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badfish - my home bar

Pages: 1 25 replies

Tiki-Todd posted on 02/19/2005
Tikiwahine posted on 02/19/2005

hahaha! dude you have a stripper pole!
Cool room!
Here is a suggestion for the ceiling, if you're able to alter it:

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-02-18 16:27 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 02/19/2005

Where's the tikis?

Tikiwahine posted on 02/19/2005


Tiki-Todd posted on 02/19/2005

Ya the ceiling sucks. Painting it would probably help a lot though, you just gave me a pretty good idea. I wanted to cover it in a thatching or something. I found out the hard way that I suck with false ceilings.

As far as the Tikis go, Im on my way. I have a ton og mugs and stuff but havnt put them all up because I need to get the shelves put up ( the room isnt done yet ) and I hope to purchase some carvings for it soon enough.
The stripper pole is a little untraditional, but thats the last thing I would take out of the room, it brings me so much happiness. :)

ka maka koa tiki posted on 02/19/2005

I love the stripper pole!!! Do you have any pictures of it being used!???

Tiki-Todd posted on 02/19/2005


there are some on there clothed though.

The good ones I have I cant post or I will never get the girls back on it.

teaKEY posted on 02/19/2005

bad bad girl. Which one are you, not that it matters. Yes, get the better pole and make your own video

Tiki-Todd posted on 02/19/2005

Im a guy, I took the pictures.

Monkeyman posted on 02/19/2005

what the?

purple jade posted on 02/20/2005


bigbrotiki posted on 02/20/2005

On 2005-02-19 14:35, Monkeyman wrote:
what the?

Now now, do I detect a little purist attitude here? I thought that as long as you enjoy yourself, it's a Tiki Bar! :wink:

The corner with the pole is actually the high concept part of this place:
A recreation of the evolution of the Tiki bar , with KELBO's as example, the pole representing the last "Fantasy Island" stage.

Monkeyman posted on 02/20/2005

Im sorry I just got a serious coors light/girls gone wild vibe. Its all good. Bring on the Beastie Boys.

purple jade posted on 02/20/2005

No purist attitude here...whether you outfit your bar from OA or Party City, it's all the same.

Unga Bunga posted on 02/20/2005

On 2005-02-19 19:54, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2005-02-19 14:35, Monkeyman wrote:
what the?

Now now, do I detect a little purist attitude here? I thought that as long as you enjoy yourself, it's a Tiki Bar! :wink:.

Ya Sven, I get the clue

bigbrotiki posted on 02/20/2005

On 2005-02-19 21:33, purple jade wrote:
No purist attitude here...whether you outfit your bar from OA or Party City, it's all the same.

...so that new "Tiki Bob's" disco chain was fine retro Tiki lounging? I dare to differ...

purple jade posted on 02/20/2005


Tiki-Todd posted on 02/21/2005

The difference here is I never claimed to have a Authentic Tiki Bar. Im sure a lot of the things found in my lounge would insult you who regard original culture as bond. I respect and look up to you , but I will not claim to own an ounce of original culture.
But I have had some serious jams downstairs and the pole was worth every cent of money and flack I have caught for having it.


Tiki_Bong posted on 02/21/2005

With all due and genuine respect for Sven, I'd have to say I agree with both Purple Jade and Tiki-Todd.

(Had I implied something like BigBro, I'd a been booted for another month, but then that's just what makes me special isn't it?)

purple jade posted on 02/21/2005

Irony, irony, no escaping, that's for me.

freddiefreelance posted on 02/21/2005

You could cover the drop ceiling tiles with Lauhala matting by following Monkeyman's directions Here, covering the supports with bamboo strips.

Tiki-Todd posted on 02/21/2005

I like that a lot. Im in the Boston area and have a hard time finding anything like this around, Does anyone know of any good places to order the materials?

Feelin Zombified posted on 02/21/2005

Todd, get your supplies here:


they're in New Jersey.

PJ, get your supplies here:


They're in New York :)


tikitortured posted on 02/21/2005

T-Todd, not that it matters but I dig the joint. I'd hang there and throw a few back. I especially dig the drums as I too have a vintage set of '72 Rodgers(white abalone) drums in my Tiki room. Wish I had the teknolujee to post pics. Good job bro, can't wait to see how it evolves!

scaperman posted on 02/24/2005

It looks like you can have a lot of fun with that tiki room

Bargoyle posted on 02/25/2005


There's a guy right in Jamaica Plain (gotta be like 15 mins from you) where I got alot of my bamboo. Called the Bamboo Fencer. http://www.bamboofencer.com guy was really helpful, and he's local to you. Give him a shout.

Bar pics & misc crap at:

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