy on 2005-02-04 10:32 ]

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congatiki posted on 02/13/2005

[ Edited by: congatiki 2006-08-25 05:49 ]

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finkdaddy posted on 02/13/2005

Both are very nice indeed. I love the monkey's expression, like he was just caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Priceless!

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2bace9dc0ed0c365e3734639187d1fed?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
congatiki posted on 02/14/2005

thanks finkdaddy....always fun to play
with monkeys....looking forward to seeing
you wednesday night!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benzart posted on 02/14/2005

Agree with Finkie, Monkey looks like he just got busted for something and the wahine is nice. What izzit with monkeyz, everybody loves'em?

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