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Last Hale Tiki mugs available at Tiki Farm

Pages: 1 4 replies

MakeDaMug posted on 01/25/2005

We've got the last remaining Hale Tiki mugs available for $11.95 each, limit 2 per customer. Remember that TC'ers get a 15% discount on all non-limited items and all items not currently offered at discounted prices (makes the mug $10.16/each).

Jeff Central posted on 01/26/2005

Hey Holden,

I just ordered 2 mugs yesterday. Do I still get the discount. Let me know. The mug looks great!!

Thanks and Mahalo,

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 01/27/2005

Got my mug a couple days ago. Very cool. Nice detail.

Rob Roy posted on 01/27/2005

I ordered mine on Monday.

teaKEY posted on 01/28/2005

what a find. I feel that I can compete alitte more with the people whom travel to the festivals by having this mug. Should have bought two!

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