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Tepco skull mug

Pages: 1 45 replies

MakeDaMug posted on 02/09/2005

We have the old Tepco skull mug production molds at our CA kiln. They're pretty beat up and only in production molds as mentioned. So, we've cast 15 pieces each out of 10 molds for a total of 150 mugs and can't do any more. It's in black satin and it's a last hoorah for the Tepco design. We're selling them inexpensively ($19.95) so that people can enjoy this piece without spending $50-$100 on eBay. It looks pretty cool in black... "Black Skull"... we think it's pretty unique. The molds are all gone now. Check it out at Tiki Farm. They go on sale this Friday night at 6:00pm. I think you'll like them... and they're heavy too, about 2 lbs. each. Peace and hug Bax.

Feelin Zombified posted on 02/09/2005

Save one for me!

(yeah I know, get in line and fight the crowds like everyone else)


sinner posted on 02/09/2005

Must..have...this mug

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 02/09/2005

I got the advance email sent out on this. It looks great. Hopefully one will find it's way to my collection.

Tikis-R-Go posted on 02/11/2005

Waiting for today at 6 p.m.!

Tiki Dude posted on 02/12/2005

Get them while they're hot!

Hale Tiki posted on 02/12/2005


Thank you. Your order has been successfully processed.
Order number : 1126822

I got two! Anyone else?

[ Edited by: Hale Tiki on 2005-02-11 18:07 ]

Kanaka posted on 02/12/2005

Arrrrrrr.....(Sorry Ben!)

Order in!!!


Tiki Dude posted on 02/12/2005

Order #1126815. For 2 as well.

[ Edited by: Tiki Dude on 2005-02-11 18:17 ]

exotica59 posted on 02/12/2005

#1126841. Can't wait!

tikigreg posted on 02/12/2005

Order #1126835. Bought 2, one as a gift. Feel the tiki warmth!

Raffertiki posted on 02/12/2005

1126971 order was accepted, but still may not be met. I got there about 45 minutes late, but figured I'd try anyway.

Tikiwahine posted on 02/12/2005

After much fumbling, screwing up, and heart palpitations, I placed my order!

I can hardly wait!!

I wonder if they're sold out yet?

aikiman44 posted on 02/12/2005

The Infamous Black Skull Mug!!! Ordered mine at 9 EST. One for me and one for my son, Grasshopper.

Trader Tiki posted on 02/12/2005

Ordered two because I am an internet hosebeast.

The glaze though... do the pictures do it justice? It seemed the detail was a bit lacking, like a bad cast and glaze from Taiwan or something.

tikigreg posted on 02/12/2005

On 2005-02-11 21:20, tikimonkey wrote:

The glaze though... do the pictures do it justice? It seemed the detail was a bit lacking, like a bad cast and glaze from Taiwan or something.

As stated on the web page at Tiki Farm, these are made from 15 original Tepco molds, 10 mugs from each mold. So the detail probably won't be outstanding. But I think the cool thing is, you're getting a little bit of tiki history in a new product, in an original color. It's doubtful you'll come across such a beast very often, and I'm surprised they haven't sold out by now! Destined to be a sought after collectible in a year or less, that's my guess.

Mai Tai Matty posted on 02/13/2005

does anyone know if they are all soldout already?

tikigreg posted on 02/13/2005

As of this morning, the Buy Now button still works on the order page, so I'd say they're still available.

Mai Tai Matty posted on 02/13/2005

I was rushing around like a spaz Fridaynite trying to get everything done , to go over a friends house with highspeed hookup. Well I got confirmed for 2 at 9:03 fridaynite so hopefully I got them.

princessP posted on 02/14/2005

I just looked, there is a sold out on opening page across the black skull ad.

I got my order in at 6.20 p friday night

laney posted on 02/14/2005

OH MAN, my son has a skull mug collection and I missed out on this! I had to work Fri. night and spent Sat getting ready for Rose Bowl!
PLEASE! If anyone who bought 2 can spare one for me, I'll pay + shipping and send you a thank you gift!
Thanks so much, Laney

Tiki Dude posted on 02/15/2005

laney, just sent you an email.

WOW - There is one already for sale on ebay!

[ Edited by: Tiki Dude on 2005-02-14 19:28 ]

teaKEY posted on 02/16/2005

Yeah EBAY from Cybersalesboy and its starting bid of 20.00. No taker yet.

Tiki Dude posted on 02/18/2005

Spoke with Frank this morning and he said that the mugs are starting to be shipped out today. They should be arriving shortly.

Mike the Headhunter posted on 02/20/2005

Such a bummer, moved the week of this sale and lost my fast internet on the day before. I asked tiki farm to make some skull mugs a month or so ago and he said keep an eye out. Now didn't get one. If any one has one for sale or trade drop a me a line. thanks

One arrived today out of the blue, #138 I didn't think my order was placed in time so I marked it off as a loss, But thanks Tikifarm, it's most excellent!

[ Edited by: Mike the Headhunter on 2005-02-28 15:58 ]

Hale Tiki posted on 02/20/2005

Check ebay, my friend, one showed up the other day. Another is bound to show up after they arrive. My gues sis that it will be listed as SUPER RARE TEPCO TRADER VIC MUG HAWAII TIKI. lol.

exotica59 posted on 02/22/2005

got my mug today, and it is soooo nice! Very heavy mug. #65
Thanks Tiki Farm for another fine mug.

tikigreg posted on 02/22/2005

Got my mugs today! (#s 56 & 57.) They look sweet, awesome!

Mai Tai Matty posted on 02/22/2005

Got mine today too !! Luckly I was home to sign for them #'s 68&69. Thinking of having one handpinstriped from a friends dad that does hotrods.

princessP posted on 02/22/2005

I got mine today also

Trader Tiki posted on 02/23/2005

Now they're here, hooray!


#119 is earmarked for Laney

and now we dance!


[ Edited by: tikimonkey on 2005-02-24 21:11 ]

frankenberry13 posted on 02/23/2005

#53 showed up today. Great looking mug. The satin glaze looks great.

Kono posted on 02/24/2005

5-O arrived yesterday. It just looks sooooo good in black. Thanks Tiki Farm for making a limited edition mug that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

Raffertiki posted on 02/24/2005

still I'm waiting

matt29b posted on 02/24/2005

136 and 137 arrived today. I JUST MADE IT. They are SWEET!!!!!!!

Kono posted on 02/24/2005

Anyone make the Black Skull cocktail yet? I don't have any Black Sambuca yet.

Tikiwahine posted on 02/25/2005

Woo hoo!
Mine were almost delivered today!
I should be able to enjoy them first hand tomorrow.

All the way up here even!

Doctor Z posted on 02/25/2005

#88 & #89 showed up on Tuesday, looking sah-weet!

Probably gonna bring one of 'em to Oasis to trade...

PiPhiRho posted on 02/25/2005

UPS has been trying to deliver mine for the last 3 days. Unfortunately, they will only come when I am not home. They are very good at that.

Raffertiki posted on 02/25/2005

Today is a good day. 117 arrived safe and sound right here where it belongs, and I was able to order one of the Munktiki Speed Boat Maois.

Tikiwahine posted on 02/25/2005

On 2005-02-24 23:28, PiPhiRho wrote:
UPS has been trying to deliver mine for the last 3 days. Unfortunately, they will only come when I am not home. They are very good at that.

PiPhi, you can sign the little slip and have them leave it at the door or with a neighbor. If you have fees to pay, you can pay over the phone with a credit card, and they'll leave it for you. Or you may also be able to call and change the drop off location to your work. I'm pretty good at avoiding the item being returned to sender.

Tikiwahine posted on 02/26/2005

61 & 62 now have a good home.
Mahalo Tiki Farm!

Hale Tiki posted on 02/26/2005

34&35 hellllssss yah

liabungalo posted on 02/26/2005

Very strange,

I just received 121 and 122, but while 121 is a flat matte black finish, 122 is a much higher gloss black finish.

I was wondering if anyone else noticed this?

cool, yet strange.


Tabu posted on 03/01/2005

#95 arrived safe and sound. It look's friggin' sweet. Nice job Tiki Farm. Didn't care much for the $20. UPS brokerage fee though. Oh well I'll just fire this puppy and forget all about it.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1bb8357216aa6a07990c2024587ce985?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tikiwahine posted on 03/01/2005

$20? I was charged $39 and I'm on the west coast! Stupid UPS.

oh ya...duh I bought 2!

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-02-28 17:13 ]

Pages: 1 45 replies