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Humuhumu Room Improvements

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I've finally wrapped up some improvements in the Humuhumu Room. Most of the stuff I've been working on is subtle, but I also have some new stuff to show off:

Here's a new shot of the bar itself, which is pretty much the same. I've added a couple of those hokey fake fire cauldrons on either side of my black velvet.

A shot of the shelves behind the bar. This is just some of the smaller bottles & mugs, most of my supplies are under the bar.

The booth

A close-up of the foliage at one end of the booth

One of three palm trees in the room. The previous shot is the base of this tree.

Some of my stuff

My beloved new TC tangaroa plaque, courtesy of Gecko. This guy is looking you in the face when you first come in the room.

This is one of the two Design Toscano tikis, and this is in the corner of the seating area. I've put in five flicker bulbs around the base of him.

The other Design Toscano tiki. This is the one that was ripped off from the old Enchanted Tiki Room poster.

My new fountain! I set this up on top of a shoe rack that I'm using for additional glass storage.

This is the light fixture in the middle of the room. I'm always bonking into it.

A look back at the entry from the other end of the bar.

The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2002-11-17 21:19 ]

The room looks great! What size is the room again?


Thanks! The room is 7' x 9'.

Your Tiki Room is fantastic. I particularly like that shot of the Toscano Tiki that you have in the corner of your seating area.

That's a great looking bar...good pics, too.
I really like the threads showing members' home bars...very inspirational.



WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY bitchin! Colorful... Soooooo Lavaful, I do mean it! Very good job!


Is the tree trunk made of Ogave?


WOW! big change since the last pictures. I like the lighting! I like my tiki bars dim. It gives it that romantic enchanting vibe.

The room is very dim in person. I like these new pics better, too. When I took the old pics, we hadn't figure out how to adjust the shutter speed on the camera yet, so there was a flash. With these pics, the shutter was open for 3.2 seconds.

The tree trunks are yucca poles, I got them from Display & Costume Supply. They're very lightweight.


The place looks great!! You gave me some ideas for the Pi Yi Lanai!


Veeeeery nice. Looks like the kind of place where you'd need a jacket (I like that)...."Perhaps you'd be more comfortable in this, sir..."

thanks for the pics! inspirational stuff!

tiki chris

Thanks! The room is 7' x 9'.

Wow! I new it was small but I didn't know it was that small! Amazing you can fit everything pictured in there!

Wow, What a bitchin place to hang your hat, and its stumbling distance to your own bed! thats one plush paradise

This room has got a real tropical flair about it!
I’d like to know, how was the uke paintjob (?) done, and do you have a matching shirt?

Also, I like the little surfer dude. What I like most about it, he’s not the cartoonish shortboarder type that you come by in modern renditions. Is he old?

The black velvet is fantastic! The frame is a little baroque, have you considered a bamboo frame? That’s what I want for my tropical themed woodprints.


[ Edited by: Kawentzmann on 2002-11-18 12:08 ]

Humu, did you build your bar or buy it already built? Very nice!

Man that's a great bar! I thought my setup was tiny at 10X10, there needs to be a new show on one of them home channels: "This tiny tiki bar" or something.

As for that surfer fella, I think it is an Elvis Blue Hawaii action figure available from mcphee.com in a two pack with the Elvis Karate action figure.


On 2002-11-18 12:06, Kawentzmann wrote:
This room has got a real tropical flair about it!
I’d like to know, how was the uke paintjob (?) done, and do you have a matching shirt?

Also, I like the little surfer dude. What I like most about it, he’s not the cartoonish shortboarder type that you come by in modern renditions. Is he old?

The black velvet is fantastic! The frame is a little baroque, have you considered a bamboo frame? That’s what I want for my tropical themed woodprints.


[ Edited by: Kawentzmann on 2002-11-18 12:08 ]


Thanks so much for all your kind words. This room means so much to me, especially since there's not much (any?) of a tiki scene here in Seattle. It's all I've got. I can't wait until some of you can come over and see it in person.

Kawentzmann: That uke came painted like that. It was really, really cheap, and is pretty much just decorative - the strings won't stay taut. I need to invest in a real one someday. I love that black velvet, it was a great eBay find. It came with that frame. I've never considered changing the frame out, I'll think about it. I suspect it may not come apart nicely, though. As Steve mentioned, that little surfer guy is indeed a Blue Hawaii Elvis action figure. He's supposed to be holding a tiny uke, but he's always dropping it.

DawnTiki - I built that bar with my Dad. Since the space is so tiny, and since it has a sink, we needed to build something custom. I installed the tile and finished the wood drink cap, my Dad built the structure. It's got a drawer for utensils, a small fridge, two shelves, and storage space.

The room is indeed ridiculously small. It's very cramped, and I've had to be pretty careful with how I use the space. I'm a very small girl -- I have to spend my time in a world built for people bigger than me, so I like that this space is my size. Anyone taller than ~5'3" gets whacked in the face with palm fronds, but it's comfortable once you're seated.

Believe it or not, at my birthday party a few months ago, we had at least 10 people in the room, not counting me behind the bar.

Wow, what a fantastic room! If I had that set-up in my house I'd never leave! I really like the fake flame lanterns near the black velvet picture, they add a mysterious vibe.

Hokey? Nah. Those fake flames are the epitome of tiki. I've got a couple on dimmers that I love. Plus I saw a faucet. As small as your room is it must be nice to have the luxury of a wet bar. That is a very nice room Humuhumu.


The place is Fantastic! By the way where did you find the flaming lanterns?

The fake fire pots are cool...I found some standing fake flame torches this Halloween to use as tiki torches inside the house.(www.hauntedfog.com and http://www.fakefire.com)

[ Edited by: tiki rider five-O on 2002-11-19 00:09 ]


Wow! very nice. I didnt think to use those flames bowls for a tiki room, but they really work. You have a wonderful eye for decor, but one thing whats up with the Condom on the carving?

Tikirob, I got my flame bowls at Display & Costume Supply for ~$15. I originally saw them in the Oriental Supply company for I think about $35, and almost bought them; glad I didn't. After I picked up mine, I saw them at Target for ~$10. So, they're around, it may be harder to find them locally now that we're past Halloween.

hula hula, originally I took the cover off, but it was like Full Penis Assault! right when you walk in the room. I decided it would be more fun if visitors could lift up his loincloth and feel a little naughty about it.

Is the wall paint color pale blue, or is that just the light? It's a nice change from the grass matting (which I also love). I bet that's what partially gives it the "dressier" feel. That may also be what keeps it from feeling so tiny and enclosed - a bit of breath and space. Nice choice! I hope to see it someday (and have something like it, too!) The blue goes nicely with the Sailor Jerry hula girl beaded curtain, too.


as a recent guest of the glorious Humahuma Room~ i declare the pictures do NOT do this tiki bar justice! nor can photograps capture the ambiance or hospitality of the room. the whole room ooozes the spirit of tiki!

its easy to forget the petiteness of the room, because your eyes are always catching something new.. there are details within the details!

what is most incredible, is that Humahuma Michelle transported 3 of those treetrunks in her miata (they were easily over 12 feet, in my estimation)... everything in the room was made with love...you can feel it!



God that's a great room! I have forced my poor wife, the lovely Princess Kakuna, to view your website repeatedly, Humahuma, as she seems to actually enjoy it and it serves as a tremendous inspiration to her.
The colors... The fabrics... The details... All are Marvelous!
Yours is the room that drives me to work every morning. If I could build myself something like it without having a job I'd just stay at home. Well... I'd just stay at home sippin' on Mai Tais and Suffering Bastards, actually...

Highest of the high class.

Truly a work of art.

Tiki-kudos to you!

Gosh, you guys are too, too kind! It was great fun having dogbytes over to the Humuhumu Room -- my first Tiki Centralite guest! I had a great time with her. I had a chance to see her home -- she's got the perfect room for a tiki bar, and I'm terribly excited to see what she does with it! She's got great taste, and with that space, something wonderful is going to happen.

Traitor Vic & Geeky Tiki, you've made me feel so good. Thank you!

My hat goes off to you, kind lady.. :)

Your place knocks me out! It's a good thing I don't live there...I'd never leave the house (but that might be a good thing).

Shipwreck Joey


I get asked about the status of the Humuhumu Room all the time, and now I finally have some news to report after my recent visit to Seattle:

(To get new folks up to speed: I used to be married, we split amicably about a year and a half ago. I had a tiki bar you can read about in earlier posts in this thread.)

When divying up our possessions, the Humuhumu Room was the only thing that the ex-Mr. Humuhumu & I just couldn't really deal with--the room had always been mine more than his and there was no disputing that it would go to me in the settlement, but neither of us could deal with the prospect of actually dismantling it. My ex has graciously allowed me to keep it all there in the house we used to share until I was settled & able to deal with relocating the contents to my new home here in Los Angeles. A few small items came with me to Los Angeles (a few books & CDs, mostly), but it has pretty much been totally intact.

While in Seattle, I visited my ex, our kitties, and the Humuhumu Room. In my absence, my ex has grown to really love the Humuhumu Room, and he's been actively using it. This makes me terrifically happy. Looking around the room, I realized that the individual components are all either replaceable, or not practical to dismantle and move.

So I am happy to report: The Humuhumu Room lives on. It is my gift to my ex, for having been a wonderful part of my life for seven years. I took a few items (my Gecko plaque, my black velvet painting, my Russian nesting tiki dolls, a kukui nut lei, and the Humuhumu Room menu). The rest will continue to be exactly as it has been. Now that my ex has some blank spaces on the walls to fill, I told him I could connect him with some swell artists to help him out. :wink:

The downside of this: my ex is not social. (Hence, the "ex" part of his moniker.) This little tiki paradise will still not likely ever be seen by tikiphile eyes, and dogbytes will likely remain the only TCer to have ever visited the room. My ex isn't exactly a candidate to go whole-hog into tikidom, and never even lurks around here.

It feels good to have this chapter closed, and not have it nagging at the back of my mind any longer. And now, I'm free to start daydreaming about the new digs....



the spirit of the Humuhumu Room lives on wherever your travels take you ~ it's nice to know all the hard work you and your dad put into the house will stay intact and will be enjoyed.

much luv


You are such a sweetheart Humu to do that and at least you will have made him a lil bit of a tiki nut, I can imagine it must be hard some what, but hey, TIME TO GO SHOPPING!


Humu, so howz the new Humuhumu room coming along?

pics please

"Greater love hath no woman than this, that a woman lay down her tiki bar for her friends."


On 2004-08-24 17:21, Tiki Bird wrote:
Humu, so howz the new Humuhumu room coming along?

pics please

Verrry funny. :wink:

So it's true what they say;
"Behind every successful tiki, there is a Humuhumu.

HumuHumu,I have to say that what put your room over the top was the MENU! How fun is that!?I absolutely adore menus,have hundreds of them,and that,to me,is what made your room so nifty!Any other folks out there with personalized tiki menus for their home bars?If not,give some thought about creating one.I'd love to see them!


Somewhere around here, there's a thread with people's home bar menus, but for the life of me I can't find it using the Search tool! Maybe someone more clever can find it and post a link? It was a great thread, and deserves to be revived.


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 07:09 ]

Just think, now you get to create a better one.

All the birds say words...
And the flowers bloom...
In the Humuhumuhumuhumuhumu Roooooom!

Sorry, had ta do it.

Now, where'd my martini go?

Pages: 1 42 replies