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Baracuda Magazine

Pages: 1 14 replies

FreakBear posted on 01/12/2005

Does anyone here read Baracuda? I recently picked up an issue with a nice article on OA, as well as other great non-tiki articles, and savory pin-ups of course!

This is a great zine with an interesting history! I'm glad I finally laid down the $4 for a read!


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 01/13/2005


if you can get past the view of the beauty on the cover, the car used on the cover is Bobby Green's (aka TikiBob) of The Lucky Tiki!

Just like my ol' favorite western says, "I'm roundin' up the troops and comin' at ya hard & fast..."

[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy 2005-11-29 00:28 ]

Kailuageoff posted on 01/13/2005

Yes, it is a great mag. I love the writing as well as the art.

tiki-riviera posted on 01/13/2005

It's absolutely one of my favorite magazines. I have almost every issue. Reading the letter from the editor in each issue is always a highlight. Jeff Fox loves what he does and isn't interested in being a corporate sellout. hooray for Barracuda!

Trader Woody posted on 01/13/2005

Yeah, I've been picking it up for a long time now, and have been subscribing for the past year (since I moved away from the shop I used to buy it at.)

Many years ago, I bought a great book called "Cad: A Handbook for Heels - The Forgotten Lore of the Red-blooded American Male" which picked up on similar themes, and Barracuda seemed a natural progression.

Every issue seems to have at least one decent Tiki article.

Trader Woody

limptiki posted on 01/13/2005

Plus you have to appreciate the recent retro girlie photo of a fully clothed Tera Patrick.

virani posted on 01/13/2005

I love it too, and have almost all the magazine they made...I love their recipes too.

aquarj posted on 01/13/2005

Yeah, it's a fun rag and all, but would it kill them to show a boob once in a while?


Trader Woody posted on 01/13/2005

On 2005-01-13 12:41, virani wrote:
I love their recipes too.

You can get processed cheese in France??!!

Trader Woody

tikimitch posted on 01/14/2005

Where do you all find this magazine? I checked my local downtown mag stand that has a million oddball mags and they didn't have this one? Can you find this at the local Barnes and Nobles? Is this a nationwide publication or a local thing?

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 01/14/2005



(and 'yes', you can find it at Barnes & Noble.)

the75stingray posted on 01/14/2005

Ohhh yeah! Looove Barracuda AND Car Kulture DeLuxe!

And I agree, a boob here and there would probably boost sales - especially mine! (Not my man-boobs, I mean their sales, my purchases...get your minds outta the gutter!)

Freakbear - You can go to their web site and they used to have a deal on their back issues...like $16 for 4 or 5 issues? I can't remember, but probably worth checking out.

[ Edited by: the75stingray on 2005-01-14 12:40 ]

tikimitch posted on 01/17/2005

Thanks SugarCaddyDaddy! I checked Borders over the weekend and they didn't have it. I will check the local B&N tonight. Looks like I am on a quest now!

Cherry Capri posted on 01/19/2005

I love this magazine and one day dream of doing a 'betty' style spread with octavio doing the photo honors...

the75stingray posted on 01/24/2005

Cherry- See above posts! LOL! Seriously, if you sent them some pics,I bet they'd stick you in the mag!

By the way, since we're on this topic;

Anyone else get the Mad Fabricators Society DVD? If you like the Barracuda mag, you'll appreciate this DVD. Just got it Saturday and been watching it ever since! And, belive it or not, it has a quick glimpse of some tikis at a show. Pretty cool.

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