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Shag Hula 1 & 2 Framing Ideas

Pages: 1 6 replies

kbgator posted on 12/08/2004

Does anyone have any examples or know of some good places to frame this stlye of art work. Since the prints are oval in shape but still come on a square piece of paper. I am having a little problem as how to get them framed. I like how monkeyman frames and frame fetish (might be too expensive). I probably need to contact monkeyman.

net-tiki posted on 12/08/2004


The only place to get your prints framed. Plus Link is a cool guy.

Tiki Matt posted on 01/17/2005

I took the least expensive route. Standard 20" x 16" ($19.99 ea) bamboo frames and pre-cut mats ($6.99 ea). Got 'em at Aaron Bros.
Less than $60 after tax and turned out pretty ok.

Bargoyle posted on 01/17/2005

Did similar with mine, but had mats custom cut into ovals to match the print shape. (most craft shops with a framing section can do this for you pretty cheap). Will post pics if I can get the darn digital cam to work again!

Bargoyle posted on 01/21/2005

ok, cam is working again. Here's the promised photos!

and close up

Good luck, and be sure to show us what you come up with!


[ Edited by: Bargoyle on 2005-01-20 19:43 ]

kbgator posted on 01/22/2005

Thanks so much for the ideas, I will take some photos of mine once I get them finished.

tikiboy posted on 01/23/2005

Aaron Bros. is having a buy one frame get the next one for a penny sale now.

Pages: 1 6 replies