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Atomic Testing Museum, Las Vegas

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Atomic Cocktail posted on 02/02/2005

Last weekend on a trip to Las Vegas I was able to visit the new Atomic Testing Museum at the Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation:


Though the permanent exhibit does not officially open until February 20, 2005, there's a great exhibit of modern test site photos (including the Bikini and Enewetak Atoll sites) well worth the visit. However, I was able to attach myself to a group of "Nuclear Material Officers" in Vegas for training who were getting a personalized, pre-opening tour of the museum.

Let me tell you, if you have any interest in the history of atomic energy, it's effects on our society or just mid 20th Century culture in general you should visit this museum. I've been to a lot of them and I have to say I was extremely impressed with the job they did. Just some of the highlights include:

A large display of pop-culture items influenced by "the atom".

High-speed footage of bomb tests effects on physical objects (buildings, vehicles, forests, etc.) viewable on "spin-browsers" that enable you to watch the films frame by frame.

An interactive display with a Geiger-counter. You can test the levels of various objects; uranium ore, a clock with a a radium dial, water, and a red glazed fiesta ware plate from the 40's. The plate, BY FAR, threw the most radiation!

Interactive "manipulator arms" that allow you to pick up various shaped objects behind glass and place them in the proper slots. It's frightening that I was the most adept at this task - even better than the 20 odd "Nuclear Material Officers" whose group I had infiltrated. I wonder if the aliens were testing us? If I should disappear one night please call Agent Scully.

So next time in Las Vegas stop by 755 East Flamingo Road (a few block east of the strip). I give it a "glowing" review!

PS: Thanks for lunch, Pug.

sinner posted on 02/02/2005

Sounds like a pretty good time :D

Also check http://www.atomictourist.com

BryanDeanMartin posted on 02/04/2005

Sweet! I'll be going to Vegas for Viva Las Vegas next month, I'll have to look into that...nothing like a little culture while in Sin City...

Alnshely posted on 02/04/2005

I lived in in the great basin desert for 6 years, in the shadow of nuclear testing. Nevada is a very unusual state:
In Nevada, it is legal:
To store and explode nuclear material.
Own fully automatic weapons.
They pass out carry permits, like candy.
The bars, God Love 'em , stay open all night.
Prostitution, the state flower. Gambling, the state bird.
Weed, of course is a felony and for the longest time there were no professional sports. Gaming is the only vice, damn you

But, what do you expect when the Mob runs things.

I have heard first person accounts of people watching ash fall from the sky. This Museum sounds very interesting. I must see it. And Atomic, "Infiltrating" Nuclear material officers, I want to party with you cowboy.

Geeky Tiki posted on 02/05/2005

Man, if only the Mob did still run things - they got run out of town by the worst mafia of all, corporations!

Now, instead of Tony Spilatro, we have Hilton, Corp.

The gangsters now wear suits with power ties and have publically traded stock!

Weird state, indeed.

As mentioned, 24/7 bars, legal prostitution, legal gambling, instant marriage and almost as instant divorce, yet we are a "conservative" state.

Trivia: The last time the 24 hour bars had "last call" was for 30 minutes during JFK's funeral.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 02/07/2005

I've already ordered my Einstein Action Figure from the museum store. Can't wait 'til it gets here.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 02/10/2005

On 2005-02-02 12:54, sinner wrote:
Sounds like a pretty good time :D

Also check http://www.atomictourist.com

Ah, the "Atomic Tourist", Love that site! If anyone wants to visit the Trinity Site (only open two days a year--on the first Saturday in April and October) let me know.

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