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Name this stone flooring for tiki room

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Kanaka posted on Tue, Feb 8, 2005 9:16 AM

I am in the process of constructing my basement tiki paradise. I want a stone floor like this one:

I figured it was just flagstone but I can't find anything rounded like these. Any ideas??


if you find something off-the-shelf, that would be great, but otherwise you might have to break modular flagstone into irregular shapes (with maul and chisel) and grind off the angles with a masonry grinder...

how big is your room going to be? if your room is going to be small i think you will have to "customize" the stones any way. if you used that large stone in a small room it would look pretty silly i think. you could also paint a pattetrn like that onto wood or concrete floors. that would be waaay cheaper. just a thought.


I would do a faux painting on the basement floor and then seal it a few coats, less labor,less mess...and less cost..


The basement is 1000 sq. feet with three walls in natural granite block. A friend suggested painting the concrete floors also. If I can find anything like these I'll try regualr flagstone or just paint and stain it.

Thanks all for the help!


sounds like a cool room kanaka. make sure you post pics no matter what you decide to do!

sounds like a cool room kanaka. make sure you post pics no matter what you decide to do!

another thought~ why not do bamboo or wood flooring to contrast the stone walls. that would look slick as well.

...liquor in the front, poker in the rear...

[ Edited by: the drunken hat on 2005-02-08 13:31 ]


have you been to that place in the pic? because the floor looks painted to me. i dould be wrong TD

seamus posted on Tue, Feb 8, 2005 7:01 PM

You might also check with concrete contractors that can do an overlay with stamped texture and stain. If they're good, it can look very, VERY, real, for a fraction of the cost of flagstone. I'd go with paint myself, but I'm a cheap b@st@rd.
The picture you posted looks to me like the floor is painted to look like stone.


[ Edited by: seamus on 2005-02-08 19:05 ]


Doesn't look like stone to me. Maybe a custom carpet or laminate?


I agree with Tiki Matt, that looks like carpet. Also, if that is a rock or concrete floor, image the sound reverberation....WOW! I can't imagine somebody doing the floor in a hard surface like that. The sound would be just too loud when the room is full.

[ Edited by: Digitiki on 2005-02-09 12:52 ]


I agree with TIKI DAVID. That definately looks like a faux painted floor or as others suggested, some kind of custom carpeting. Faux painting that onto a floor would be a piece of cake and the most inexpensive!

Hope the project worked out.

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2009-02-23 10:31 ]


On the north coast of the island of Mindoro, Philippines, where I want to open an old South Seas style 'Tiki Bar' in the not too distant future, there are a LOT of these sized stones (as well as a lot of smaller ones) that have been rounded off by the sea. I believe (and was told) it is marble, and it is in many colors, though mostly blueish. With that sort of source to stone (free, all I have to do is 'harvest' it from the shore line) would it be worth doing that sort of a floor? I saw there that one guy had used the smaller stones (2-3 inches in size) and it had crumbled quite quickly. Any Tikicentral expert opinions?

[ Edited by: Rattiki on 2005-02-16 01:51 ]

I'm not sure how it works in the Pilipines but if you are going to take stones from the Shoreline, be careful as in a lot of countries it is totally illegal as you are removing a natural sea defence.
Rounded stones can be bought at most stone suppliers, the other thing you could do is cast your own in a smooth coloured concrete and lay them like stones. To make the mold, cut out the desired shapes in wood and attach a thin plastic of the correct depth around the edge to follow your shape and create the wall.

I shall name this flooring... Bruce!


On 2005-02-16 02:16, cheekytiki wrote:
I'm not sure how it works in the Pilipines but if you are going to take stones from the Shoreline, be careful as in a lot of countries it is totally illegal as you are removing a natural sea defence.
Rounded stones can be bought at most stone suppliers,

Well laws in the Philippines are made to be broken as no one hardly regulates real crimes, i.e. murder, robbery and extortion. Generally even in murder cases it is considered a civil matter and an amount for the victims family is just paid (usually around $1000 U.S.) to secure your freedom. So at the very least $5-$10 to the land owner behind the shoreline would allow me take my fill of all the CHOICE stones I would want. Also outside of a big city such as Manila or Cebu there would be no such building supplies available, and with marble literally laying at my feet, even the locals would think I was nuts not to just use it.

The 3rd world is a very different place and more like it was here 100+ years ago. The well known tourist area of Puerto Galera is just inside the border of Mindoro Oriental (Eastern) with the frontier with Mindoro Occidental (Western) running right up the crest of a stunning, cloud shrouded mountain that backs ethereal Talipana Beach. That is where the road ends as it has not yet been built over the mountain to connect the circle around Mindoro (which is a very large and mostly untamed island). It is on the other side of the ridge I am looking to buy land ($5 a sq mtr) and settle, and it is still quite wild, though very accessible by boat. In a few years they believe the road will be finished as the cell phone companies want access to the cell towers up there. With that the area should boom! Meanwhile it is a stunning, untamed area covered in coconut palms and bananas back-dropped by steep, green mountains and fronted by beaches of white sand mixed with lots of smooth marble stones..... :wink:

[ Edited by: Rattiki on 2005-02-17 02:41 ]

I think they're right that is carpet in the picture. But if you want concrete and you're feeling creative, you can easily cast up some custom concrete pavers in whatever shape you like. There's different ways to do it, but one way is to cut a shape out of wood, imbed it in sand (home depot, cheap) making an impression. Pour quickcrete into the form and let it set up. I've done this before and it's easy. But for an entire floor it would be a lot of work though. You can make other forms out of wood also that you can pour concrete into in any shape you want. Home Depot and other places like that always have books on how to make stuff out of concrete.
Good luck, it's a nice look.

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