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teaKEY's got a Bar or two *Update*

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teaKEY posted on 02/03/2005

This is a picture of a mug that I made. The picture is made with hundreds upon hundreds of at least fifty colors of dots. Many dots no thicker than a single hair.


[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-12-10 11:45 ]

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2009-08-07 09:22 ]

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2009-10-30 15:28 ]

teaKEY posted on 02/03/2005

Many great artists make contributes to this field of polynesian americana. I started a stectch this morning of many wonderful images that I see on this site. Some are from the Book of Tiki and some from artist that make their preseces on Tiki Central.
I'm still working on it and plan to do a couple more. Two of my mugs are here and another favorite of mine. One of the items in the background is on Ebay right now. Enjoy and I hope that I am not stepping on any toes. Done just for fun.


[ Edited by: teaKEY on 2005-02-03 11:16 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 02/03/2005

I love it!!! Keep posting more sketches!!!

Benzart posted on 02/04/2005

Thats pretty Kool TeaKEY. Man thats a lotta dots

sonofabeach posted on 02/04/2005

I gotta ask.How long does it take to create a piece like this.

[ Edited by: sonofabeach on 2005-02-03 19:20 ]

congatiki posted on 02/04/2005

am I the only one who can't see the dot
picture....I like the sketches but I can't
get the first "dot" pic...unless the dots
are too small for me to see

Slacks Ferret posted on 02/04/2005

Yeah...I can't see it either. Boo

finkdaddy posted on 02/04/2005

Alas, I too am one of the unfortunates who cannot observe the dots. Ours is a horrible curse. Those who cannot see the dots hang thier heads low. :(

teaKEY posted on 04/05/2005

It looks like the dots are gone for everyone to see. Seamus told me to post my moai when I got my camera working for all to see. This is my first and certainly not my last. I will have three soon and each one will grow 100% in quality and soon size.

these are my two cats. One is fat and one slim.


[ Edited by: teaKEY on 2005-04-05 08:11 ]

teaKEY posted on 04/14/2005

My cat love my first tiki. I let her outside everyday and she goes straight for it. Rubs her face all over the nose and mouth and then lays next to it. My cat is my biggest fan at the moment and maybe for all time.

Hope the nose isn't rubbed down like the Sphinx or Mr. Jackson

Aaron's Akua posted on 04/14/2005

teaKEY, that's cool. Is it cast or built up? I'm gonna try this one day, but haven't done all the research yet.

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seamus posted on 04/14/2005

Great job teaKEY!

teaKEY posted on 04/14/2005

teaKEY, that's cool. Is it cast or built up? I'm gonna try this one day, but haven't done all the research yet.

Aaron, its certainly built up. I don't think I could cast something that big. Super light.

Seamus Thats great that you like it. I see that you are a Grand Member. Moving up. Just before I went to bed yesterday I had a really good vision. (The best thoughts are before bed but I need to write them down). I think I will have to start this coming Monday. It will be one part tiki history, one part Me(hopefully) and one part cement.

P.S. I just saw for the first time, a commercial for Quikrete. Its was saying, "use it for everything" basically. :drink:

teaKEY posted on 05/19/2005

Still need to do the big vision but here is a coloring that I did at work. I think they were just looking for green but I put a tiki spin on it. Need did turn it in cause I didn't want pizza that day.
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IT has a gecko type print for the toga, a tiki Tony type hat and a Crazy Al tiki for the crazy bread offer. THe Irish pot is now a coconut.


[ Edited by: teaKEY on 2005-05-19 10:22 ]

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hewey posted on 05/20/2005

Sketches are cool. Keep em comin.

I feel left out becasue I never saw the dot picture. I am gonna spend the rest of my life wondering about that...

teaKEY posted on 05/20/2005

Hewey-I thought that your "If I won a million" sketch looks a bit like mine, but your planning was way better, cause the building is better centered and you fit a truck in there.

I don't know if you saw the new tiki mug by Munktiki called Orongo (which is the name for the Birdman Cult located on Easter Island) Theres more to the island than Moai and the Birdman is equally interesting.

I like the name so much that I think that will be the name of a future future tiki bar for me. I hope that its not taken yet by another but I don't think that it is. The cement thing is going well and I thought that, since I love the look and mystic of the bird "logo", I had to make one. I will probably use the photo of my bird for a bar sign. I think that my bird actually came out better than the actual bird of the birdman.
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Towka posted on 06/02/2005

You are an awesome artist. Keep up the good work man.

teaKEY posted on 06/02/2005

double posted cause I forgot the image and the cancel wasn't fast enough

[ Edited by: teaKEY on 2005-06-02 15:47 ]

teaKEY posted on 06/02/2005

I had my birthday over the weekend and every gift that I got were tiki. Most of it was stuff that I have never saw. Its rare when a tiki item gets by me. But some of the items were from Myrtle Beach Tiki Jims.? Something like that. I will have to show more pictures later. One of the best parts were three mugs made from my dad that does not know much about tiki. A fresh mind. I love my three new, one-of-akind mugs. Each one very different with different concept pionts.

I know that many TC's love the Bastard and my dad made this one from looking at a picture from Quest. Its close in size and the look. Its back is different but what can you expect. I like it better for this reason though. I really liked that Sneaky Tiki and this one is simuliar in the color treatment. Its sortof a bronze color inside and out. I made a limited edition card for it with a gold foil stamp of its image. Its name- Suffering Brass
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the Orongo Room

[ Edited by: teaKEY on 2005-06-02 15:55 ]

Benzart posted on 06/03/2005

Way to go teaKEY, I Love the Orongo Room name and the Bird is just Great. Also the mug from your dad is cool and I love the color.

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teaKEY posted on 06/03/2005

Thanks Benzart

I like it too. I was thinking about doing fake rocks with the bird logo on it just like the real deals. I just need to hide the bird some behind thick vegatation. Actually that bird is a fountain.

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Sam Gambino posted on 06/03/2005

Cool bird, teaKey! Happy birthday too....

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hewey posted on 06/03/2005

Cool art dude. Yeh, that sketch of yours definitely helped with the inspiration.

That bastard and that bird are way cool - me much impressed!

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freddiefreelance posted on 06/03/2005

On 2005-06-02 15:44, teaKEY wrote:
I had my birthday over the weekend and every gift that I got were tiki. Most of it was stuff that I have never saw. Its rare when a tiki item gets by me. But some of the items were from Myrtle Beach Tiki Jims.? Something like that. I will have to show more pictures later. One of the best parts were three mugs made from my dad that does not know much about tiki. A fresh mind. I love my three new, one-of-akind mugs. Each one very different with different concept pionts.

I know that many TC's love the Bastard and my dad made this one from looking at a picture from Quest. Its close in size and the look. Its back is different but what can you expect. I like it better for this reason though. I really liked that Sneaky Tiki and this one is simuliar in the color treatment. Its sortof a bronze color inside and out. I made a limited edition card for it with a gold foil stamp of its image. Its name- Suffering Brass
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What about the other 2 mugs your Dad made? That Suffering Brass is beautiful, I'd love to see pictures of the others and to hear about the sculpting, glazing & firing of all three. Plus, you said you're making a limited edition card for Suffering Brass, is he a limited edition of one, or is your Dad making more?

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kirby posted on 06/04/2005

dude, you have a great dad... great mug...kirby

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teaKEY posted on 06/04/2005

Freddiefreelance- It seemed like the glazes at my school are not as good as the ones at my dad's school. It takes me more work to get a reaction from two glazes were just one glaze at my dad's class works. I found this Trader Vic's thing this weekend. The two colors pretty much match.
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Here is part of the Limited Edition card for Suffering Brass. Its one card with one picture but two angles to show its gold foil qaulities. The card is the highest grade paper too. I like TikiDiablo saying he's the best mug maker in SoCal. Munktiki is North CAli. Well, I think I will say I'm the best in Michigan.
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teaKEY posted on 08/02/2005

Here is a cement wall mask that I made today next to the kitchen sink. Its of the above image of the Trader Vic statue. Although it does have a bit of changes made, due to artist licenses. Now that it is done, it looks like other stuff that I have seen before.
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I also made a Necker Island idol that I will post probably tomorrow due to still drying.

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2005-08-01 19:54 ]

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Sam Gambino posted on 08/02/2005

Lookin fine, Teakey. Me want to see MORE!!!! :)

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saxotica posted on 08/02/2005

That wall mask is REALLY cool!

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teaKEY posted on 08/02/2005

Its nice to hear encouraging words from two guys that I'm a fan of.

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Here is my Necker Island piece that I did yesterday. There is only one picture of them on Google. I think that it said that there are only seven and in this picture there were five from one collection and some were just the heads. It was sort of like doing a gingerbread man. I could do a bunch for Christmas but then I would be the only one to know what it was. So here is number eight.

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saxotica posted on 08/02/2005

Man that is perfect! Is that just plain ol' Quickcrete mix? Do you use any admixture [latex, etc.] or just straight from the bag? Any kind of frame or armature? What size is that guy? Oh and nice drawings of my carvings, too! I think you're on to something with these concrete sculptures. I really like seeing people do different stuff, especially since Benzart just busted us all in the carving dept.!

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Aaron's Akua posted on 08/02/2005

teaKEY, keep up the good work. It's cool to see your experiments with different mediums. I'd like to try my hand at concrete someday as well.


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teaKEY posted on 08/03/2005

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Towka posted on 08/05/2005

Dang that Necker Island guy looks like the real thing. Old lookin 2! Great Job. -Towka

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teaKEY posted on 08/10/2005

The project is coming along. I'm buttoning up the "skeleton" as I write this. And I can't wait for the weekend to skin him. I'm guessing that I will will have the only one like this in the world (details next week)and it will be an actual Moai. It will have Aku Aku.

But for now, I found this link to a real "walking Moai". Someone from TC is going to have to try this if I don't get to it first.


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keep up the good work.

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teaKEY posted on 11/29/2005

I got a lot of new tiki mug and others on the way.

here is what I thought up for the Mug Contest. Easy to do, strong when built, and so smooth. If I never win a contest, I still want to see one of these mugs make it and I will do my quest to see them come to life.
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Thanks for looking- vote for teaKEY! :)

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teaKEY posted on 11/30/2005

the design above has a balance with the matching top and bottom. the circle mouth is also seen in the half circles in the eyes. It doesn't have all the impossible detail and no weak spots to break at.

well, I just read that only three entries are allowed for the mug contest. I got loads of good ideas, I took this one off to make room for my Chalice design.

The one that I had in the race is this one below. There are raised sections, like the piont that is coming over the forehead. There is almost a cross in the middle of the mug. It has the shape of a woman's outline. It would be a blessing to have Munktiki make one of my mugs. You know, maybe they will want to make others that come in their second and thrid place spots later on.

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[ Edited by: teaKEY 2005-11-29 18:17 ]

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[ Edited by: teaKEY 2005-11-30 20:20 ]

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Raffertiki posted on 11/30/2005

I like the way your style is loosening up. That is a major breakthrough, at least it was for me. The mug entry is a contender.

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teaKEY posted on 11/30/2005

Hey thanks Raffertiki. Its always good to hear good words. And from someone who drawing and paints as well.

Ok folks,
Not really tiki but came from a place not to far away and yet from a far away land. The first thing that I made as a child in clay was a mug. I was about five years old and it almost looks like what is on Munktiki's website. A cross between two monsters. People have came close to making something like my original. It has one eye, like Sam's Hypno.

Here is one mug. This is not the original. Its a mug and looks like a mug shape, but there is one thing different about this mug from all the others. Any guesses.
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In the right side of the picture, on the eye brow, is a quarter resting. This mug is a few feet tall and at least a foot and an half around at the top. Its a ceramic mug. I don't think that I have ever seen a mug this big. And yes, I will drink from it. Commits please

But wait, there more.

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Benzart posted on 11/30/2005

teakey, Really interesting mug. The "Quarter resting" is neat to show the size. Is that a girl below the quarter peering into the corner of the eye? All I can say is that it is very strange, but Very Attracting too.

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Swamp Fire posted on 11/30/2005

teaKEY, I like both of the mug ideas, good luck on the contest. And the giant mug is great, no need for a re-fill with that sweet baby.

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teaKEY posted on 12/01/2005

Thanks you guys. Benzo, Now that I look at it, it does look like a person on the outside of the mug's eye. Its the eye raising up to start forming the nose. Its actually my eye. If you want to see, I made a fish and then saw a man's face staring back at me. Creepy.

Swampy, You are the only guy that I have ever wrote back to that has been of a cover of a magazine. I think that your work just keeps getting better. And I think that that is the first time that I have seen what you look like. I'm glad that I have my prints of yours cause now they are going up in value. Everybody, get yours while you can :)

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teaKEY posted on 12/02/2005

From the original pic it looks like a woman with a shirt on and no arm but here on TikiCentral its a tiki. A Moai with a topknot.
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capotiki posted on 12/02/2005

Great to see your concrete work!!!They will be around for your great grandchildren to enjoy.I might have to make me a bird man.Capo

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teaKEY posted on 12/03/2005

Thanks Capo, I got into the cement last summer and I made more cement things than anything esle. I love the way that birdman came out. So many of the lines and shapes of it work so well together. Its the best lookin one out of the 10 drawings I did. It will be interesting to see what you come up with. The Moai Project that I mentioned above, hit a major bump in the road. It was to take two days, the only ones that I had, and the first night, the wind blew it off the table before it was fully dry. A little bent up, it is waiting for next spring. It would be cool if I could get it into the local paper.

My new signature that my friend helped me do. Its of Suffering Brass

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teaKEY posted on 12/03/2005

here is the picture, now I just got to get it to save in a picture size that I can use.
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teaKEY posted on 12/08/2005

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here is a cement lamp that I made to go in my bedroom at my parents' house. It's was the second thing that I have made in cement and I love the fact that its useful. Now I got one of those old double lampshades but I have an even better one in mind.

Here I am at one of my friend's house. I might not be the tallest person of TC but I have to be in the top three.
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I made this to hole my tiki spirits. I have many things that I made, but since I don't do tiki for a living, I usually don't get around to posting all the great tiki stuff. Its pretty much like a homemade Von Franco. It the first thing that I saw tiki in a window.
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Here is a tiki painting that I am currently finishing up, Its almost done and probably the best thing that I have ever made. Its killer. It the first painting that I have ever done, used cheap paints and brushes, and have no easel and space to do it in. Oh yeah, it my all time favorite tiki mug. I would have entered it into the Munktiki contest, (and they can still make it if they want), but I will one day, make these. And its my Dad's design. Yeah, I got him doing some tiki as also shown of page two?. Any who, love your feedback!
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A crazy look on my face, for the photo.
later teaKEY

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