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IMPORTANT: Grand Membership Updates! Update your email address!

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Aloha everyone!

I have finished the Grand Membership automation process, and beginning tomorrow some of you will start receiving "Your Membership is expiring!" messages.

As you can see on the new Grand Membership Registry page I have tiered the expiration dates for a lot of charter members. PLEASE NOTE: these tiered expiriation dates are temporary and only to reduce the load on the new system while testing it.

I'd rather have 20 memberships being processed over 5 days than have 120 all processed at one time. They will be readjusted after the testing is over.

If your Tiki Central email address is not up-to-date, you won't get the warning messages or the notification of expiration.

Thanks to everyone for supporting Tiki Central with money, and thanks for your patience while I get the new system rolled out.

Here's to a great tiki-filled 2005!



[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2005-01-26 19:52 ]

Hanford, Sorry if this has already been answered, but how do we pay to re-new our memberships?

You'll get an email warning you that you have 7 days until your Grand Membership exprires. In that email, there will be a link.

If you want to pay early you can just go to the Code of Conduct page, but MAKE SURE you enter your membername correctly in the box on that page.



Anyone who signs up for a second year of Grand Membership will get a shiny new green star next to their name! Whoo hoo!

Thanks to everyone who's renewed so far!


Oooooooooo NICE!


now i have green star envy.

I have worked my PayPal mojo.

For anyone feeling envy, you can renew early and it will add a year onto your existing membership, so you won't lose out on any extra time by renewing early, and you'll get your green star right away.


holy cow. instant greenstar gratification!



Green star is good !

One more note, new Grand Members and members who let their Grand Membership slip will get the normal yellow star when becoming a member. If you want a green star, don't let your membership slip!

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2005-01-28 20:01 ]

Just renewed for my lime green star!
Thank you, Hanford, for bringing so much tiki to us all.


...am i the only one out there curious what the color of the Grand Member star will be for 2006?

How much for a blue star? :)

mahalo hanford!
some virtual greenbacks should be zinging your way.

The new Grand Member purchase system continues in test mode. There were some problems that cause a few members to NOT get registered. If you paid for a Grand Membership renewal or new membership, but your account has not been upgraded yet, please contact me and tell me whether you used Paypal or Monolux, and include the email address you used for the purchase.

Thanks to everyone's renewals and new memberships!


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