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'official' tabu tiki nights NEW INFO - GOOD NEWS

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tikibars posted on 02/10/2005

Looks like there's already another thread for this event (thanks for getting that going, fellas!), but here's the 'official' word.

See this thread:


for more!


Join us for a night of Tiki worship in the frozen island of Chicago!

Live entertainment by the Old Town School of Folk Music's Ukulele All-Stars.

Music by JT's Kon-Tiki Sound System (spinning vintage Exotica and Hawaiian music). James just bought some new vinyl, so listen for some new old tunes!

Dave from Lake Tiki will be raffling off one of his unique, hand carved Tikis!

Esqui and Lissette return with new Tiki prints!

1/2 price Zombies.

Free pupus (appetisers).

The legendary Singapore Symphony drink: served in a pineapple shell and only available at the monthly Tabu Tiki event.

(sorry, no Barefoot Hawaiian show this month.)

It's never too late for Tiki carvers, artisans, and entertainers to arrange to bring their work for display (contact James): tikibars@yahoo.com
All artists are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Updated live entertainment schedules and further information can be found on the venerable Tiki Bar Review Pages site

Trader Vic's is located in the lower level of the Palmer House Hilton at 17 E. Monroe, Chicago, IL, 60603. (312) 917-7317

[ Edited by: tikibars on 2005-02-15 20:37 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 02/11/2005

Looking forward to a new season of "Tabu Tiki Nights" at Trader Vic's! And to get the ball rolling on the right track this great "Big Mouth" Lake Tiki is up for raffle. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00.

Keep in mind you have to take this guy home from Trader Vic's... he stands in at 3 foot 4 inches and weighs around 40 lbs.

Thanks again for your support and I thank you in advance!

I will also have the other Lake Tiki goodies available at my table, Tiki Bar signs and hand carved tikis with the flavor of the South Seas!

See you there!

congatiki posted on 02/11/2005

I'll slap my name on a lotta tickets for
that guy..and I will leave a lot of room
in the back of the Buick!

finkdaddy posted on 02/11/2005

Save me at least a dozen of those tickets! I'm so pumped about this wednesday. Not only do I get to get away from the kids for a while, but I get to do it at Trader Vic's on a weeknight! :D :drink: :tiki: :drink: :D

finkdaddy posted on 02/11/2005

On 2005-02-11 09:53, congatiki wrote:
I'll slap my name on a lotta tickets for
that guy..and I will leave a lot of room
in the back of the Buick!

I'll arm wrestle you for it! :lol:

Lake Surfer posted on 02/14/2005


Two more days until paradise.... or as close as we can get....

I just finished staining three brand new tiki designs... 2x2 Tikis

They'll premier Wednesday night!

tikibars posted on 02/15/2005

Can't wait to see the new Tikit, Dave.

I think that after six weeks of freezing, a lot of people are itching for some paradise.


tikibars posted on 02/15/2005


Read this!

I regret to inform you all that February 16 (tomorrow) MAY be the LAST Tabu Tiki Nights.

This is not my descision, nor is it the descision of Trader Vic's.

As you all know, AJ, the General Manager of Trader Vic's, was the one who came to me with the idea to do this event, and he is completely on our team when it comes to doing Tiki events. He loves Tabu Tiki Nights - they're his favorite part of the job, in fact (he told me so!).

The cancellation order came from the new Food and Beverage Director of the Palmer House Hilton, who did not think that the profit margin from the past events made it worth doing.

[ Edited by: tikibars on 2005-02-15 20:31 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 02/16/2005

Wow, are they nuts? Is this some kind of scheme to undermine and boot Trader Vic's out? Or is it really the case that a normal (empty) businessmen night at Trader Vic's brings in more dough..? Did they have a noise problem? What the...

That sucks James and A.J., after all the work you put into these events.

tikibars posted on 02/16/2005


I just got off of the phone with AJ, and he and I are going to pay for tomorrow night's event out of our own pockets.

The event for tomorrow is ON.

We have formulated a plan to save the event long-term, but nothing is finalized. Come on out tomorrow night!

Lake Surfer posted on 02/16/2005


Tabu Tiki Night went and then came back all in my one viewing of the thread.


Thanks James... see you Wednesday night.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 02/16/2005

IS IT ON?? ...... IS IT OFF???.....REPLY!!!! -DEVO

bigbrotiki posted on 02/16/2005

WELLLL! I had to get upset first, didn't I !!!

tikibars posted on 02/16/2005

On 2005-02-15 21:48, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
IS IT ON?? ...... IS IT OFF???.....REPLY!!!! -DEVO

The Race of Doom is ON.

And so is Tabu Tiki Night!

tikibars posted on 02/16/2005

On 2005-02-15 23:54, bigbrotiki wrote:
WELLLL! I had to get upset first, didn't I !!!

BigBro, there's still plenty to be upset about: the Hilton have turned their backs on the event. AJ and I are splitting the costs out of out own coffers this month (no chance of reimbursement), and we'll have to find a liquor company sponsor if we want to keep things going.

Hope everyone who is anywhere near Chicago can make the drive tonight - this is going to be a real monster of a Tiki-fest.

Lake Surfer posted on 02/16/2005

Hope everyone who is anywhere near Chicago can make the drive tonight - this is going to be a real monster of a Tiki-fest.

Ya hear that everyone...

Git yer butts down to Trader Vic's tonight!
Let's show those bastards at Hilton that we can throw one hell of a party... with or without their help

And come and support James and AJ for the hard work and now $$$$ out of their own pockets!


No excuses!
No "but it's a weeknight."

Come down for a drink or two, relax, let the soothing sounds of Exotica take you away from the cold, snow and road salt.

This event is for you, the tiki faithful!

This is also the only place this month where you can get handmade tiki art from local artists! Artists with a passion for tiki!

Now that I'm done with my rant...

I'm going to get into my car and pay tolls, drive 150 miles round trip and fight Chicago traffic...



(Oh, and bring money, there's a big tiki raffle!) :wink:

exotica59 posted on 02/17/2005

wow the night flew by! Thanks tikibars for making the night happen after all. Whata treat to meet some of the people behind the names from here.
The All-Star ukuleles were a big hit as well with my friends.
I even came home with one of Lake Surfers' tikis tucked under my arm. You can't beat a night like that.
Congatiki, and Finkdaddy, I hope you all are getting more sleep than I did. 5:00am came WHY TOO EARLY for me today. So early in fact that this almost qualifies as a drunk posting! whew! Gonna be a long day...
Great fun!

congatiki posted on 02/18/2005

exotica59...i'm with you...a great time
last night but the "mother of all hangovers"
today...musta been the suffering bastard
at the end of the night....very sick morning...but a very fun night...great
to see the finkdaddys...esqui and lissette...and everyone!

finkdaddy posted on 02/18/2005

Aloha Congatiki and Exotica59! The drive home was way too long, but made it home safely. I had so much fun with all of you. It was so nice to meet everyone new. It's always fun to put a face to a username, and to talk to you again Gary. Next time I'll make sure I can stay for the whole night, then we can party right!

My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth...

[ Edited by: finkdaddy on 2005-02-18 08:39 ]

congatiki posted on 02/19/2005

Had a great time with everyone at Vics...
thanks Tikibars for making it happen...
never had a chance to meet the manager
if he was there...thanks to him too!
I can't believe the hotel management
wouldn't want this to happen at LEAST once
a month...is the problem too many half
price zombies? We could always toss in a
suffering bastard once if a while if they
would feel better! Thanks again.

tiki junkman posted on 02/20/2005

What a great time those Tabu nights are! I brought my brother and his girlfriend who are from Bozeman Montana. I was the lucky winner of the great Esqui tiki print and my brother's girlfriend, Melissa, was the grand prize winner of that great Lake Surfer tiki carving. Lake Surfer's tiki is now going to have a home in Montana (unless I can talk them into letting it stay with me!). We all had a great time that night. As always, James did a great job hosting such a great event. And hats off to the musicians and the artists that participated.


[ Edited by: tiki junkman on 2005-02-20 10:09 ]

tikibars posted on 02/20/2005

Junkman, your bro was telling me that he might take the print and let you keep the Tiki, since it would be a drag to take the Tiki home on the plane!

Here's some pics of the event (inlcuding Melissa with her winnings!).

![](http://www.tikibars.net/tabutiki/TabuTiki0502TC crew2.jpg)

tiki junkman posted on 02/22/2005

You were right James... My brother Brad and his girlfriend Melissa left yesterday back to Montana (they are the two holding that huge tiki from Lake Surfer in the pics you posted). I am packing up the print to send out to them and am keeping that carving (for now). They couldn't stop talking about Tabu Tiki night the whole time they were in town. I just hope Tabu Tiki Nights stick around.


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