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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Butter Cow Lady

Pages: 1 3 replies

Tangaroa posted on 11/18/2002

She is my new queen.

TikiMikey posted on 11/18/2002

I visited her website. I was moooooved.

thebaxdog posted on 11/19/2002

I thought it was udderly distasteful.
Do you know how many real cows would like a massage like that, hell that butter betty can rub butter on me. Oh no now I am all churned up. Time to go warm up the milking machine.

tikifish posted on 11/21/2002

You ain't lived life til you've seen a life sized bust of Wayne Gretzky made out of butter - just one of the many exciting things y'all missed at the Toronto Royal Winter Fair last year.

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