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Need some computer help.

Pages: 1 14 replies

finkdaddy posted on 02/16/2005

All my fonts, while I'm viewing the internet, suddenly became so small that a lot of times they don't even show up as letters, just little mis-shapen spots.

Everything else is normal. My regular software is fine and all other aspects of the internet are fine. Just the fonts have decreased in size to the point where I can't view a lot of web pages.

For example, Tiki Shout on this site is completely useless to me because it is just a series of yellow and gold dots.

I was on the web last night and it was fine, then when I got up this morning to look at this site, everything was tiny.

At first I thought it was just this site (sorry about the pm Hanford!), but I soon realized it was everything.

Help me please!

thejab posted on 02/16/2005

If using Internet Explorer go to the View Menu \ Font Size and select Medium or larger.

Benzart posted on 02/16/2005

If using Firefox, got to the same "View" and click Textsize 'increase'
In Explorer you can also go to "tools" , "General","Accessability", and select"Ignore font sizes specified on web pages" . This will keep All your online fonts the same size as your system fonts.

finkdaddy posted on 02/16/2005

That did it! Geez... I've been trying to solve this issue for hours now, and you guys clear it up in about 4 seconds. I should have come here to begin with!

Mahalo! :D

Swanky posted on 02/17/2005

In IE, if you have a wheel on your mouse, if you, I forget, click and hold and roll the mouse, you can resize the font on the page. You can do this accidentally often. Maybe I am wrong. I am not a computer with wheel to test it right now.

martiki posted on 02/17/2005

In both IE and Firefox, you can hold ctrl and scrol with the mouse wheel to resize.

Benzart posted on 02/17/2005

Thanks Martiki, I didn't know the wheel deal

Hale Tiki posted on 02/17/2005


Trader Woody posted on 02/17/2005

Can I ask another question or two while we are here?

My firewall (McAfee) keeps rejecting a computer at hanfordlemoore.com. Now that's a name we all know and love, but Tiki Central continues to work fine with Hanford's site being bounced. Now, should I allow the site to access my PC, or should I continue to reject?

Also, there's someone out there who is bombarding my firewall 24 hours a day with crap. ( Is there any way of making his (as only a male could be so small-minded) computer blow up, have him arrested, or at least crippled?

Trader Woody

Unga Bunga posted on 02/17/2005

On 2005-02-17 12:39, Trader Woody wrote:
Is there any way of making his (as only a male could be so small-minded) computer blow up, have him arrested, or at least crippled?
Trader Woody

Bring him to the next Tiki Crawl.

freddiefreelance posted on 02/18/2005

Woody, that IP address is ShutterFly.com, do you want to "blow up" all our digital pictures?

From HanfordLemoore.com: "Hanford Lemoore is not a company. He's a person." Go ahead & let his computers say "Hi!"

Trader Woody posted on 02/19/2005

On 2005-02-18 08:46, freddiefreelance wrote:
Woody, that IP address is ShutterFly.com, do you want to "blow up" all our digital pictures?

From HanfordLemoore.com: "Hanford Lemoore is not a company. He's a person." Go ahead & let his computers say "Hi!"

Well, I'll be darned. Shutterfly is ace - so no, I don't want either Shutterfly or all the Tiki Central pics blown up. So essentially the reason why my firewall is blocking that IP all the time is because of all the Shutterfly pics that come up on Tiki Central.

My computer says 'hi' to Hanford and his computers.

Thanks for clarifying things Freddie - I guess I had a case of Technoparanoia!

Trader Woody

finkdaddy posted on 02/21/2005

I'd like to start shopping for a new PC. Since you kind folk are so knowledgable I thought I'd ask for your advice.

I want a 17 inch flatscreen monitor, an 80 gb hard drive, a Pentium 4 processor, a scanner/printer, Windows XP Home or Professional, and a descent graphics card would be nice.

Can anyone point me in the direction of an affordable package?

My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth...

[ Edited by: finkdaddy on 2005-02-21 09:26 ]

Benzart posted on 02/22/2005

Go here to Dell and look for the one with Windows XP Media Center. You can add or remove parts to fit your budget.
It's hard o beat Dell

Turbogod posted on 02/22/2005

Speaking of Dell. Check out hot deals site The Dell specials usually change every Tuesday.

Pages: 1 14 replies