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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

New Carver

Pages: 1 13 replies


Aloha! I recently began carving when hubby (OnoTiki) handed me a piece of wood and some tools so I would have something to do other than talk his ear off while he was working on his own tiki.

I'm addicted. It is truly scary that I cannot see fallen trees or wood anywhere without thinking tikis.

After lurking and living in awe of the great work here, I finally feel ready to share my first two tikis with everyone. I'm happy with them overall, I see the need to work on more detail, but that will come with time and confidence (I hope).

Here's my first one:

and my second:

Thanks for the opportunity to share!


[ Edited by: TikiTita on 2005-02-07 07:58 ]

[ Edited by: TikiTita on 2005-02-17 00:42 ]

[ Edited by: TikiTita on 2005-02-17 00:49 ]


You're off to a good start


I like the first Tiki...that one would look GREAT in my backyard! Good job--keep it up.

Very nice , I know what you mean by addicting. Keep sharing those photo's

Great Work TikiTita!!! Thank you for sharing your work with us!!! And Welcome to Tiki Central!!!!!

Lookin' good. Welcome to the group!


I agree on all acounts. Hang around here and learn to carve. Oh wait, you alredy know how, but hang around anyway. And post more pic's


Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement. I'm sure I'll be hitting you up for advice soon!

Considering you have just ventured into tiki recently I would say you are headed in the right direction.Looks great.Be sure to post more.


Those are really nice. Keep it up TikiTita.


[ Edited by: OnoTiki on 2005-02-11 01:17 ]

Nice work, T-T! Which island do you and Ono live on? My wife, son and I are headed to Maui later this year.


We live on Oahu, in Kaneohe. I'm sort of ashamed to say we've been here since '97 and still not made it to Maui, you'll have to tell us how it is! I've been saying for the past five years we need to go during the Maui writer's conference (I write for a local magazine and have always wanted to go), but we've just not made it. It is my goal to get us there this year, I'm pretty sure that I can write off my cost as a business expense.

I've spent all week jonesing to carve. It is amazing how much tension and stress you cast off while tap, tap, tapping. I'm so thankful that ono encouraged me to try it. And, he wasn't kidding in his thread about buying new tools. At this point I'm spending more on tools than him. I'm having to buy stuff to fit my hands (his mallots are too heavy) and doubles of certain chisels because it is hard to wait if the other is using it. In fact I've been bugging him since Tuesday to take me to the wood working store today. Got to go drag him tool shopping!



How long does it take for palm to dry enough to carve? Is there any secrets, because I'm so anxious to start my first carving I keep cutting into a wet log.


Chucko, I'm not sure how long it takes palm to dry! I've only carved on Mango and some unknown wood to date. I would start a new thread, the others (who all have much more experience than me) may not see it here.

Pages: 1 13 replies