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NW Tiki Crawl 2005 Official Thread!

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TikiMaxton posted on 01/10/2005

Our team of dedicated Crawl Coordinators has met, discussed, pontificated, consumed countless tropical drinks, fallen off chairs and come up with the OFFICIAL NW TIKI CRAWL 2005 DATES!

This year's crawl will be held, once again, in lovely Portland, Oregon, on the weekend of June 17th-19th. We are in the process of re-designing the web page and working out all the details, so keep an eye on this thread for further information.

We hope to top last year's success, adding new events and features to the crawl. We look forward to seeing as many Tiki Centralites as possible at this year's event.

If you are a vendor, performer, home bar owner or someone wishing to donate to our raffle, here are the email addresses you'll need to contact the proper coordinator:

Home bar owners(if you're interested in adding your bar to the tour): john@nwtiki.com
Vendors: markp@nwtiki.com
Performers, venues and general queries: mark@nwtiki.com

Stay tuned for more exciting information!

[ Edited by: TikiMaxton on 2005-01-10 13:40 ]

dangergirl299 posted on 01/11/2005

Ai ya! What is with the propensity for setting tiki central events on mothers/fathers day?

don't you people have parents?? I mean, parents like mine that will rip off my epidermis with a butter knife if I dare miss a mothers or fathers day??

mrsmiley posted on 01/11/2005

I am already pushing it with Mothers day in Palm Springs--I can't miss Fathers Day , too. DANG!!

TikiMaxton posted on 01/11/2005

More appropriately, we should ask, "What is it with Father's/Mother's days that they simply must happen during perfectly good Tiki weather? Can't we celebrate our progenitors during the winter when nothing else is going on?"

I guess those of us who have parents who are either deceased or living far away (like Mexico) tend to forget that other folks have more of a connection to these holidays. We picked the only workable weekend in June; sincere apologies to those who must favor other commitments.


Unga Bunga posted on 01/11/2005

Let's have a Tiki Parent Crawl!
I hope to make this Maxton.

mrtikibar posted on 01/11/2005

Just use Steve Martin's old excuse...
"I Forgot."

Mrsmiley, it was Father's Day last year. Just recycle your excuse. Ya gotta be here.

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2005-01-11 10:46 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 01/11/2005

I'm going to try my darndest to make this event. DrunknMonkey actually suggested a little road trip down Portland way!(if he's home by June)

He was also wondering if there are any beer related festivals/events happening down that way that anyone knows of?


thejab posted on 01/11/2005

"Hey Dad, I won't be in town for Fathers' Day this year because I have to be in Portland for a work-related conference first thing Monday morning, the day after Fathers' Day. Did you get the card I sent? I'll come by for a visit real soon. I knew you'd understand."

It's easy!

dangergirl299 posted on 01/12/2005

On 2005-01-11 15:44, thejab wrote:
"Hey Dad, I won't be in town for Fathers' Day this year because I have to be in Portland for a work-related conference first thing Monday morning, the day after Fathers' Day. Did you get the card I sent? I'll come by for a visit real soon. I knew you'd understand."

It's easy!

would you use that old excuse when there are hidden original records of sinatra outtakes (to be inherited) on the line??

I have a lot at stake, and that's just one of them.

DangerGirl (proud new owner of autographed Vincent Price portrait, from daddy's office)

Sea-Tiki posted on 01/14/2005

Must say, we had an absolute fabulous time last year...is it possible to have too good a time???? Those dates are looking good for us Seattle Tikis! Mahalo for your efforts kids! :)

tikivixen posted on 01/14/2005

MrSmiley, what is it with the women in your life and Vincent Price?!? He always gets there first even though he's dead! :wink:

VERY cool, DG. You lucky lucky thing! I absolutely adore Vincent. I love it that he was married to the incredibly interesting Coral Browne, too.

Speaking of dead, somewhere my Dad is laughing and saying "go to the damned Crawl, Snuggles." So I will. I can't wait to see all the great Tiki folks up in the beautiful Northwest again! You guys are such nice people...it has been WAY too long. I'm not even gonna bother with cliches like "where does the time go?" but it IS disconcerting.

Anyway...we'll be there for sure.

XOX tikivixen

Dancin' Lizard posted on 01/27/2005

I missed last years crawl but plan on skipping the Micro Brew Fest in Seattle this year so we can attend this years!

Since we are noobies...can someone give me an idea of what we're in for? What are the dos and don'ts of this crawl?

TikiMaxton posted on 01/27/2005

On 2005-01-27 14:00, Dancin' Lizard wrote:
Since we are noobies...can someone give me an idea of what we're in for? What are the dos and don'ts of this crawl?

DO Have an excellent time.
DON'T Puke in the bushes on the home bar tour.
DO Tip the busdriver
DON'T Tip over the bus
DO Put your camera on the floor and take upshots of all your friends huddled together
DON'T Forget to pick your camera up off the floor
DO Dance when there's music
DO Make time for a Voodoo Doughnut
DO Buy your tickets as soon as they become available
DON'T Forget to bring money for the raffle.

Anybody else have any suggestions?

[ Edited by: TikiMaxton on 2005-01-27 15:03 ]

Trader Tiki posted on 01/27/2005

Take a shot every time you pass over a bridge crossing the Willamette.

Tikiwahine posted on 01/28/2005

Well tie me up and slap me silly!

It looks like we'll be able to make this event! Jeff happens to have a break from French torture in Quebec between the 13th and the 20th of June!

I'm getting my freak flag out of storage as we speak.

And I can't wait to meet all you wonderful folks across the water from me!

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-01-28 12:28 ]

tikibars posted on 01/28/2005

Don't forget that many, if not most, of the old Polynesian religions were based on ancestor worship.

There is nothing you can do on mothers or fathers day that is more appropriate than making an offering to the Tiki.

sweetpea posted on 01/29/2005

oooh, I might be able to make it this year! YAY!!! I hope sooooooo

Dancin' Lizard posted on 01/30/2005

Okay...got it...

  1. Get tickets early.
  2. Tipping is okay..tipping over is not.
  3. No barfing in home bar plants... apparently public bar plants are fair game.
  4. Dance, eat and with the Willamet didn't have so damn many bridges!


Dancin' Lizard posted on 02/08/2005

Forgot to ask...since this will have to be an over-nighter for us..is there a hotel that most of you stay in? If not can you recommend one that would be close to the starting/ending points?

woofmutt posted on 02/09/2005

From LASt years crawl thread:
If the thing ends up at The Jasmine Tree (Which I don't know as the website is still trumpeting last year's event...HINT HINT) here's info from last year's thread:

"The following ((are) n the general vicinity of
the Jasmine Tree :

Days Inn - 1414 SW 6th Avenue - 503.221.1611

Double Tree Hotel - 310 SW Lincoln - 1.503.221.0450

The Mark Spencer Hotel - 409 SW 11th Avenue - 1.800.548.3934

Downtown Value Inn - 415 SW Montgomery - 503.226.4751
http://www.downtownvalueinn.com "

"Here are a couple other close places that may be less expensive. I don't know anything about them other tham they are close to this same area.

4th Avenue Motel
1889 SW 4th Ave
PORTLAND, OR 97201 - 5303
(503) 226-7646

6th Avenue Motel
2221 SW 6th Ave
PORTLAND, OR 97201 - 4912
(503) 226-2979

On the eastside there is a Motel 6 on SE Powell Blvd that is close in. Maybe a 6 or 7 minute drive from the Jasmine Tree.
Motel 6
3104 SE Powell Blvd
Portland, OR 97202
Phone: (503) 238-0600

The Mallory Hotel has a classic feel and great bar (the Driftwood Lounge).

http://www.travelportland.com/cool_deals/hotels.html#downtown "

I've always got great Portland deals from priceline.com If you go that route pick the downtown and/or northwest areas to stay in. The Airport is far away.

mrtikibar posted on 02/09/2005

The Embassy Suites (The Old Multnomah Hotel) is a short walk from VooDoo Donuts.

Dancin' Lizard posted on 02/10/2005


I've made note of all of those places and will get some reservations nailed down once I get them all investigated.

mrtikibar posted on 02/12/2005

Where's the website? Wha' happened?

Maori_man posted on 02/12/2005

Maxton said it would be down for a couple of days - BUT he didn't say why...... Come back soon!!

kingslod posted on 02/15/2005

The site is back up...the new (splash page) logo looks nice. --DB

woofmutt posted on 02/25/2005

"NW TIKI CRAWL 2005...We are in the process of re-designing the web page...Stay tuned for more exciting information!"

I didn't stay tuned, I went channel surfing. When's one of yous NWTC folks gonna say something?

Melintur posted on 02/25/2005

Check out our little message board for the event at http://forum.nwtiki.com

We did this so we can post about who is staying where & who needs a ride without overloading a post on Tiki Central

If you are coming to the event and/or want questions answered, head on over!

I'll get some of the details in this post over there soon.

NOTE: Let's keep the nwtiki forum for the event only; we're not in competition for tiki message boards! :D


TikiMaxton posted on 02/25/2005

I've added a welcome thread in the General forum. That's where we'll be posting new information on the crawl. We will be cross-referencing all announcements here on Tiki Central, too, so hopefully nobody will miss anything important.

woofmutt posted on 02/26/2005

Did i miss the Tiki Central post "Rockin' New 2005 NW Tiki Crawl Website!" topic? You kids are being awfully coy...

Hey, folks, there's finally a rockin' new NW Tiki Crawl website up!:


Great artwork and a color scheme that make you wanna eat chocolate! You can register and when you do you get what yah always wanted: Another identifying number! I'm #13, so stay away from me. (So far everyone's doin' just fine at that.)

Good job, NW Tiki Crawl bosses.

TikiMaxton posted on 03/11/2005

We need your help in planning the entertainment for this year’s crawl! Go to the NW Tiki Crawl forum topic on entertainment (http://nwtiki.sylvanfells.net/viewtopic.php?t=17) and weigh in with your opinion about what kind and how much entertainment you’d like to see at this year's crawl!

TikiMaxton posted on 04/13/2005

Great news - Portland's Jupiter Hotel is now the Official Lodging Sponsor of the NW Tiki Crawl! General manager Al is giving us great winter rates, even though our event is in June! Go to http://www.nwtiki.com/jupiter.html for details, and book your room at this fabulously swanky hotel today!

Tikiwahine posted on 04/13/2005

Great looking hotel!
We'll most likely be staying there.

TikiMama posted on 04/18/2005


Tikiphiles, it’s time to start planning your trip to beautiful Portland, Oregon for the 2005 Northwest Tiki Crawl on June 17, 18 & 19!

This email has all the vital information; please see http://www.nwtiki.com for more details. Also check out the NW Tiki Forum at http://forum.nwtiki.com/ to chat with your fellow NW Tiki Crawlgoers.

This year’s NW Tiki Crawl has been expanded and improved, with bigger raffle prizes, more locations and amazing entertainment. Thanks to our generous sponsors—Cruzan Rums, 3D Spirits (makers of VooDoo & Redrum), Tiki Magazine, The Alibi (Portland’s premier tiki bar), The Jupiter Hotel and Munktiki—this year’s crawl will be better than ever.

The entertainment has been enhanced while still preserving last year’s most popular acts. Returning to entertain you this year are the Northwest’s (and Tiki Central’s) own Lushy. DJ Selector Lopaka will also return to spin your favorite in exotica and lounge. Joining us for the first time are Susan and the Surftones. Stay tuned for more entertainment to be added!

We have created a new pricing structure that we hope will accommodate everyone, balancing participation and economy with giving you the fabulous experience of Portland’s unique tiki offerings.

The schedule is currently as follows; visit http://www.nwtiki.com to keep abreast of changes:

Friday, June 17:

Kick off party at Portland’s greatest home tiki bar, Castaway Cove. Enjoy the hospitality of TikiMaxton and Pele, get to know your fellow crawl-goers old and new (7pm to midnight).

Saturday, June 18:

Socialize at one of the West Coast’s preeminent tiki bars, The Alibi. The Alibi is a Portland landmark (and popular karaoke hotspot) filled with original tiki artifacts, a Witcoid bar and the finest in day-glo Hula girl paintings. There you will get your crawl package and badge and enjoy free appetizers. This will also be the time to shop! A variety of tiki vendors will be there to sell their wares. If you’re short on cash, load up on raffle tickets for a chance to win one of the great prizes from our sponsors - Cruzan, Redrum and Munktiki - as well as other art and tiki collectibles (4-8pm).

The Crawl then moves on to Portland’s party tiki bar, Jasmine Tree. Enjoy Jasmine Tree’s superb exotic décor and classic Chinese-American cuisine. Dance the night away to tiki tunes, win something in the raffle, enjoy the company of your fellow tikifans. Although the party ends at the Jasmine Tree at 1am, who knows how long it will last back at our sponsor, The Jupiter Hotel? (9pm-1am)

Sunday, June 19:

This is NW Tiki’s distinctive offering: a tour of the Rose City’s finest private retro and tiki home bars. Ride in quiet comfort (not too early!) in a luxury coach to visit the homes of NW Tikites. Steal their decorating ideas (but not their mugs, please!) for your own home. We will have new locations on this year’s tour (as well as returning favorites) - it is an event not to be missed. Space is limited on the bus (and in the homes) so buy your ticket early. Rums provided by our sponsors, 3D (including Redrum, VooDoo and the new Jolly Roger) and Cruzan rums.

Ticket Pricing Structure

We have four packages available to accommodate all levels of participation.

The Basic Package gains you entry to Friday Night's bash at TikiMaxton's Castaway Cove as well as the Main Saturday Night Crawl at The Alibi & The Jasmine Tree. $25

The Huki Package adds a ticket for the bus on Sunday's home bar tour. $35

Package Hula adds instead a limited edition collectible 2005 NW Tiki Crawl Mug, designed by our very own Tikitronic (at half the normal price!). $37.50

Package Big Kahuna is the whole shebang: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and the limited edition collectible mug. $47.40

You can also purchase the NW Tiki Crawl 2005 limited edition commemorative collectible mug separately, designed by Tikitronic. $25

You can purchase your tickets today at htpp://www.nwtiki.com! Click on STORE to reserve your place on what promises to be the Northwest tiki event of the year. Remember that the mugs have a limited run of 50, and there are only 50 seats on the bus! Book early to avoid disappointment.


The Jupiter Hotel is the official hotel of the 2005 NW Tiki Crawl, and is centrally located to the Crawl vicinity. The Jupiter is located within walking distance of the MAX in the emerging Lobu district. The Jupiter and attached Doug Fir restaurant, bar & live music club are fast becoming a Portland hotspot. The Jupiter is offering special Crawl packages, please call 503-230-9200 or email Al@Jupiterhotel.com and ask for the NWTIKI Rate.

We hope you will join us for a weekend of special Northwest style tiki hospitality! We look forward to meeting new friends as well as catching up with old ones.

The NW Tiki Crawl Cabal


[ Edited by: TikiMama on 2005-04-18 09:44 ]

thejab posted on 04/18/2005

That is one nice hotel - and a beautiful lounge! I just booked a room there for Thursday through Sunday. I bought my plane ticket. I bought my Crawl ticket. I'm coming to Portland this year!

dogbytes posted on 04/18/2005

i wish the official hotel had a better pet policy.. 25 nonrefundable fee for pets PER DAY(and i didnt even bother to tell them i had 2).

i guess we'll be staying at the Mallory ~ unless i get our Dog Nanny to take the mutts for the weekend..

but.. we got our tickets..and we're ready to Tiki!


TikiMaxton posted on 04/19/2005

Jab! So glad you're going to make it this year! This is going to be the best NW Crawl yet!

dogbytes posted on 04/19/2005

can we get the bus to make a pit stop at voodoo donuts?

Melintur posted on 04/19/2005

On 2005-04-18 16:00, thejab wrote:
That is one nice hotel - and a beautiful lounge! I just booked a room there for Thursday through Sunday. I bought my plane ticket. I bought my Crawl ticket. I'm coming to Portland this year!


Tikiwahine posted on 04/19/2005

drunknmunkey & I have booked our crawl tickets!

We'll be driving down in the Tiki Tercel, so look out Portland!

TikiMama posted on 04/19/2005

On 2005-04-18 19:41, dogbytes wrote:
can we get the bus to make a pit stop at voodoo donuts?

Tragically, Voodoo doesn't open until 10pm (and I think they are closed on Sundays anyway). However, the MAX stops right behind there, I think we ought to make a pilgrimage on the stop between The Jasmine Tree and the Jupiter! Since it is Saturday night, they will have the ultimate doughnut: Bacon Maple Bar!

mig posted on 04/21/2005

Still too early to know 100%, but it's looking like I will make it!

And especially with El Jab confirmed, Sweetpea as a "probably," and the fact that I'll finally get to meet Dogbytes-- that all helps tip the scales.


Maori_man posted on 04/25/2005


We have all the dealer info for the NW Tiki Crawl ready for you to peruse.

Please contact me at Markp@nwtiki.com to be included in all the fun at the BIG event in June. We have a great space for you (how much better could it be then the Alibi!?!?) and a captive tikified audience ready to buy.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Humuhumu posted on 04/26/2005

Just got my tickets for the whole shebang -- can't wait to see my NW 'ohana again!

TikiMaxton posted on 04/26/2005

On 2005-04-26 10:33, Humuhumu wrote:
Just got my tickets for the whole shebang -- can't wait to see my NW 'ohana again!

Yay! We get our Humu fix! Can't wait to see everybody!

Melintur posted on 04/26/2005

On 2005-04-26 10:33, Humuhumu wrote:
Just got my tickets for the whole shebang -- can't wait to see my NW 'ohana again!


seamus posted on 04/27/2005

Great selection on the hotel guys! I was hoping there would be some way of integrating the Doug Fir Lounge into the weekend. Now the hotel patrons will be able to stumble back and forth at will.

TikiMaxton posted on 04/27/2005

On 2005-04-27 08:21, seamus wrote:
Great selection on the hotel guys! I was hoping there would be some way of integrating the Doug Fir Lounge into the weekend. Now the hotel patrons will be able to stumble back and forth at will.

Thanks to the friendly folks at Jupiter, we'll also have a "Party Central" room on Saturday night, so we can have an after-party and not trash anybody's room! Woohoo!

TikiMaxton posted on 05/09/2005

Support the NW Tiki Crawl and get your butt onto a cool bike - go to http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=14517&forum=12&0 for details!

Pages: 1 2 91 replies