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King Kukulele Presents 1st Anniversary of Tiki Taix on February 25th.

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King Kukulele posted on 02/21/2005

Tiki Taix is one year old and we are celebrating at Tiki Taix X !! (Just say “Tiki Tex Ex”) Taix is a forty year old French Restaurant in Echo Park (which is in Los Angeles) and for one year now it has been changed monthly into TIKI TAIX!

Friday February 25th, 2005 10PM No Cover!!

Otto Von Stroheim! The long awaited special guest appearance by the man who brought many of us our first dose of TIKI! The Editor of the world famous Tiki News will be bringing us an assortment of treats including a look at the beginnings of the Tiki news, the SHAG covers, the Martin Denny video introduction to the Bon Voyage Kahiki event, and a play by play look at the song “Otto’s Odyssey”!


Mr. Ukulele appearing for the first time at Tiki Taix! This astounding talent is a one man ukulele dynamo, he will amaze and entertain with his virtuosic dexterity. Mr. Ukulele plays a varied repertoire including obscure oldies and racie newbies.


King Kukulele and The Friki Tikis will tease the audience and deal harshly with hecklers! Some improvised music and a few more surprises are on the menu tonight.


“Tiki Town”! From the secrets of the Walt Disney Vaults comes a song you’ve never heard! King Kukulele will perform the song which was written by the amazingly talented Sherman Brothers for the 1964 film “Mary Poppins”. Unfortunately cut at the last minute: “Tiki Town” is a song you’ve never heard before and may never hear again!


Hear and see a short video from 1964 explaining the origins of the Kellog’s “Puffa Puffa Rice” cereal, Hawaiian style ad campaign. Followed by the ad itself. Hey-ah Hey-ah!


Word on the street is that a brand new Polynesian Paradise is set to open in the Chicago area and it won’t be long before the Tiki World is lining up to taste the exotic pleasures of the Canoe Club. Here we will take a look at the Canoe Club which was under construction at the time in the suburbs of Chicago.

Tiki Taix starts at 10pm, located at 1911 Sunset Blvd. (at Park) Not too far up the road is Tiki Ti so why not stop in at Tiki Ti for a drink before the show and say hello to Mike and Mike? Tiki Ti is located just 2 miles west at 4427 Sunset Blvd.

Join us for this one night only night one time. We'll be at Tiki Taix 1911 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park 90026 One block north of the lagoon.

tikitony posted on 02/22/2005

Whoa, this looks action packed! I think I might be making the short journey sOuthward. I'm going Kuku for Kokopuffs... oh wait kuku for kukulele! Sorry, I just realized people probably always say that... do they? do you? I saw a movie on Turner a while back and they used your move... you kknow, rubber band on wrist with uke. I couldn't believe that someone actually stole the Doc's flex copasitor, and/or Dalorian, went back in time to insert YOUR move into the movie, claiming it as their own... what gives? If this rain doesn't stop here, I may just drift over... its late and I'm rambling bling blink ...

King Kukulele posted on 02/23/2005

Tiki Tony this is an outrage!! Well I never! I must know who it is that stole my flying ukulele move and challenge them to a master of the chinese flying ukulele toss-off! The last time I was challenged was by a master of the razor sharp poison tipped Chinese flying stars...I beat his ass good! You show up Friday night or else. (How's that for an invitation?)

floratina posted on 02/23/2005

Did you really just challenge someone to a (heh heh) "toss off"?

crazy al posted on 02/24/2005

the King might just toss my NUTS!!AGAIN!!
I broke one last time... a first for on stage! good thing they grow on trees!!!

any one cracks a salad joke and they get the axe........ they do have great clam chowder at Taix, however.

Humuhumu posted on 02/24/2005

Last month was an effin' blast! I'll be there, and I'll also be square.

King Kukulele posted on 02/24/2005

You know folks I never thought things would get soooo out of hand. First its filth, smut, dirt, smut, and filth out of Floratina, then words from Al like "Salad""Nuts" and "Clam" and then to make things worse Humuhumu chimes in with "Effin"!! ARE THESE THE KIND OF PEOPLE I WANT AT TIKI TAIX?? ...yeah.

tikitortured posted on 02/24/2005

I wouldn't miss that $#!+ for nuthin'!!

Jeff Central posted on 02/25/2005

Gosh!! I wish I could make it but it is a long drive from Ohio. I can't wait to hear your version of the "Tiki Town" song. I first heard about it on the extra disc that came from Poppins DVD. Please record this somehow. See you guys at the Tiki Oasis!! Have fun tonight!


kick_the_reverb posted on 02/25/2005

See ya'll later tonight - We decided it has been a while since we served our duty at Tiki Taix, and what better opportunity than this one to pay our dues.


The Honda Civic reclining seat motel makes an appearance again :wink:

bigbrotiki posted on 02/25/2005

On 2005-02-20 17:52, KING KUKULELE wrote:

“Tiki Town”! From the secrets of the Walt Disney Vaults comes a song you’ve never heard! King Kukulele will perform the song which was written by the amazingly talented Sherman Brothers for the 1964 film “Mary Poppins”. Unfortunately cut at the last minute: “Tiki Town” is a song you’ve never heard before and may never hear again!

....and as an added attraction for this number, the KING will be driven on stage in a full scale model of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, exiting the car while bellowing out the song and wearing the full Mary Poppins costume, with hat and umbrella!

(that's what I heard, at least...)

spy-tiki posted on 02/26/2005

Anyone gonna have an extra seat at their table? The wife's busy tonight so I'm FREEEEEE! But seriously, it's embarrassing sipping umbrella drinks alone...until the third or fourth and you don't care anymore

bongofury posted on 02/26/2005

I guess the ASS cd of Dirty Ditties I gave the King freaked him out.......(ASS= Asylum Street Spankers). Would love to show our support in case of a toss-off, but that's way past my bedtime. If I can wake up from my nap in time.......who knows. Spy-tiki, you can sit with us......look for the Hawaiian shirt.

bongofury posted on 02/26/2005

double post

[ Edited by: bongofury on 2005-02-25 19:21 ]

spy-tiki posted on 02/26/2005

Thanks,...hey wait a minute...

PolynesianPop posted on 02/26/2005

Quiet Village with Danny on the Sax..... unbelievable.

We need to see more live performances by the Brothers Moynahan. I really enjoyed that. Hawaiian/Exotica/Hapa Haole with a SAX. Who'da thunk it???

Humuhumu posted on 03/09/2005

Otto! Spacemen! Monsters! Saxophones!



Critiki - Ooga-Mooga - Humu Kon Tiki

[ Edited by: Humuhumu 2005-09-23 15:13 ]

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