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Happy Birthday, Mac!

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freddiefreelance posted on 01/24/2005

On this date in 1984 the first Apple Macintosh went on sale, as advertised on television two days earlier during Super Bowl XVIII.

Macintosh, also known as Mac, is a family of personal computers manufactured by Apple Computer, Inc. of Cupertino, California, USA.

Named after the McIntosh, a type of apple favoured by Jef Raskin, the Macintosh was launched in January 1984 with a famous Super Bowl commercial. It was the first computer to popularize the graphical user interface (GUI), at that time a revolutionary development in desktop computing.

Tikiwahine posted on 01/25/2005

Happy Birthday Mac!

Ironically, my stupid PC here at work died, so I'll be using my old Mac alll day!

I've got my iPod mini hooked up to the speakers, and I'm good to go.

tikibars posted on 01/25/2005

I am so glad that my last seven computers, every one I have owned since 1985, have ALL been Apple products. I have never had a single disk crash, a file corrupted, or a so-called 'blue screen of death', EVER.

Worth the slight extra cost (exagerated by Windows marketing propaganda), IMHO!

[ Edited by: tikibars on 2005-01-25 09:50 ]

pablus posted on 01/25/2005

We have 14 Macs ranging from the very latest to a Mac Quadra that still does some sequencing. They all work. They are all working right now.

We also have a PC built with superchips and the latest, greatest microtech - it is not working and hasn't been for a week.

The kids here just don't get it.
Computer Science isn't a drag race... it's a marathon.
They foisted this PC on me for its benefits but we suffer for its incosistency.

So - even now - I still get people "in the know" telling me that Apple's days are numbered.

"Yeah, I've been ignoring that warning for about 20 years now."

MachTiki posted on 01/25/2005

Once you go MAC you never go back.

Happy Birthday MAC!!!

vintagegirl posted on 01/26/2005

Not to mention, how about raising a glass to a company that still puts a little thought into their product design. Especially for such an everyday object. Kind of like the great vintage designs of old TVs, radios and telephones. I'm glad Apple still thinks appearance is important. Maybe the G4 tower design will become as classic as an vintage Chevy. And the new kids into retro stuff will say "Wow, look at that cool old tower. It even has a built-in handle!"

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