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Juliette And The Licks?

Pages: 1 4 replies

cheekytiki posted on 02/16/2005

Juliette Lewis's Band
Playing this Friday at the Barfly in London.
Has anyone seen them? Are they worth going to see?

[ Edited by: cheekytiki on 2005-02-16 10:05 ]

tiki mick posted on 02/16/2005

My Sister went and saw them..said it was kind of hard to tell if it was a joke or not. Said it seemed like Juliette was doing the spinal tap thing, and kind of making fun of rock music.....

liabungalo posted on 02/17/2005

Their guitarist is Todd Morse from H2O, possibly the single most influential NYC hardcore band I group listening to. I saw them close 40 times between 94 and 99.

I got the JL&Licks ep and it rocks ok.


Luckydesigns posted on 02/17/2005

I've heard that they're really good. I thought it was a joke when I heard about them too, but I guess she's serious. I think she's just kind of a spaz on stage.

tikitortured posted on 02/18/2005

Who cares if they're good...she's hot and you might catch a nipple shot!

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