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Tiki Make Over Monday!! Crazy AL TV

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crazy al posted on 01/26/2005

Man... After the 'Monster House' looser -Tiki House- crap of last season,
I really had cold feet about this....
but the head designer had the 'Book of Tiki' on her brain and I jumped in...
with my nose plugged........ set your VCRs!!

the Discovery Channel
Jan 31, 2005 @03:00 PM
Feb 17 2005 @ 03:00 PM
That's Right! Your friendly neighborhood tiki carver has entered the Reality TV 'Craz'....
Will Crazy AL come off as another reality show wack job??
or will he become the next 'American"Tiki"Idol'??????"The Dude Room!"
Jan 31, 2005 @03:00 PM
episode :: Episode 18
description :: Jarrett is a certified SCUBA diver who gave up a career in
commercial diving because it was too dangerous and he wanted to have a life
with Krystal -- who has taken over the decorating of the house and left
Jarrett with no space to call his own.

I play a small part, but I was asked to carve a tiki, on site, in a few hours,
for a Designer Make Over Show... for the Macho Guy!!!
Tiki Take Over in Two Days!!!!!!!!!!
The Designer had a great idea of what 'Tiki' is... and I signed on...
Find out how to make your own Lava Rock Fire Place in a day with no Lava Rocks!
Watch me carve up a tiki with a dull chain saw and my ten year old hand-me- down chisels!!!
Listen to APE sound track!! (we hope)
any way...
this should be fun, even if I become the next Omarosa....
and I'm fired......
more info at:

(why oh why am i posting this....)

[ Edited by: crazy al on 2005-01-26 13:48 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 01/26/2005

(why oh why am i posting this....)

Cuz you're damn good and we wanna see that's why.
Somebody tape this fo me. I never learned to program a freakin' VCR. I'm done.

Hakalugi posted on 01/26/2005

On 2005-01-26 13:40, crazy al wrote:

(why oh why am i posting this....)

Because if we were tipped off about it from anyone else first, you would have never heard the end of it!

Thanks for the heads up. This will be the first time I've fired up the vcr in almost three years.

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 01/26/2005

I can't wait for BambooBen's response to this!

Benzart posted on 01/26/2005

Thanks for the reminder, it sounds like a riot, Can't wait..
Before you get famous(More famous!!) an I have your autograph?

RevBambooBen posted on 01/26/2005

On 2005-01-26 14:42, SON OF MOTHRA wrote:
I can't wait for BambooBen's response to this!


It was difficult not blabbing about this before the Ape Man himself let the cat out of the bag.

Rock on!!!!

C'Al is the man!!!

I feel that I was part of the show too cause he used my dull Lancelot!!

DawnTiki posted on 01/27/2005

When I heard about this show last year, I thought it was right up Bamboo Ben's alley. Then I saw the Tiki episode and was more than disappointed with their results. (shoulda, coulda, woulda) No one ever listens to me :cry: Thank goodness someone had the good sense to not pass up Crazy Al's work, now if they would just get these 2 bad boys work together on one episode, I have no doubt that it would elevate the show to the highest levels of art and craftsmanship possible! Not to mention be the best hour of TV I've seen in awhile! Can't wait to see the show!

Tiki Matt posted on 01/27/2005

The Tivo has been set...

christiki295 posted on 01/27/2005

Will Crazy AL come off as another reality show wack job??
or will he become the next 'American"Tiki"Idol'??????

I can't wait to find out!

teaKEY posted on 01/31/2005

well today is the day, sort-of. I have it marked of the Shag calender Jan. 31 like in the original CRazy Al post. I look up info on my satilite today and nothing. Maybe its the T.V.'s not showing the right program. Well' the discovery link says" Feb 9th and again on the 17th. So now the first show will be on New Years day (China).

Unga Bunga posted on 01/31/2005

Sorry teaKEY
I just caught your post. Duh.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2005-01-31 11:41 ]

badmojo posted on 01/31/2005

Huh, last week I set up the DVR to record it, and even double checked the listing last night. I just looked and now the listing is FBI Files.....

Helz posted on 01/31/2005


My digital cable shows the same thing, no "Dude Room" on today.

...which sucks, becuase I wanted my wife to see Crazy Al in action to help convince her to go to the Ape show on Thursday.

and on the Discovery channel site linked above you can have them email you a reminder, so I'm ready to go. I even have my "tiki tape" cued up in the VCR. This will be going right after Otto's apperance on the Food Nework's "Unwrappped".

[ Edited by: HelzTiki on 2005-01-31 13:02 ]

tikimug posted on 01/31/2005

I just checked to see if it was on today... I have FBI Files, too.

Checking the Discovery website... Right Here

Says Feb 9 at 3:00pm
and Feb 17 at 3:00pm

My on screen guide only goes up to 2/8, bah! But Dude Room is listing two different episodes on 2/7 and 2/8 at 3:00pm... I'd have to assume Tiki Room will be on 2/9...

crazy al posted on 02/01/2005

dang!!! TV folks!!! always changing things up

well the wait will kill us all......

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 02/01/2005

This is unacceptable. You’re fired.

Benzart posted on 02/01/2005

Oh Well, I guess we need to know more about the FBI.

teaKEY posted on 02/01/2005

next week on Monster Garage Monday 7th @ 9:00, Woody Surf Wagon. I only saw a 7 sec. clip but I liked what I saw. What is better than a woody? The surf board - A tiki god.

crazy al posted on 02/01/2005

maybe they moved the show to make a tiki week. My good friend Jim (long time woodie builder and starter of the C'AL Dash Board Dolly Production!) was asked to be the head Woodie Man on this crew... He called me to try and get me on the show..lol.. but it did not work out...crap'o... next week i got a unrelated call for the Dude Room... tiki is out and about!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 02/02/2005

I still think that "Crazy Al" would be a great kids show. Someone has to pick this concept up before he gets arthritus!!!

Dimethios posted on 02/02/2005

Congrats Al! I can't wait to see it! I don't have any means of recording it tho. Is there any way someone could record it and put it on a cd for me?

Alnshely posted on 02/08/2005

Dude Room is on every day this week at noon. Wed the 9th is Al's episode. My schedule is Direct TV, North County San Diego, Pacific Time, check you local listings.

teaKEY posted on 02/08/2005

Surfs up
The Woody show is on. It was created on the West coast but we on the East coast are watching it right now. Wood carved sunglasses, palm tree in the garage, tiki board along with pinstripes, check.
Matching shirts with what else, tiki


[ Edited by: teaKEY on 2005-02-07 18:46 ]

ookoo lady posted on 02/09/2005

Tomorrow (Wednesday February 9) at 12:00 noon on Discovery Channel for west coast folk with DirecTV. Set your Tivos!

martiki posted on 02/09/2005

I'm on the west coast, and it's now showing 3:00PM on my digital cable schedule...

Double check, folks!

crazy al posted on 02/09/2005

Holly TV Mix Masters!!!!! Bat Tikis!!! not shame time same channel!!!

(While looking at the local 'TV Guide Channel to find this info... there's a Magnum PI special with a Ku Tiki as a Prop!!! they're pulling 'clues' out of it's head??!!!!!!!!!) Every wacky....

Looks like air time is 12:00 noon for Direct TV folks and 3:00PM here in HB CA for Local Cable.......

i might as well shoot my self around 12:30 when a friend with satellite calls to tell me........

Alnshely posted on 02/09/2005

"To be perfectly honest with you I think Tiki blows, honestly, Tiki Blows" Vin Diesel looking contractor Dude.

Unga Bunga posted on 02/09/2005

The show was slowin down until you arrived. Then when she announced your arrival,
and you were suddenly there… it was like a breath of fresh Tiki!
Glad Oceanic Arts got a plug in there too.
Al’s Tiki made the room come alive. The room ended up lookin great.
I liked that painting too.

Sam Gambino posted on 02/09/2005

I just saw it... You were in fine form! Excellent job!


bigbadtikidaddy posted on 02/09/2005

That room was bamBOO!
Crazy Al rules!
He was pretty much the only reason the show was worth watching, besides seeing the end result.

Was it me or was the crew a bit whiny?
"I don't like this","this is impossible","I don't get it","tiki blows"...WTF!
They could have used the time spent listening to the crew vent & shown them shopping at OA, researching design ideas or coaxing Al to do the show........anything other than listen them bitching about everything.
I did like the fact that the designer stuck to her guns & didn't let her crew push her around or change her mind about her ideas.
Also I thought the painting & fish tank were very cool & I even liked the bar. Interesting concept for the bar top.
Indeed a very cool tiki room in the end.
Al, you represent the best part of this group & do us all proud!

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The Sperm Whale posted on 02/09/2005

Crazy Al - You did a Great Job!!!! It was so cool to see somebody cool on that show. Your TIKI was excellent!!! I want one!!! I also really thought that Painting was amazing, too!!! I think they should have put more stuff in the resin bar top!!! What I really hope is that that guy who got his dude room built- I hope he decides to add more to it and not take it for granted!!!

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seamus posted on 02/09/2005

I Tivo'd it and just watched. Congratulations Al. Excellent work.
They did a great job on the room too. They had me worried when all that chEEeesey talk started up.

So Al, you must be getting all kinds of movie offers now huh? Got an agent?

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rodeotiki posted on 02/10/2005

I hate Canadian TV for this reason , we dont get the shows from discovery channel in the US. hopefully there will be pics on the net.

crazy al posted on 02/10/2005

other then no APE music... and not mentioning "Tikimania.com" or even listing it in the "special thanks" with Oceanic Arts.......
I give the show an "A"

for the masses... all the time spent on the infighting had to be more entertaining then the four little interviews they did with me.
Maybe there wasn't any film in the cameras... i did a lot of bitching about getting my W.Site/band mentioned....

the designer is a huge Blue Hawaiians' fan.... This is how she found me... She should be at the Lava Lounge, Hollywood, this weekend for the Hawaiian's show. So tell her thanks for sticking to here guns and making the think turn out "Cool!"

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ZebraTiki posted on 02/10/2005

Crazy Al is now known as "The Mainstay of the Tiki Subculture." That show needed more Crazy Al carving and less construction whining!

When the contractor dude said, "Tiki blows," I actually felt my pulse race with indignation! The debate about the lava rock fireplace and the ceiling matting was so stressful... I am so glad that the designer didn't give in.
This show also illustrates the value of a tiki-tolerant signifcant other. Never doubt the lava wall!
The cool part was how the tiki elements all worked their magic on everyone, and they all stopped using the words "cheesy" and "blows" and came around eventually.
If I came home and discovered a new tiki room, and above all, a Crazy Al custom tiki, I'd be a happy crying fool like on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Smelling salts would be required.
Who else is jealous of all that open wall space for mug shelves and art?

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Trader Tiki posted on 02/10/2005

Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch... just build the damn thing. Tension really isn't that interesting when the objective lacks the certainty of loss of life or limb.

Crazy Al, carvin' "live", in about 3 4 second spots. Came out fantastic though, almost as good as the one auctioned off at the Ape show! :)

And that platform it was on, what a frickin' waste of space! Put some booze underneath it or something!

Martiki's note was that all of his grandfathers trinkets, matchbooks, etc, are now entirely ruined, encased in resin until the end of time... when the DNA will be extracted...

martiki posted on 02/10/2005

True that.

Plus- thank you Les Baxter for the tiki in the painting!

tank looked good, lights looked good, overall the room is solid- just needs more more more! (like always)

My first thought was that they should have contacted the drunken hat on how to hang sea grass mats on the ceiling!

nice damn job, al!

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ted tiki posted on 02/10/2005

I thought my wife, Emily, was going to jump through the tv because of the "Tiki Blows" comment the crybaby guy made. I loved the room, I wish Oceanic Arts wasn't half a country away. Crazy Al did another great carving. Can't wait to see his stuff in person again in about 3 months at the Oasis.

TSW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/48f154ad18ad50a211d1a6f886f64a3b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
The Sperm Whale posted on 02/10/2005

Yeah those people on the dude room where a bunch of crybaby's.. I don't think I will ever watch the Dude Room again. Crazy Al rocks the rest of them are a bunch of crybaby's. The room turned out great!!! I don't think the dude really know's what's up though!! Crazy Al waz the best part of the show!!! I have seen other episodes of the "Dude Room" and I swear this was the only "Dude Room" that was even worth Televising!! The rest of them suck!!! Thanks Crazy Al for making the show even worth watching. I hate a bunch of complainers (they act like they are not even getting paid) you are the only person that wasn't acting like a total WUSS!!!

martiki posted on 02/10/2005

I must repeat C'Al here: I can't believe there was no mention of tikimania in the credits, no Crazy Al in the special thanks, and no mention of Al in the crew list. No Al anywhere! Hell, even the off camera guys got a mention in the credits. That's just all fucking wrong as far as I'm concerned. What the hell is wrong with this production company?

TT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6abe96784558b0107857935b10bbc738?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Trader Tiki posted on 02/10/2005

On phone with producer

he's not sure why there's no mention in the credits and is checking the release form Al signed.

Also, getting me my own show. The "Blair goes Apeshit hour!"

New info
Because al got a few dimes for the show, there's no "special thanks" promotion. That deal is through a separate contract and involves a Product Placement Vendor Agreement. Instead, an Appearance Release was issued, so basically $ = No tikimania.com or other promotion.

The producer did mention he saw Al and the set and loved his work. Season 2, if there is one, will involve less in-fighting as Discovery Channel is looking to step away from that aspect of their reality shows.

[ Edited by: tikimonkey on 2005-02-10 11:26 ]

crazy al posted on 02/10/2005

(Hey ya'monkey write me an email....)

Over all the show was not about Tiki, but about creating entertainment by getting talented people to work there ass off just for "TV"! And to focus on the 'Drama' of the 'Impossible Task' they agreed to do for no 'money'.....
(Let's face it folks this is an 'afternoon' show in it's first season.....)

Big Surprise........ but luckily the designer Patty had a goal to do it right if she was going to do it...... I gave it a go.... She did Tiki Proud.......

I really had to force my self to do this... it could have been another Monster House, but they never made it clear I could get either money or promotion.
So it ended up they showed non of the four or so interviews with me that they filmed, and never mentioned my wed site or my involvement with Ape the band (that I repeated over and over...they even shot a scene with every one dancing around to Ape Music at the end). ..But they did make me look good, and mentioned my name over and over....now if I only get off my but and get CrazyAL.com, which someone has saved, or at least 'crazyalevans'.

I think since I made them pay me the $250 (that wasn't in budget)...they decided I got my dues. However, because they did such a great job with the 'interviews' I put much more work into the tiki then what I planned. I carved the Grand Father's and the Kid's initials into the face... It might be the biggest shame that they left that part out.

Also, the Corporate Sponsors throw a fit when someone's info is given with out the million dollar price tag that they paid.... the producers wouldn't let me put up a banner behind me. I didn't push them to sign a promo-contract because I was not written into the show in the first place. the producers where shit-ting about the budget already. So I took what I could get.... bla bla bla....

Here's the carving station - front yard
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here the back yard
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the kitchen table
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the tiki install.....man the got pissed when my flash went off...
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Ta DA'! CrazyAL Tiki#78 "GrandPa"
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tiki wall
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we should all have one of these... I'm not to mad they spent all the show time on this thing
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Bi'dee Bi'dee....That's All Folks!!!

[ Edited by: crazy al on 2005-02-10 12:25 ]

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sneakyjack posted on 02/11/2005

Great to see you in the flesh Al - the show looked fun but yes whinning and no trying got a little annoying, but thats what TV is all about these days! I wasn't so sure about the firplace but with the light on it, it looks cool. I'm also glad Patty stuck to her guns and also got Crazy Al in on the scene. In the end it looked legit and like a good place to hang. My one question is in the 2nd day Pattys make up was perfect in the beginning of the day, first shot and then at the end it was all wiped off - she should be looking after her on camera apearence just as much as her room appearance! She is he designer! ROCK ON AL nice work carving and jivein!- and if anyone wants a vhs of the show I can send a copy - it wil be NTSC just PM me.

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Atomicchick posted on 02/11/2005

Wow $250 for a custom tiki even with initials carved in? I want one! Where do I sign up?

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Polynesiac posted on 02/12/2005

thanks for the pix, c'al! I still have rabbit ears on my tv...so no discovery channel for me.

THat place looks really cool especially for the amount of time that it took to do it. Hope it brings some good biz your way...you deserve it!

even though no website address got mentioned on the show, your site is still the first and top of the list if you google crazy al!

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"Hey, at least I'm housebroken."

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2005-02-12 10:14 ]

Benzart posted on 02/17/2005

Looks like it is Supposed to be on in my area tonight, but sadly I don't get That discovery althoughI do get 2 other Discovery channels. I wish these guys would get their Crap straight dammit!

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FLOUNDERart posted on 02/17/2005

I just saw Al on the Dude Room a couple hours ago. I didn't see this thread and was surprised when I turned on my TV and heard Crazy Al's name.

The room actually turned out nicely in my opinion.

Al was made for TV.

Do you think the guy who stepd on the bar top still has a job? Ouch

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trustar posted on 02/17/2005

For those of you on the board right now, the show starts @ 3:00 pm on Discovery in So Cal.


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