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Clash fans: rare Mick Jones movie sighting

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seamus posted on 02/16/2005

I was watching a new release sci-fi flick the other night called Code 46. The movie takes place mostly in one of China's big cities(I forget witch one) and there's a scene in a strange pseudo futuristic karoke bar. When the scene opens an Asian woman is on stage singing, and after her song ends, "Should I stay or Should I Go" begins to play, and when the camera pans to the stage, there sits Mick Jones on a bar stool, cigarette in one hand and martini in the other singing karaoke to his own song! I almost fell out of my chair! It was freakin hilarious. All fans of The Clash will want to check this out. It's not a bad movie to boot. Classic sci-fi style along the lines of Gattaca.

Bamboo Bob posted on 02/17/2005

you just gotta love The Clash...

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