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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki


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kick_the_reverb posted on 01/29/2005

So, a few weeks ago, Dale and I are about to go into a thrift store, just as her "luck giving" co-workers (see Tiki Finds in Collecting Tiki forum) show up.
We don't find anything Tiki, but as I look at the computer section, I come across an HP Oscilloscope from the 1960's. I ask Dale if she wants to see an Oscilloscope, and she comes over and says, I don't know what it is, but it would make a great coffee table base...just put a piece of glass on top. Of course! She's a genius. Look at this:

This thing supposedly is still operational, and it even came with a manual (dated May 3, 1963). The price? $20!

Of course it doesn't fit the Tiki theme, but it would be great in a mid century "futuristic" room.

Pretty cool for 20 bucks, I think.


Kono posted on 01/29/2005

Scripps is tiki. Just throw a couple of starfish and a barnacle or two on it then top it with glass. I used to know how to operate one of them things (for a week or two in school).

About a month ago I found this big thing at Savers Thrift store that was made by Siemens. It was definitely a research or specialty type item but I have no idea what it was. It was about the size of a rolling hot dog kiosk with two flexible tubes coming out the sides. It was very heavy and on rollers. All the writing was in German but there was the word "Thermogenic" and lots and lots and lots of dials. I looked it over and under and over again but never could suss what the hell it was. I've not been back since, it may still be there unless some mad scientist has found it.

kick_the_reverb posted on 01/29/2005

Just in case the title suggested otherwise, I just want to stress that I know what an oscilloscope is...
Kono, that Siemens thing sure sounds like a cool looking device, wish I could see that.
I bet it's the sort of thing that Man Or Astro-man? would have bought for their stage set-up.


cynfulcynner posted on 01/29/2005

On 2005-01-29 12:26, kick_the_reverb wrote:
I bet it's the sort of thing that Man Or Astro-man? would have bought for their stage set-up.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

tikibars posted on 01/30/2005

I am always looking for bizarre old gear to use in my work, you know, to get 'just that sound'. Some of that ancient gear is so unique, that none of the new digital stuff sounds quite like it (and, to be fair, vice versa - some of the digital stuff rocks too). But even if it doesn't work... a studio full of this groovy old retro-future, space age gear is better than a kick in the spring reverb amp head. Ambiance.

Hakalugi posted on 01/30/2005

Ran, if you'll be using your oscilloscope as a coffee table, you absolutely must have a signal feeding to it! Maybe you can feed it an audio signal from a line out on your stereo. It would be pretty cool to have the oscilloscope dancing to whatever music you're playing.

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 02/01/2005
kick_the_reverb posted on 02/01/2005

Not to worry, Son of Mothra, mine came with the full manual (from 1963). No need to pay $10 more...

Hakalugi, very good idea...if only I HAD a stereo. Will definitely do that in the future.


[ Edited by: kick_the_reverb on 2005-01-31 16:57 ]

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