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Tiki Farm on ESPN2?

Pages: 1 2 replies

mrs. pineapple posted on 02/10/2005

I was eating breakfast, looking for the weather report, and ESPN2 has this show Cold Pizza, and these 2 host types were yakking about their favorite SPORTS BARS, while sitting at a really cool Tiki Farm bar??? uhhhhhh. ok.

But they did plug the Farm!

Holden - if you build a bar with a TV in it, we may have to come after you :)

sheesh. While I have been known to drink a Painkiller while watching the Giants, this in no way advocates combining Tiki and sports bars. If you're a Giants fan, you need the painkillers :)

mrs. p

Raffertiki posted on 02/10/2005

Jets fans like myself prefer the Suffering Bastards.

mrs. pineapple posted on 02/11/2005

being originally from Philadelphia, I feel your pain!

People asked me if I was disappointed about the SuperBowl. I told them, when you grow up in Philadelphia, you EXPECT the QB to throw an interception with 10 seconds left, on the drive that would have tied the game...ahh well, they'll be back in another 25 years!

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